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MQM is not racist ethnic party proof ایم کیو ایم ایک نسل پرست لسانی جماعت نہیں ہےثبوت

Irrespective of our disagreements with Altaf, we should not fall for conjectures or our pathetic talk shows! One Imran Farooq makes no difference to MQM or Altaf Hussain. To refresh our memories, Afaq Ahmad and Amir Khan, were much more popular and influential in MQM, when they decided to defect and establish a faction called Haqiqi. Despite being supported by establishment of that time, when the 1992 operation cleanup was carried out against MQM; Haqiqi - has failed 0/0 to budge an inch of MQM's vote bank. Recently, Mayor Mustafa Kamal also left MQM. So, one Imran Farooq would have made no difference! MQM is headed by dozens of well spoken representatives, that include Haider abbas Rizvi, Faisal Subzwari, Farooq Sattar, Babar Ghauri, Khalid Maqbool, Raza Haroon, Waseem Akhtar, Iqrar ul Hassan, etc etc. All seasoned politicians. Sensible debaters.

This all seems to be a conspiracy to hijack a political party - as was done with PPP. The Bhutto dynasty REPLACED by Zardari clan. Best eye wash excercise! Altaf removed, could creat divisions within MQM and break it up into segments. MQM maintained its vote bank in general elections and even in by-elections under army. KHI has remained progressive and developed under MQM's rule.

Now what could be the motives? The motives are always international. On one side, we have TTP type organizations trying to undermine Armed Forces, on other hand objectives to create havoc in financial hub of Pak.

I give one credit to MQM, other than the development they carried out under Mustafa Kamal. SInce its inception they have successfully blocked and discouraged sectarian violence that has flared in other parts of Balochistan and Punjab. MQM's leadership has maintained the unity between sunni and shia in KHI. The financial hub has remained vibrant.

Recently, CID officer, busted members of Sipah Muhammad who took training and money from Iran to carry on target killings in KHI and sectarian violence. Hyderababd police has reported they caught Iranian ammunition and gun powder being smuggled.

After recent US-Iran talks, India has rushed to complete Iranian Chabahar Port, some 70 kms away from Gwadar Port. With 200 km roads and rail soon. Afghanistan shall soon sign agreements with both these countries. Iran's Chabahar port transforms its position | JPost.

To undermine PAK's existence, they have to need a destabilized political KHI and unmaintainable Gwadar. Since MQM is in power, they have to break MQM up, to throw KHI's votes to smaller conflicting parties. Divide and Rule.

Understand, how these same international powers threw both Arab Iraq and Pushtun Afghanistan to Persians/Iranians for a purpose.








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MQM may not be a racist party, not so sure about the people running it...
MQM was a racist party and still probably is, it was once ''Muhajir Qaumi Party'' for the Almighty's sake, it doesnt get more obvious than that...........:hitwall:
MQM was a racist party and still probably is, it was once ''Muhajir Qaumi Party'' for the Almighty's sake, it doesnt get more obvious than that...........:hitwall:

if MQM was a racial party and had not accomodated entire pakistani races then i fail to see why the only party in the parliament had been so vocal for the interest of the nation about opposing taliban peace talks?

just like phattu imran khan we would have begged then to not touch our party interest and let them bomb innocent people but MQM let them kill 3 of our MPAs but never bowed before talibans, every day an MQM worker is killed i can even show you the page where they keep the record of dead of MQM workers Martyrs Of MQM (We Salute You) | Facebook

MQM thought that the writ of the state must not be challenged and any organisation which challenges the writ of the state must be dealt with the stick, FATA is not MQM area but it is standing for all the areas and people where talibans have challenged the writ of the state

unlike phattu khan in KPK, nawaz shareef's PMLN in punjab and waderas in sindh, MQM is the only party which has stood for entire pakistani nation and even though talibans threaten MQM in Karachi, still MQM has taken direct confrontation with them

its not in mahajir's interest if talibans impose their laws and rules their version of shariah in tribal areas, MQM has been fighting for a common pashtun cause

any thing which is not in the interest of the state is not MQM's interest, all the phattu khans and shareef are sitting like cowards doing nothing its only MQM which is standing for Pakistan today
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if MQM was a racial party and had not accomodated entire pakistani races then i fail to see why the only party in the parliament had been so vocal for the interest of the nation about opposing taliban peace talks?

just like phattu imran khan we would have begged then to not touch our party interest and let them bomb innocent people but MQM let them kill 3 of our MPAs but never bowed before talibans, every day an MQM worker is killed i can even show you the page where they keep the record of dead of MQM workers Martyrs Of MQM (We Salute You) | Facebook

MQM thought that the writ of the state must not be challenged and any organisation which challenges the writ of the state must be dealt with the stick, FATA is not MQM area but it is standing for all the areas and people where talibans have challenged the writ of the state

unlike phattu khan in KPK, nawaz shareef's PMLN in punjab and waderas in sindh, MQM is the only party which has stood for entire pakistani nation and even though talibans threaten MQM in Karachi, still MQM has taken direct confrontation with them

its not in mahajir's interest if talibans impose their laws and rules their version of shariah in tribal areas, MQM has been fighting for a common pashtun cause

any thing which is not in the interest of the state is not MQM's interest, all the phattu khans and shareef are sitting like cowards doing nothing its only MQM which is standing for Pakistan today

So say they are not racist, but you yourself as a supporter are racist, mind your language and dont dare call anyone phattu Khan, you may have trouble with Imran Khan, that is none of my business but you disgrace an entire race by calling his phattu Khan, I have personally met MQM supporters in my college and most of them were a racist lot, so I am speaking from experience, MQM is one of the many reasons for race driven violence in Karachi, you may support it, its your choice but dont you dare call Imran Khan, Phattu Khan or whatever, how would you respond if I call your leader, Altaf Dalla Mohajir.....Your fascism has no place here on pdf
I have personally met MQM supporters in my college and most of them were a racist lot, so I am speaking from experience

MQM may have racist people but im talking about policies of party here, and not individual MQM worker, i have meet the most idiotic political workers from PTI, does that mean PTI is party of brainless?
MQM worker Umer Khan funeral

MQM worker badshah Khan funeral

MQM Pukhtun jalsa

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sikhs in solidarity rally


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Pashtuns are being used by certain political party for their own benefits and create an impression of pashtun and non pashtun fights, an MQM pashtun perspective

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