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MQM - Political Desk

Analysis: After The ‘90’ Raid, Daily Dawn

Posted on: 6/11/2015
Analysis: after the "90" raid
Three months after the pre-dawn raid by the Rangers on the Muttahida Qaumi Movement headquarters Nine Zero, political prospects of the party appear to be bleak with the powers that be still fiercely opposed to the London-based chief.
On March 11, a heavy contingent of the paramilitary force cordoned off the Azizabad area, raided the residences of MQM chief Altaf Hussain and his sister, the MQM’s Khurshid Begum Secretariat and several other houses, arrested dozens of men, including some wanted suspects, and claimed seizure of arms, ammunition and explosives from the places.

Contrary to the common perception that the Rangers-led operation against the MQM has abated, if not ended, following its electoral triumph in the April 23 by-election on NA-246, almost all local offices of the MQM have been closed for months, its workers are being picked up by law-enforcement agencies on a daily basis and even its elected representatives — MNAs, MPAs and senators — are being routinely accosted at the airport, not only in the departure lounge but at the entrance to the airport by low-ranking officials no matter whether they are going abroad or travelling within the country.

Know more: Rangers raid MQM HQ in Karachi, detain member of Rabita Committee

Some leaders have been told that they cannot leave the city as they are under investigation, others have been urged to dissociate themselves from their supreme leader as “they do not know what he has done to them”.

Moreover, there is an unannounced ban on live telecast of speeches of MQM supremo Altaf Hussain.

Unaware of the exact reasons why the establishment turned its back on them, the MQM leadership is intentionally not making public such things — other than issuing statements to condemn ‘arbitrary arrests’ –– since it realises that a direct confrontation will not be in its best interest.

The MQM understands that although the powers that be do not want Mr Hussain, who also possesses British citizenship, to lead the party while sitting in his London abode, they cannot stop him from doing so as they actually do not have a clear-cut plan to have him replaced.

Many people believe that former Karachi nazim Syed Mustafa Kamal, who practically left the MQM without making a formal announcement, or Sindh Governor Dr Ishratul Ibad Khan are the likely replacements of Mr Hussain. However, the MQM chief had the governor discredited when the MQM coordination committee held a press conference last month and demanded that Dr Ibad resign the office and come back to the MQM fold as a ‘worker’.

And a campaign against Mr Kamal has been going on for months in which workers and office-bearers are being told that whatever development he carried out in Karachi during his nazim days was actually the vision of Mr Hussain, and the MQM has thousands of potential Mustafa Kamals in it.

But the persistent action in Karachi and the ongoing investigations in London force Mr Hussain, who is currently on police bail till July in a money-laundering investigation, to seriously think about his own future.

Publicly, he has told his followers that he will never again say that he will quit the party leadership. But behind closed doors, he has formed a hand-picked team comprising about a dozen London- and Karachi-based MQM leaders to run the party in case of any eventuality.

Once a blue-eyed party of the establishment, the MQM now enjoys both open and tacit support of the parties ruling in Sindh and at the centre. However, it still believes that it is not the policy of any state institution to crush it as a political party.

“All democratic forces understand the importance of the MQM for the continuity of the current democratic dispensation,” says a senior MQM leader, asking not to be named. “We are a patriotic political party, which respects all institutions, but some powerful individuals are against us and labelling us as a criminal, extortionist, terrorist and anti-state group,” he says.

“Our victory in the NA-246 by-election as well as in the cantonment boards local government election further strengthened the democratic forces,” the leader says. “But we know their hands are tied and they are not able to stop the atrocities against us.”

Several MQM leaders are not sure whether they would be allowed to freely contest the upcoming local government election in the province.

“They are not allowing us to collect Zakat and Fitra for the Khidmat-i-Khalq Foundation and arresting our workers for just possessing the receipt books. I don’t know whether we will get a level-playing field in the LG election in September,” says another MQM leader

The MQM is pretty much convinced that a tougher phase for it is just around the corner and the ideal way to deal with it is to sit tight and let the wave pass over.

