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Mosul Consulate Hostage Crisis (Update: All Hostages Have Been Freed)

This will make our job much easier.

Iraqi Turkmens form vigilante group to counter ISIL


A security source in Tal Afar said that security troops had managed to destroy three ISIL vehicles and kill their passengers.

World Bulletin / News Desk

Turkmen tribesmen in the northern Iraqi town of Tal Afar, in Nineveh province, have formed vigilante groups after militants from the self-styled Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) had seized the provincial capital Mosul.

According to tribal sources, several Turkmen tribes in Tal Afar, 65km west of Mosul, have formed vigilante groups to support security forces and defend their town against any attack by ISIL militants.

Outgoing Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki on Tuesday praised the readiness of "honorable" Iraqi citizens to take up arms against the militant group.

"The authorities should support this readiness and take the necessary steps to put it into action," he said in a televised address.

The Turkmen community makes up some 5-6 percent of Iraq's 30 million population.

A security source in Tal Afar said that security troops had managed to destroy three ISIL vehicles and kill their passengers.

Meanwhile, Kurdish peshmerga forces took over al-Kask military base, around 45km west of Mosul, in cooperation with the Iraqi army, a military source said.

The developments came after ISIL militants had seized control of Mosul, Iraq's second-largest city.

Outgoing Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki said that Iraq had been placed on "maximum alert" and called on parliament to declare a state of emergency.

Iraq has seen a marked uptick in violence in recent months, which the government blames on ISIL, whom it accuses of being linked to Al-Qaeda.

Iraqi Turkmens form vigilante group to counter ISIL | Iraq | Worldbulletin News

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-FSA mean is people of Syria (Sunni, Alevi and Nusayri sections) supported by Turkey and UN

-ISIL mean is Sunni terrorists group (founded in Iraq when USA invade there)

-El-Nusra mean is collection group (jihadist people coming from other countries, Sunnis)

-Hezbullah mean is Shia terrorists supported by Iran

-El-Kaide (Sunni) founded in Afghanistan by USA against Russia in 1988 and they are still active, also which is doing cooperation with another terrorists group in the world.

-Shebbiha mean is militia group of Nusayris which supported by Esad (Nusayris, Alevis and Shia close each other as a section)

I hope it is clear now...

So Turkey only supporting FSA against regime with UN.

ISIL, el-kaide, el-nusra are not Sunnis. They are salafi jihadis, they are a sub-sect of wahabism

Fortunately for us that assessment doesn't hold true because otherwise we'd be in a much....much.....much bigger mess than we are in one right now !

The Chieftains are only human & they can be influenced & bribed & all of those things but if most are getting killed than obviously the bribes aren't working & if most of the individuals from those tribes are fighting the TTP either as part of the paramilitary forces (FC), the tribal police (the khasaadaars) or armed tribal militias (the tribal lashkars) than I don't know how one could conclude that the powerful men from those tribes are supporting them or that there are some tribes who are allied with the TTP !

In the Tribal Regions the System that was in-place was a division of powers between the Tribal Chieftain (the Malicks) & the Government Representative (the Political Agent) & they both used to work under the Frontier Crimes Regulations (the FCR) to maintain law & order in those regions hence why before the War On Terror started (in the '90s) the Tribal Areas were amongst the safest places on Earth with a crime rate much lower than the rest of Pakistan.

Unfortunately after the WOT, many Afghans came to Pakistan to seek refuge & many of them were housed by the Tribes, slowly the extremist elements from within the Tribes & from amongst the Afghans started overpowering the Tribes from within which led to the collapse of one of the institutions of the power - the Chieftain & in time the second institution - the political agent - too collapsed which led to the kind of lawlessness that we see over there where the Tribal people are held hostages within their own lands; now the Army cleared most of this but the penetration of years is still there & extremist fringe elements within the society whether Tribal or Non-Tribal does support the TTP which is why these attacks happen & why the TTP can move from one-place to the other !

Besides its not as if the Tribes are asserting themselves anymore because the whole tribal system has collapsed & thats why within this vacuum you've got such elements who operate there & from time-to-time whenever the Tribes can muster enough support they along with the Army & the FC were able to clear their areas & reclaim their lands; now the problem is emanating from those fringe elements who are either living within or have found sanctuaries in places like Kunar or Nuristan in Afghanistan from where they routinely cross over & attack !

So in essence the Tribes are the Victims here...not the other way around !

excellent analysis. You, brother, should be a part of the think tank here. Glad to read your post and to have met you.

Thank you
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The fact is the tribal system works almost in the same in all ME. the names may change, for example Malicks and government representives were called Khan and Kalantar in Iran, but the essence is the same.
I need to disagree with your post in some parts, but, the topic would go off-topic. But, still I need to mention that the tribal society, makes tribes to be the players of the political game and not the victims.
Tribal society is very complex, and people who live in cities, and have no tribal background, would not understand it. Specially in regions like Pashthun regions or in Jazira(Sunni part of Iraq and eastern Syria) or in Turkmen regions, or in Yemen, ...
Let's continue the discussion later in an appropriate topic ;)
Fortunately for us that assessment doesn't hold true because otherwise we'd be in a much....much.....much bigger mess than we are in one right now !

The Chieftains are only human & they can be influenced & bribed & all of those things but if most are getting killed than obviously the bribes aren't working & if most of the individuals from those tribes are fighting the TTP either as part of the paramilitary forces (FC), the tribal police (the khasaadaars) or armed tribal militias (the tribal lashkars) than I don't know how one could conclude that the powerful men from those tribes are supporting them or that there are some tribes who are allied with the TTP !

