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Mosque attacked with petrol bomb in UK

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@Talon-I've stated very clearly that i'm not agreeing with this kind of behaviour,i've only said that it doesn't come as a surprise to me and it's a far cry from the level of racism and violence that could happen in a muslim country,and you can't deny this.
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Double standards at its best! Drawing a cartoon=christians killed in their hundreds,churches burned,embassies stormed.
British citizen killed in London=stones thrown at some mosques by night,racist remarks.

Still,they see many similarities.Well,I don't.

Lets see am not sure how you forgot to mention this bit:

Freedom of speech = portray cartoon of Muhammad SAW BUT The denial of the systematic genocidal killing of millions of Jews by Nazi Germany in the 1930s and 1940s, is illegal in a number of European countries

Just denying an event is insensitive, racist and illegal?! Interesting isnt it?

Of the countries that ban Holocaust denial, a number (Austria, Germany, Hungary, and Romania) were among the perpetrators of the Holocaust, and many of these also ban other elements associated with Nazism

Take a look at how many SECULAR countries support this: Laws against Holocaust denial - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

However, no one cares about Palestine, Africa, Cambodian (Khmer genocide), and many more ....

@Talon-I've stated very clearly that i'm not agreeing with this kind of behaviour,i've only said that it doesn't come as a surprise to me and it's a far cry from the level of racism and violence that could happen in a muslim country,and you can't deny this.
@flamer84 its not a far cry....Plus the violence started when the

West funded Afghan to fight Sovient Union

West funded Gulf war

So if the blame is to come it is from the seeds one sowed! However we the east seem to be paying for it for YEARS now!
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"Their countries,their rules"...ring a bell? I'm not sure that the law is that strict regarding holocaust denial.
Ten years ago,in my last year in highschool i was kicked out of history olimpics for denying the holocaust in my country during ww2.I just refused to write something about the holocaust because i believe the romanian authorities didn't perpetrate a holocaust,they just kicked me out of the contest,nobody called the police or prosecuted.In the end ,you can't equate killing of a millions with a cartoon.
"Their countries,their rules"...ring a bell? I'm not sure that the law is that strict regarding holocaust denial.
Ten years ago,in my last year in highschool i was kicked out of history olimpics for denying the holocaust in my country during ww2.I just refused to write something about the holocaust because i believe the romanian authorities didn't perpetrate a holocaust,they just kicked me out of the contest,nobody called the police or prosecuted.In the end ,you can't equate killing of a millions with a cartoon.

I always find this Islamist trick pretty interesting.

They are all so much interested in this holocaust denial law. Not realizing that this is to prevent the recurrence of new Nazis who indulge in similar denial as themselves.

The fear that denial will result in a repeat of history may have some basis after all. These countries know that the tendencies lurk just below the surface and need to be actively controlled.
"Their countries,their rules"...ring a bell? I'm not sure that the law is that strict regarding holocaust denial.
Ten years ago,in my last year in highschool i was kicked out of history olimpics for denying the holocaust in my country during ww2.I just refused to write something about the holocaust because i believe the romanian authorities didn't perpetrate a holocaust,they just kicked me out of the contest,nobody called the police or prosecuted.In the end ,you can't equate killing of a millions with a cartoon.
@flamer84 no you cant....the killing part was wrong so was drawing a cartoon when the ARTIST KNEW it was not welcomed! The worse part was the govt did nothing until their products were boycotted then they were slapped into reality as to not going about hurting other people's religion...
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I always find this Islamist trick pretty interesting.

They are all so much interested in this holocaust denial law. Not realizing that this is to prevent the recurrence of new Nazis who indulge in similar denial as themselves.

The fear that denial will result in a repeat of history may have some basis after all. These countries know that the tendencies lurk just below the surface and need to be actively controlled.

Here is where I don't agree,people should have the freedom to debate/negate things or else dangerous precedents can be created.Many more,in the future will say that their version of history is the golden rule and those who disagree will face prosecution.
I always find this Islamist trick pretty interesting.

They are all so much interested in this holocaust denial law. Not realizing that this is to prevent the recurrence of new Nazis who indulge in similar denial as themselves.