“From 1992 till 1996 we faced and survived worst state actions. We are ready to face another operation, which would not last too long,” the MQM leader declares.
Published in Dawn June 11
Extra-Judicial Killings In Custody: PM’s Remarks Evokes Anxiety Among Victims’ Families: Dr Farooq Sattar

Posted on: 6/12/2015
The Member of Coordination Committee of Muttahida Quami Movement Dr Farooq Sattar has said that during the function of 37th Day of Inception of APMSO, in a media briefing of Apex Committee meeting, an impression is given that the political and religious parties use Zakat and hides collection funds in illegal activities.
Talking to the media persons at a press conference in Khursheed Begum Secretariat, Dr Farooq Sattar said that if such allegations were posted on MQM, then it should strongly be condemned. Members of Coordination Committee Abdul Haseeb, Aslam Afridi, Arif Khan Advocate and Shabbir Qaimkhani were also present on the occasion.
The MQM leader said that sooner the report was on air, a media trail was started on the private TV channels and once again the baseless propagandas carried out against the party. He said that the allegations had not any nomination but said that Zakat and alms were collected forcefully by a specific political party.
He appealed to the media outlet owners that the report also contained some other issues but the media persons only focused on Zakat and hides collections. He said that such propagandas could harm the reputation of MQM and KKF and also rejected decades of social services by both the organizations. He said that MQM and KKF only followed the philosophy of its Chief Mr. Altaf Hussain to serve the humanity.
Dr Farooq said that Khidmat-e-Khalq Foundation had become second biggest humanitarian organization after Edhi Foundation in the city though it did not have the facilities like 1122 had in Punjab. He said that the Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s remark regarding extra-judicial killings of MQM innocent workers in custody was ridiculous and demanded to apologize the bereaved families of the victims.
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Altaf Hussain Imposes Emergency At ‘Nine Zero’

Posted on: 6/23/2015
MQM holds Fateha Khwani for heat stroke victims
Muttahida Quami Movement founder leader Mr. Altaf Hussain has imposed emergency at party’s head office commonly known as ‘Nine Zero” in the wake of the casualties due to the heat strokes in the city.
All Members of party’s Coordination Committee, Medical Aid Committee and other office-bearers have asked to reach Nine Zero so that they could help the sufferers of heat strokes.
Meanwhile, Mr. Altaf Hussain while talking a number of television channels disclosed that MQM has established “Heat Stroke Centres” in the different parts of the city with a view to helping them in this most crucial point of time. He further disclosed that Water, Ors, medicines and ambulances have also been provided at these centres to meet the emergencies. Altaf Hussain also appealed to the administration of government and private hospitals to allow the people to keep the bodies of their near and dear ones in their hospital morgues as the private Morgues have no space to keep the bodies as the toll has risen up to 1100.
MQM chief Mr. Altaf Hussain thanked Sindh Chief Minister for inviting MQM leaders and legislators at his Iftar Party. He regretted that the MQM cannot attend this party as the party has organized ‘Quran Khwani’ and ‘Fateha’ at the party headquarters for the departed souls of the persons who died due to the heat strokes.

MQM decides not to attend CM’s “Iftar Party”
BBC Reported: MQM is Indian whore.

Thus if found true

MQM should be exterminated.
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There is a long list of crimes that MQM is allegedly involved in. Charges of ‘Bhatta’ & extortion, coercion & threats against those who dare to oppose Altaf Hussain, having a militant wing & compelling Urdu speaking population to vote for them are in my opinion probably true to a large extent.

I have come across too many campaigns to malign MQM during the last 20 years such as such as Jinnahpur during 1992 PA action in Karachi. MQM may have accepted funds from RAW (it is hard for anyone to say ‘No’ to easy money) but I am not ready to accept that MQM is an anti-Pakistan party. IMO only truly anti-Pakistan parties are politico- religious parties such as Jamaat Islami whose leader Munawwar Hassan unabashedly praised the butcher Hakimullah Masood and who among others are trying to replace Quaid’s name as founder of Pakistan with the 8th Century Mohammed bin Qasim.

In my beloved Pakistan, anyone with the different views is branded ‘Kafir’ or a ‘Traitor’. I grew up during Ayyub Khan Era when NAP (old name of ANP) leaders were branded traitors with Bacha Khan living for years in Kabul in exile. On the other hand out & out traitors such as Akbar Bugti who led armed rebellion against Pakistan, is called Shaheed by the media. Only in Pakistan can a President be tried for taking action against the armed bigots of Lal Masjid who fought gun battles with the Pakistan Army commandos!

