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Most Afghans want US troops

It appears that the Taliban of Afghanistan and that of Pakistan have different goals.

There is logic in everything! thus we do accept and follow Islam as a prime religion; It's not the religion which injects the wrong logic into their minds but those who are advocates of the non-believers; we will remain to learn the teachings of Islam before anything else! I don't see any logic in your post and assuming your logic 1.5 bln Muslims should now be all terrorist/radical Islamist?

Good response, but why bother replying to that troll?
Most Afghans want any regime that can bring peace to Afghanistan.

Unfortunately the Tajiks, Uzbeks, Pashtun warlords do not see it this way. Each wants to rule Afghanistan to the exclusion of the other. One side is not really much better than the other. Afghanistan is full or tribalism and education is what is needed instead of military action.

The Northern Alliance warlords are useless. They will never bring peace to Afghanistan in a million years of trying. Only the Pashtuns will bring peace to Afghanistan. They are the major stabilizing or destabilizing force in Afghanistan and are the majority. If Afghanistan is to progress, it will be under a regime that satisifes the Pashtuns, and not under a regime that is openly hostile towards Pashtuns(or perceived as that way). The idea that successful puppet regimes could be created in places like Afghanistan was ridiculous from the start.
Most Afghans want any regime that can bring peace to Afghanistan.

Unfortunately the Tajiks, Uzbeks, Pashtun warlords do not see it this way. Each wants to rule Afghanistan to the exclusion of the other. One side is not really much better than the other. Afghanistan is full or tribalism and education is what is needed instead of military action.

The Northern Alliance warlords are useless. They will never bring peace to Afghanistan in a million years of trying. Only the Pashtuns will bring peace to Afghanistan. They are the major stabilizing or destabilizing force in Afghanistan and are the majority. If Afghanistan is to progress, it will be under a regime that satisifes the Pashtuns, and not under a regime that is openly hostile towards Pashtuns(or perceived as that way). The idea that successful puppet regimes could be created in places like Afghanistan was ridiculous from the start.

Very very well said!
They are being protected in the safe havens of Afghanistan, in Kunar & parts of Nuristan; as well as the multiple safe havens in Northern Afghanistan. The outposts were abandoned deliberately, letting the terrorists recapture these areas. Read this article carefully, & you'll see what I'm saying is correct:

BBC News - Afghan-Pakistan border like 'house without door'

Let's talk about facts shall we? The Mehsuds, Molvi Faqir Mohammed, Abdul Wali, Qari Zia Rehman, Mangal Bagh of Lashkr-e-Islam, Maulana Fazlullah, Mullah Nazir & others all have refuge in Kunar & parts of Nuristan. This will show you how the US has engaged in different parts of Afghanistan over the years:


Nowhere in that report says that anybody is helping the TTP, DO YOU UNDERSTAND that ANA is actually fighting the coalition of AT and TTP? Off course those commanders are coming to parts of nuristan and kunar and going back to afghanistan, but we are actually fighting them.
The fact of the matter is that Pakistan & the Pakistan Army has gone out of its way to conduct the operations in the FATA (even over-compensated itself by deploying the troops from the Indian LOC to the Afghan border), whereas Afghanistan has let Laghman, Kunar, Nuristan and Nangarhar Taliban & Al-Qaeda central; not doing their job of tackling these terrorists on their end, abandoning checkposts & outposts to let these terrorists recapture areas; & using their Afghan safe havens to attack Pakistan's tribal areas with impunity, with the blessings of the ANA/NATO Forces.

Man, at least dont say this about Laghaman as this is not true, i am native of this province and i stayed there a few weeks ago for 2 months, the province was totally peaceful and certainly better where our village is, there are some light and sporadic fighting in remote distics which doesnt even affect the province and even that district. And we shouldnt forget that centre of Laghman, which is Mehtar Lam is now under the control of ANA and ANP.
they know what Usa can give to them and what pakistan can give to them;)

I think the title of this Thread was left INCOMPLETE. Here is the Intended version:


Man, at least dont say this about Laghaman as this is not true, i am native of this province and i stayed there a few weeks ago for 2 months, the province was totally peaceful and certainly better where our village is, there are some light and sporadic fighting in remote distics which doesnt even affect the province and even that district. And we shouldnt forget that centre of Laghman, which is Mehtar Lam is now under the control of ANA and ANP.

