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MQM discussions & criticism thread(reserved for MQM supporters only)

Amir and Afaq were bought by agencies to go against MQM, after haqiqi failed the agencies left them alone to rot, afaq ahmed even tolerated jail time for years but agency showed them cold shoulder afterwards

there might be some truth to this of what you say but frankly i dont trust you as an authetic source before you prove yourself who you are, i have some points of the story you just mentioned

so you said altaf didnt know aout those RAW agents that were operating within MQM then why didnt the major talked to Altaf about those RAW agents and gave him prove of what they were and exposed their names as you said those two names?

and why would they initiate the army operation against MQM only i mean, the mess was not MQM specific but there were many groups involved in it

and then i asked you the question that why the security officials who conducted raid against afghan's illegal activity before qasba colony massacre didnt even bulge when those same afghans thinking that urdu speakers had a role in this massacred in qazba colony and so many innocents were dead?

you see the kind of things the agency does is beyond you and me, you think of them as angels :lol: and patriots but its a black water shitt man, they are like mercineries and dude patriotism and country love has nothing got to do with the agencies forget it you are in a dillusion buddy stop dilluding yourself

i also asked you one simple question that why a single army dictator who came and ruled for decade didnt even bothered to eliminate the feudal system of pakistan if they were so called 'patriots'?

the answer is buddy they looked after their own interest they wont cut the hand which feeds them just for the sake of this damn country :lol:

i dont give a damn about agencies and their propaganda and even the army so you are wrong to think if i will believe all your agency crap here?

dont belive, me same as they didnt back in 92 just before opreation clean up?
angels doesnt need to show faces , they need to do thier job, to clean the mess?
doesnt need to prove myself, time will let you understand!
my friend, bt even in angels you got supporters, isnt thats a good news?
or just tell your adress, you will be showen few gillmpses of hell, my friend i, was the part of that thing but i support altaf hussain,s charactor!
at least he said no to, isi money in the bank?right!
friend you think i am here for fun, or you cantbe traced out, if agencies are so blood hungry animals?
you couldbe in a dark container blind folded & && just forget!
MQM needs to transform itself as, a national level party, with clearity in its all levels, but the bad luck is maybe altaf hussain is ready to be inthe opposition, but others has the habbit of remaing in the power?
zardari shb has spoliled MQM big boys!
dont belive, me same as they didnt back in 92 just before opreation clean up?
angels doesnt need to show faces , they need to do thier job, to clean the mess?
doesnt need to prove myself, time will let you understand!
my friend, bt even in angels you got supporters, isnt thats a good news?
or just tell your adress, you will be showen few gillmpses of hell, my friend i, was the part of that thing but i support altaf hussain,s charactor!
at least he said no to, isi money in the bank?right!
friend you think i am here for fun, or you cantbe traced out, if agencies are so blood hungry animals?
you couldbe in a dark container blind folded & && just forget!
MQM needs to transform itself as, a national level party, with clearity in its all levels, but the bad luck is maybe altaf hussain is ready to be inthe opposition, but others has the habbit of remaing in the power?
zardari shb has spoliled MQM big boys!

there is one joke about angels, once my friend referred to trans people as angels :lol:
there is one joke about angels, once my friend referred to trans people as angels :lol:
@Patriot see wht happens with a dam fool fauji, phir yeh log rootey hian?
what a cheap shot, couldnt expected it from you?:no:
but as you hve wish for, here we go!;)
hope your friend wasnt living in pakistan, guss could be converted into trans by angels?:rofl:
wana try tell him come pakistan, but tell him to tell his parents that they should try to find hi. after in MISSING lists? cause maybe he dont wana meet them after like other trans converted by angels just before him:P
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you should watch this

somebody wants to kick altaf out of MQM and install new person?

may be a media ,s political wish bt angels are with altaf bhai? ??cause?
they arent stupid?lol
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Man ek to problem yay hain ke jis pe forum pe jaon wahan saray mqm ki criminal activites ke expert banay hotay, baat main pata chalta hain who kabhi Karachi gaei hee nahi..:hitwall:

Im not a hardcore supporter of mqm, but they will always have my moral support as long as they continue to be against religious fascism and the mulla fraud. I think getting rid off Altaf hussain wont solve the problem although I honestly think he should come back to Pakistan and take control himself instead of being fed lies by the criminal cronies who have hijacked MQM. A lot of old mqm supporters who are "shareef" try to keep away from mqm activities because they know that certain elements involved are in criminal. That's why I think AH should come back and lead from the front, he will earn much more respect and support especially from non Urdu speaking backgrounds. ( I am not a Urdu speaker myself). Widespread reforms also need to be followed to turn it into a true democratic party. AH has been in uk for so long hasn't he learned anything from the political parties here? AH doesn't have to lead foever(or till he dies). He can announce that he will take a background role in the party and hold party elections so it becomes more like the political parties like labour/conservative/libdems. This is the only solution I see. Also they need to get rid of some hot heads who spray bullets around like paan .:sniper:
Man ek to problem yay hain ke jis pe forum pe jaon wahan saray mqm ki criminal activites ke expert banay hotay, baat main pata chalta hain who kabhi Karachi gaei hee nahi..:hitwall:

Im not a hardcore supporter of mqm, but they will always have my moral support as long as they continue to be against religious fascism and the mulla fraud. I think getting rid off Altaf hussain wont solve the problem although I honestly think he should come back to Pakistan and take control himself instead of being fed lies by the criminal cronies who have hijacked MQM. A lot of old mqm supporters who are "shareef" try to keep away from mqm activities because they know that certain elements involved are in criminal. That's why I think AH should come back and lead from the front, he will earn much more respect and support especially from non Urdu speaking backgrounds. ( I am not a Urdu speaker myself). Widespread reforms also need to be followed to turn it into a true democratic party. AH has been in uk for so long hasn't he learned anything from the political parties here? AH doesn't have to lead foever(or till he dies). He can announce that he will take a background role in the party and hold party elections so it becomes more like the political parties like labour/conservative/libdems. This is the only solution I see. Also they need to get rid of some hot heads who spray bullets around like paan .:sniper:

its an effort for self evaluation, im an MQM supporter too, not because of the reasons ou mention but their support for anti feudal pakistan
its an effort for self evaluation, im an MQM supporter too, not because of the reasons ou mention but their support for anti feudal pakistan

Well I have multiple reasons but chief amongst them is their stance against Taliban. I was really impressed by the speech of haider abbas rizvi in parliament when all of our political and security establishment gifted swat to the mardood Taliban.
Their anti feudal agenda could win massive support in rural areas of Sindh, balouchistan Punjab and KPK( where there was once a massive peasant anti feudal movement which was violently crushed. I think they need to put themselves out more of a leftist party and for Gods sake stop giving support jagirdars in parliament. This is one thing I can never understand why they do?
Well I have multiple reasons but chief amongst them is their stance against Taliban. I was really impressed by the speech of haider abbas rizvi in parliament when all of our political and security establishment gifted swat to the mardood Taliban.
Their anti feudal agenda could win massive support in rural areas of Sindh, balouchistan Punjab and KPK( where there was once a massive peasant anti feudal movement which was violently crushed. I think they need to put themselves out more of a leftist party and for Gods sake stop giving support jagirdars in parliament. This is one thing I can never understand why they do?

because pakistanis elect them

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