Mere accusation by a condemned man (Saulat Mirza) and/ or a newspaper article does not make one guilty. In my humble opinion, jury is still out as to whether MQM leadership is actually guilty of treason or not. I would therefore not accuse MQM of ‘Treason’ against the state of Pakistan until such time it is proven beyond doubt that they are.
رینجرز کی جانب سے ایم کیوایم کے کارکن آصف علی کو وقاص علی شاہ کے قتل میں ملوث کرنا قابل مذمت ہے۔ رابطہ کمیٹی

Posted on: 6/25/2015
رینجرز کی جانب سے ایم کیوایم کے کارکن آصف علی کو وقاص علی شاہ کے قتل میں ملوث کرنا قابل مذمت ہے۔ رابطہ کمیٹی
آصف علی کو 12 مئی کو گرفتار کیا گیا تھا جسکے بعد انہیں غائب کردیا گیا تھا اور آج ان کی گرفتاری ظاہر کی گئی ہے
ایم کیوایم کے ہردلعزیز کارکن وقاص شاہ رینجرز کے اہلکار کی فائرنگ سے شہیدہوئے جس کے گواہ درجنوں افراد ہیں
رینجرز کا دعویٰ وقاص شاہ کے قتل میں ملوث رینجرز کے اہلکاروں کو بچانے کی کوشش ہے۔ رابطہ کمیٹی
کراچی ۔۔۔ 25 جون 2015ء
متحدہ قومی موومنٹ کی رابطہ کمیٹی نے ایم کیوایم کے کارکن آصف علی کو11 مارچ کورینجرزکی فائرنگ سے شہیدہونے والے کارکن وقاص علی شاہ کے بہیمانہ قتل میں ملوث کرنے کی شدیدمذمت کی ہے ۔ اپنے ایک بیان میں رابطہ کمیٹی نے کہاکہ رینجرزنے ایم کیوایم گلستان جوہرسیکٹر کے کارکن آصف علی کو 12مئی کو گرفتار کیا تھاجس کے بعدانہیں ایم کیوایم کے دیگرکارکنوں کی طرح غائب کردیا گیا تھا اور آج ان کی گرفتاری ظاہرکی گئی ہے اورانہیں ایم کیوایم کے جواں سال کارکن وقاص علی شاہ شہیدکی شہادت میں ملوث کردیاگیاہے۔ رابطہ کمیٹی نے کہاکہ لوگوں کی بڑی تعداد گواہ ہے کہ کس طرح رینجرز کے اہلکاروں نے 11مارچ کو نائن زیروپر جمع ہونے والے کارکنوں اورہمدردوں کومنتشرکرنے کیلئے لاٹھی چارج کرنے کے ساتھ ساتھ فائرنگ بھی کی تھی۔ایم کیوایم کے ہردلعزیز کارکن وقاص شاہ رینجرزکے اہلکارکی فائرنگ سے شہیدہوئے جس کے گواہ درجنوں افرادہیں۔رینجرزکے اہلکاروں کی فائرنگ کی فوٹیج ٹی وی چینلز پر نشر بھی ہوئی تھی لیکن رینجرز نے ایم کیوایم کے کارکن آصف علی کوہی اس کاقاتل ٹھہرادیاہے جس کی جتنی بھی مذمت کی جائے کم ہے۔ رابطہ کمیٹی نے کہا کہ رینجرزکایہ دعویٰ وقاص شاہ کے قتل میں ملوث رینجرزکے اہلکاروں کو بچانے کی کوشش ہے ۔رابطہ کمیٹی نے کہاکہ ایم کیوایم کے کارکن کوملوث کرنے کے بجائے وقاص علی شاہ کے قتل میں ملوث اہلکاروں کے خلاف کارروائی کی جائے ۔
Bring the case against BBC & let the qar begain , its only way MQM will survive ?
Bring the case against BBC & let the qar begain , its only way MQM will survive ?
I think they are waiting for AH next bail hearing in early next month, mean while they preparing the case may be? It's not about MQM UK government Scott land Yard, Indian Government, Pakistan Government all are in trouble by that BBC story.
I think they are waiting for AH next bail hearing in early next month, mean while they preparing the case may be? It's not about MQM UK government Scott land Yard, Indian Government, Pakistan Government all are in trouble by that BBC story.
Yes but , thats the best time for MQM to hit back at Brits , who are caught pants down leaking the police report to Pakistani media , MQM should strike it down that whole police raid & investigation s were part of Brits colonial rule ?lol
Any way MQM needs to carry the trust it has from it voters , & it should take a solid political & judicial line , with right back up in place to deal everything I call a war ?
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