While things are getting better in Laghman, with some of the former Taliban leaders integrating with the regime in the peace process, the Taliban have been inflicting terrorism in many parts of the province.
While things are getting better in Laghman, with some of the former Taliban leaders integrating with the present regime in the peace process, the helicopter was shot down by the Taliban in Laghman on July 19.

Laghman has been better for many years now, forget the helicopter and i enjoyed myself in peace there. Things like this happen in Afghanistan, so no surprise.
Laghman has been better for many years now, forget the helicopter and i enjoyed myself in peace there. Things like this happen in Afghanistan, so no surprise.

Fine, I understand, but you have to see that Talibanization has been increasing in Central Afghanistan as well, in regions that were peaceful in the past. Just read this (a few excerpts of the article):

Erin Fitzgerald: The Talibanization of Central Afghanistan

Because insurgent activity was negligible until recently, the NATO troop presence in Parwan and nearby provinces was kept to a minimum. Since NATO ousted the Taliban from parts of Helmand Province last year, however, the insurgents have worked to expand their influence from the predominantly Pashtun south to the more ethnically diverse northern and central provinces. With most Afghan and NATO troops stationed in the southern and eastern parts of the country, security in once-peaceful regions has deteriorated, as the Taliban attempt to demoralize NATO and undermine support for the mission in coalition countries by demonstrating the breath of their reach.

Using diverse tactics -- pitting communities against each other in some cases, preying on people's frustration with the government in others, and employing classic intimidation in large measures -- insurgents have seized territory in northern provinces such as Kunduz, Baghlan, and Badakhshan, where they previously had slight influence.

The Taliban's spread to the north of the country has been noted for some time, but the spike in insurgent activity in the central provinces is a more recent phenomenon. It is not unique to Parwan. In Kapisa, which also borders Kabul, a suicide bomber killed five French soldiers last month. To the west, in Wardark, security has been deteriorating since 2009, but attacks have recently been creeping closer to Kabul. Last week, five police officers and three intelligence agents were abducted by the Taliban in the Maydan Shah area and beheaded. The proximity of these incidents to the capital further entrenches the impression that the government's writ does not extend outside of Kabul.
here is the truth.

Rich,waderas, so called democratic afghans = we want usa so we can loot this country

Poor, tribal, getting killed, who want peaceful life afghans = gtfo out nato, you are killing more innocents than terrorists, you made our lives miserable.

that adviser of karzai is a bastard who is destroying his own country for some dollars.
here is the truth.

Rich,waderas, so called democratic afghans = we want usa so we can loot this country

Poor, tribal, getting killed, who want peaceful life afghans = gtfo out nato, you are killing more innocents than terrorists, you made our lives miserable.

that adviser of karzai is a bastard who is destroying his own country for some dollars.

Amazing and true analysis. Respect we should get you on GEo yaar.
Amazing and true analysis. Respect we should get you on GEo yaar.

also Aryan bhai same thing is happening in our own country Pakistan,

Zardari and co are sucking upto usa and letting ther cia agents roam free in our cites.

and awaam hates usa for that reason because Pakistanis are being killed.
here is the truth.

Rich,waderas, so called democratic afghans = we want usa so we can loot this country

Poor, tribal, getting killed, who want peaceful life afghans = gtfo out nato, you are killing more innocents than terrorists, you made our lives miserable.

that adviser of karzai is a bastard who is destroying his own country for some dollars.

Please dont put irresponsible comment if you have the least information. That was not only untrue but insulting as well. Ask any Afghan about withrawl of troops and they will tell you it is not good. We surely and one day want the troops to leave, but not now, as a matter of fact the troops want to leave the country anyway.
also Aryan bhai same thing is happening in our own country Pakistan,

Zardari and co are sucking upto usa and letting ther cia agents roam free in our cites.

and awaam hates usa for that reason because Pakistanis are being killed.

Yaar you are pushing an open door here. Have you noticed americans dont want to remove our leaders even though they do not represent our views
Please dont put irresponsible comment if you have the least information. That was not only untrue but insulting as well. Ask any Afghan about withrawl of troops and they will tell you it is not good. We surely and one day want the troops to leave, but not now, as a matter of fact the troops want to leave the country anyway.

yea yea dude you are one of democratic afghans.

idk know your age, but if you go to school in usa, canada, or anywhere, you will see what they teach about afghans and what they tell us.
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