In the Tribal Regions the System that was in-place was a division of powers between the Tribal Chieftain (the Malicks) & the Government Representative (the Political Agent) & they both used to work under the Frontier Crimes Regulations (the FCR) to maintain law & order in those regions hence why before the War On Terror started (in the '90s) the Tribal Areas were amongst the safest places on Earth with a crime rate much lower than the rest of Pakistan.

Unfortunately after the WOT, many Afghans came to Pakistan to seek refuge & many of them were housed by the Tribes, slowly the extremist elements from within the Tribes & from amongst the Afghans started overpowering the Tribes from within which led to the collapse of one of the institutions of the power - the Chieftain & in time the second institution - the political agent - too collapsed which led to the kind of lawlessness that we see over there where the Tribal people are held hostages within their own lands; now the Army cleared most of this but the penetration of years is still there & extremist fringe elements within the society whether Tribal or Non-Tribal does support the TTP which is why these attacks happen & why the TTP can move from one-place to the other !

Besides its not as if the Tribes are asserting themselves anymore because the whole tribal system has collapsed & thats why within this vacuum you've got such elements who operate there & from time-to-time whenever the Tribes can muster enough support they along with the Army & the FC were able to clear their areas & reclaim their lands; now the problem is emanating from those fringe elements who are either living within or have found sanctuaries in places like Kunar or Nuristan in Afghanistan from where they routinely cross over & attack !

So in essence the Tribes are the Victims here...not the other way around !
This will make our job much easier.
Iraqi Turkmens form vigilante group to counter ISIL


A security source in Tal Afar said that security troops had managed to destroy three ISIL vehicles and kill their passengers.

World Bulletin / News Desk

Turkmen tribesmen in the northern Iraqi town of Tal Afar, in Nineveh province, have formed vigilante groups after militants from the self-styled Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) had seized the provincial capital Mosul.

According to tribal sources, several Turkmen tribes in Tal Afar, 65km west of Mosul, have formed vigilante groups to support security forces and defend their town against any attack by ISIL militants.

Outgoing Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki on Tuesday praised the readiness of "honorable" Iraqi citizens to take up arms against the militant group.

"The authorities should support this readiness and take the necessary steps to put it into action," he said in a televised address.

The Turkmen community makes up some 5-6 percent of Iraq's 30 million population.

A security source in Tal Afar said that security troops had managed to destroy three ISIL vehicles and kill their passengers.

Meanwhile, Kurdish peshmerga forces took over al-Kask military base, around 45km west of Mosul, in cooperation with the Iraqi army, a military source said.

The developments came after ISIL militants had seized control of Mosul, Iraq's second-largest city.

Outgoing Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki said that Iraq had been placed on "maximum alert" and called on parliament to declare a state of emergency.

Iraq has seen a marked uptick in violence in recent months, which the government blames on ISIL, whom it accuses of being linked to Al-Qaeda.

Iraqi Turkmens form vigilante group to counter ISIL | Iraq | Worldbulletin News

I do not think so... I think Turkey should secure Turkmens in some deal, and leave the region to Isil to crush those North ıraq peshmerges.

That would be easier for Turkey.

Even bdp members try to use Turkmens to prooke Turkey to intervene into Isil thread before the Isil kicks those phesmerges and turn the region into hell for pkk terrorists. They know Turkey will not move a finger for those peshmerges, therefore bring the Turkmen cards to save their peshmerges and terrorists.
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@Armstrong @rmi5
alright guys the topic is about the consulate.
The fact is the tribal system works almost in the same in all ME. the names may change, for example Malicks and government representives were called Khan and Kalantar in Iran, but the essence is the same.
I need to disagree with your post in some parts, but, the topic would go off-topic. But, still I need to mention that the tribal society, makes tribes to be the players of the political game and not the victims.
Tribal society is very complex, and people who live in cities, and have no tribal background, would not understand it. Specially in regions like Pashthun regions or in Jazira(Sunni part of Iraq and eastern Syria) or in Turkmen regions, or in Yemen, ...
Let's continue the discussion later in an appropriate topic ;)

I've got quite a few Tribal friends & family members so I do know what I'm talking about ! :unsure:
wait, why they cal their staff at the consulate back, when they knew they were coming?
I do not think so... I think Turkey should secure Turkmens in some deal, and leave the region to Isil to crush those North ıraq peshmerges.

That would be easier for Turkey.
That seems good, but how can we be sure that Peshmarga and ISIS would engage in a full-scale war? What if they achieve an agreement between themselves?
So @Kaan - What kind of response are we talking about ?

Would Turkish Special Forces be called in to respond to this threat & free the hostages or are the Iraqis going to do that ?

I do not think so... I think Turkey should secure Turkmens in some deal, and leave the region to Isil to crush those North ıraq peshmerges.

That would be easier for Turkey.

Why are those Turkmen citizens of Turkiye ?
damn, where are so many extremeists like these coming from? i am a sunni and i never ever think like hey do, no one in my family thinks like they do? or maybe the they are Wahabi? Hanifi Zindabad lol
That seems good, but how can we be sure that Peshmarga and ISIS would engage in a full-scale war? What if they achieve an agreement between themselves?

I do not think so, their ideologies are so much different.
They are not ...

Then why should Turkiye rescue them or look out for them & not others ?
damn, where are so many extremeists like these coming from? i am a sunni and i never ever think like hey do, no one in my family thinks like they do? or maybe the they are Wahabi? Hanifi Zindabad lol

All of the shit came from the Ibn Taymiyah's mind, then it transferred to Sayyid Qutb, and Muslim Brotherhood, and then transferred to Khomeini followers. In short, this cancer is theorized in the so called Political Islam, and Islamic Ummah.
Then why should Turkiye rescue them or look out for them & not others ?

Turkmens are our ethnic brothers, the rest are suppliers of pkk terrorism for years, why to help? to save them to continue their support for pkk terrorists in future?
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