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MQM Mohajir Rabta Council demands President, PM to declare Karachi as Mohajir Province.

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Pakistan belongs to mohajirs. They were responsible fot creation of Pakistan.
And they were gifted by settlement in a port city and the capital of Pakistan. Thanks to Pakistan, they got educated , urbanized and civilized in the capital city of that time. More economic oppurtunies were/are available to mohajirs in karachi than to people in other parts of pakistan. They came to pakistan , in majority of cases, not with a single penny but pakistan made them big businessman. A chamar in lucknow stuck in caste system since centuries , got new life in karachi and new immense golden oppurtunies to make fortunes. I suggest mohajirs should pray nimaz-e-shukrana every day.
My tribe migrated from afghanistan in times of akbar and nearly got annihilated while conquering present day abode. My marwat tribe fought 60 wars with neighbouring predator tribes in defending their lands and got slaughtered in great numbers when foriegn invaders came to loot it. In comparison to that, mohajirs acquired lands and properties in 1947 free of cost. They should be thankful that native sindhis allowed them to settle in sindh.
Members of Muttahida Qatil Movement can colonise and declare Astola Island as an independent country or they can go back to India.

They can also kick somebody's burning behind very well.....to put out the fire that is!!
I've said it before, MQM's ultimate goal is an independent city state. They hold no loyalty to Pakistan.
There should be more provinces in Pakistan but this is not the right time.

I'll say one thing though: If Urdu speakers (I prefer New Sindhis) are allocated a couple of hundred square miles around a dead town like Keti Bandar (I wrote a travelogue some months ago in this forum) then, by industry and education, they will make that into a booming town within a couple of decade. The rural Sindh is a beautiful land of tolerant people who still follow Sufi Islam. But industry and innovation is not part of that culture due to the Wadera culture.
I've said it before, MQM's ultimate goal is an independent city state. They hold no loyalty to Pakistan.
The only issue is that the flag bearers of Mohajir or Karachi province or Sindh II -whatever you call it- are not sincere to the cause themselves. Like I said before, If MQM was up for it, it could have gone all the way to achieve it. Of course there would have been a clash between Sindhis and Mohajirs but a separate province requires dedication and blood. MQM has rather been using it as bargaining chip. Whenever deprived of power, you would see them resort to this tactic. MQM has never shown the guts to come out explicit in support of division of Sindh. They rather outsource this to their affiliates or sub-arms. And in addition for MQM, the only person falling in the definition of "Karachiet" is the one who supports MQM. MQM will have to let go duality and go distance whatever the cost to achieve the division of Sindh. But they will never do it, because its not in their priorities.
I've said it before, MQM's ultimate goal is an independent city state. They hold no loyalty to Pakistan.

And how a separate province means disloyalty to Pakistan. In India Delhi is a separate state. So are citizens of Delhi disloyal to Pakistan?
My Grand Parents were Muhajirs ... My Father & I am not ...

We are URDU speaking Pakistanis & we don't want a Muhajir Province ... JIYE United SINDH :pakistan:

Speak about yourself. A great majority of Urdu speaking population of Karachi wants a province. Whether name it Muhajir province or Karachi province or Southern Sindh province or Lala land province or Sea View province or Gulshan e Iqbal province or whatever.

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The only issue is that the flag bearers of Mohajir or Karachi province or Sindh II -whatever you call it- are not sincere to the cause themselves. Like I said before, If MQM was up for it, it could have gone all the way to achieve it. Of course there would have been a clash between Sindhis and Mohajirs but a separate province requires dedication and blood. MQM has rather been using it as bargaining chip. Whenever deprived of power, you would see them resort to this tactic. MQM has never shown the guts to come out explicit in support of division of Sindh. They rather outsource this to their affiliates or sub-arms. And in addition for MQM, the only person falling in the definition of "Karachiet" is the one who supports MQM. MQM will have to let go duality and go distance whatever the cost to achieve the division of Sindh. But they will never do it, because its not in their priorities.

Well got to agree with your post. But it is good that you not taking demand of making Karachi a province as a disloyalty to Pakistan. Like many other "genius" members of this forum.
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I've said it before, MQM's ultimate goal is an independent city state. They hold no loyalty to Pakistan.

Border with India is closed, its inevitable soon Pakistanis from other provinces will make vast majority in Karachi. MQM do not want that.

And how a separate province means disloyalty to Pakistan. In India Delhi is a separate state. So are citizens of Delhi disloyal to Pakistan?

Delhi is capital, Islamabad is also separate state.
Delhi is capital, Islamabad is also separate state.

Whatever. Making Karachi a province is a just demand. If someone feels insecure about that then we can't do anything to help them.
Whatever. Making Karachi a province is a just demand. If someone feels insecure about that then we can't do anything to help them.

Its not happening anyway so no point in discussing.
Its not happening anyway so no point in discussing.

It will happen.
It will happen.

I don't think it will ever happen, other provinces may get divided.
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