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Movement launched for united Pakhtunkhwa province

After conference they distribute free niswar...
And I am waiting for one with balls to correct me instead of hurling insults and calling himself man!

You mean candies ?

I agree I called them immigrants and 2 posters (1 was you) already told me about that...I accepted my mistake on that bit and explained why I accidentally did! Because for me pukhtun is pathan is Afghani background...But you told me that on that land pathans have lived and never moved and still call themselves pukhtun...I said ok...
I agreed with you in your last few posts here...Why is everyone still reading that old post and not bothering to follow along "the line of discussion" to see what happened next? Is it a habit to shoot someone first and then ask questions?
Maybe I did...

Bcoz yr 1st post was full of SHIT that after reading it no one s bothers to read the remaining.

Jahil and knowing nothing that how to utilize the resources shit etc. So can u tell me who were those genius who built the dams and roads , etc etc..

1st read and understand what OP posted then start discussing it. Btw sorry for the Fart version its not that bad word coz every one in the world Farts lol
When people run out of arguments they say ..... NOTHING .... as you just did SO brilliantly. I wonder if your nuclear "scientists" are the same way:-)

What arguments? All you have posted so far is bs and brainfarts, typically associated with hindu haters of Pakistan. Keep hating :enjoy:
A province is an administrative division and Pakistan badly needs to break up its provinces into smaller administrative divisions for better governance and efficiency. Pakistan should have 8,9 or 10 provinces with as much autonomy as american states. But i think a reorganization will be difficult. Subdividing is easier.
Not needed , make a new province for FATA , it lags far behind . Put it under direct military/federal rule for the next 10 years , to bring upto some level with the rest of the provinces while try to reduce eradicate tribalism , establish a few proper Urban centres . Then hold elections and let the people of that area decide!
No need to take areas from Balochistan as it will give the resistance agencies a further chance further their goals. Balochistan can be divided like the rest of the provinces but let's not annex it's areas to existing ones!
As far as taking territories from Punjab goes , I say Take all of them upto and including Lahore :D :devil:

You know my Tribal friends don't want FATA to be merged with any Province but for it to be made a separate Province so that it can look after its own affairs on an accelerated basis; plus they think that Tribal Pukhtoons and Settled Pukhtoons are somewhat different than each other - I've never quite understood how....do you have any idea ? :unsure:

I want Baluchistan, Sindh, Punjab and KP to be sub-divided into smaller Provinces for better administrative purposes !
You know my Tribal friends don't want FATA to be merged with any Province but for it to be made a separate Province so that it can look after its own affairs on an accelerated basis; plus they think that Tribal Pukhtoons and Settled Pukhtoons are somewhat different than each other - I've never quite understood how....do you have any idea ? :unsure:

I want Baluchistan, Sindh, Punjab and KP to be sub-divided into smaller Provinces for better administrative purposes !

Hmm lets get couple of things clear. No small province want to merge with other. And no bigger province want to be divided. Reason? In both cases elites in those provinces loss power.
You know my Tribal friends don't want FATA to be merged with any Province but for it to be made a separate Province so that it can look after its own affairs on an accelerated basis; plus they think that Tribal Pukhtoons and Settled Pukhtoons are somewhat different than each other - I've never quite understood how....do you have any idea ?
Don't know about your friends but most of them would have no problem merging with KP , but your friend seem to be educated and the correct way to go would be making a new province. As for how we are "Different" well that is a pretty easy question.
The urban scene is different from the rural one , the tribal areas are still stuck in the middle ages while some of the urban centres in KPK are now progressing/progressive.You pretty get the gist of what I am saying.
Plus tribalism is pretty much dead in KPK but still exists in FATA.
Don't know about your friends but most of them would have no problem merging with KP , but your friend seem to be educated and the correct way to go would be making a new province. As for how we are "Different" well that is a pretty easy question.
The urban scene is different from the rural one , the tribal areas are still stuck in the middle ages while some of the urban centres in KPK are now progressing/progressive.You pretty get the gist of what I am saying.
Plus tribalism is pretty much dead in KPK but still exists in FATA.

My friends come from across the social strata - Some are educated....others are not but all feel a sense of affinity towards KP !

I visited Peshawar a couple of times - I'd imagine that they'd be different than the Tribal Areas but the ambiance still seemed a bit conservative - Hardly any woman walked on the streets alone, hardly any of the ones who did...did so without covering their faces & I never could understand why Peshawar was covered with some....so many flags of different political parties ! :unsure:
I visited Peshawar a couple of times - I'd imagine that they'd be different than the Tribal Areas but the ambiance still seemed a bit conservative - Hardly any woman walked on the streets alone, hardly any of the ones who did...did so without covering their faces & I never could understand why Peshawar was covered with some....so many flags of different political parties !
Dunno which part you visited but there are alot of women out and about , Most of them wear the simple "Chader" or "Dupatta" but there are alot of them who wear nothing ,Peshawar isn't a metropolitan area , heck it's a mix of urban and rural areas with people from all the different backgrounds . But yes it is not on the level of Lahore obviously but then again it's not the tribals either!

As for the political parties well i thought we had established are politicians are shitheads! Leave ANP , PTI had/has posters on every freakin inch of Peshawar with Khan sahib's big mug on it , someone even posted one on our gate!!
Dunno which part you visited but there are alot of women out and about , Most of them wear the simple "Chader" or "Dupatta" but there are alot of them who wear nothing ,Peshawar isn't a metropolitan area , heck it's a mix of urban and rural areas with people from all the different backgrounds . But yes it is not on the level of Lahore obviously but then again it's not the tribals either!

As for the political parties well i thought we had established are politicians are shitheads! Leave ANP , PTI had/has posters on every freakin inch of Peshawar with Khan sahib's big mug on it , someone even posted one on our gate!!

I visited the areas near Peshawar University & would move there and about that main-road with shops and restaurants on its left or right; I think Sheraz restaurant was there as well a shopping complex with Dunkin Donuts ! :unsure:

Now these areas resembled Rawalpindi whereas Hayatabad looked more like Islamabad ! :)

I didn't see that many ladies walking alone or without covered faces; most either had a chaddor draped around them & covering their faces - No Burqa....! :undecided:

No what I meant was that on that road almost every shop, plaza or power pylon had some politician's likeness as a poster or flags of every political party & I found that a bit different - I meant nothing by it....just a bit different thats all ! :)
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