The fear that denial will result in a repeat of history may have some basis after all. These countries know that the tendencies lurk just below the surface and need to be actively controlled.
@Vinod2070 similar laws should be passed for denying Western intervention in the formation of radicalization through western funding! :rolleyes:

Or laws for war crimes conducted by America...I am sure THOSE laws need more attention!
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the killing part was wrong and illegal.
the drawing cartoon part was wrong.
Here is where I don't agree,people should have the freedom to debate/negate things or else dangerous precedents can be created.Many more,in the future will say that their version of history is the golden rule and those who disagree will face prosecution.
@flamer84 debating should be encouraged but not where people are only interested in bringing in 1 sided sympathies!

the killing part was wrong and the illegal.
the drawing cartoon part was wrong.
@flamer84 were this said back then, the killing would not have become what it became when the govt and media tried to justify it as freedom of speech...THAT alone pissed thousands!

And like I said yes,

@flamer84 no you cant....the killing part was wrong so was drawing a cartoon when the ARTIST KNEW it was not welcomed! The worse part was the govt did nothing until their products were boycotted then they were slapped into reality as to not going about hurting other people's religion...
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@Talon-It may sound childish but our goverments can't stop a cartoon from beeing published.They'll get sued and condemned in a court of law.
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@Talon-It may sound childish but our goverments can't stop a cartoon from beeing published.They'll get sued and condemned in a court of law.
@flamer84 that is the funny bit, you guys just can sue anyone and anything even if it wrong! :blink:

However the awaited apology which the govt gave came after boycotts of their products! So, they were capable of an apology just needed a little economic slap?! :azn:
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@flamer84 that is the funny bit, you guys just can sue anyone and anything even if it wrong! :blink:

However the awaited apology which the govt gave came after boycotts of their products! So, they were capable of an apology just needed a little economic slap?! :azn:

Yep,capitalists care about money,if the money flows we will apologise even for what the Roman empire did and we will be the nicest people on Earth:smitten:

Still,an idiot drawing a cartoon,is an idiot drawing a cartoon,it shouldn't reflect upon a nation
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A 'false flag op' if there ever was one..

War memorial vandalised in wake of terror murder - Telegraph

War memorial vandalised in wake of terror murder

A war memorial to the thousands of members of the RAF’s Bomber Command, who sacrificed their lives during the Second World War, has been daubed with graffiti as tension following the murder of Drummer Lee Rigby continued to intensify.

Vandals painted the word Islam in large red letters on the structure and also on the nearby Animals in War memorial.

Elsewhere at least ten mosques were attacked and in Grimsby an Islamic Cultural Centre was firebombed while people were inside.

In London supporters of the far right English Defence League (EDL) who were marching on Downing Street, clashed with anti-fascist demonstrators.

The incidents signalled a rise in community tension as anger over the brutal murder of 25-year-old Drummer Rigby continued to mount.

It was not clear tonight whether the attack on the war memorials was the work of Islamic extremists or by others seeking to exploit the situation to increase tension between communities.

Meanwhile, the MI5 wants Jo public to do its job.. all starting to sound very Orwellian

Spy on your neighbours, says former MI5 head Stella Rimington - Telegraph

People who suspect their neighbours may be extremists should inform the security services because “the enemy is everywhere”, the former head of MI5 has said.

Dame Stella Rimington invoked the wartime spirit as she said the public had a duty to act as the “eyes and ears” of the security services in combating terrorists.

She made the plea as she warned that MI5 could not be expected to spot every danger and that further attacks were likely unless Britain wanted a “Stasi” state where everyone was monitored.

However, Dame Stella, who was Director General of MI5 from 1992 to 1996, said she supported the Conservatives’ plans to give the police and spy agencies the power to monitor every phone call, email and web visit.
Of course, but I am waiting for the usual suspects to insinuate that the "Muzlooms" deserve this.

When terrorism occurs against Westerners, they blame Muslims; when it occurs against Muslims, they still blame Muslims.

You are absolutely correct.
"Every action has an equal and opposite reaction"

Organised Religion Ego = Organised Religion Ego (Stupidity)
Fundamentalist = Fundamentalist (Stupidity)
Violence = Violence (Stupidity)

Human Rights = Human Rights (Great)
Freedom = Freedom (Great)
Respect for all illogical beliefs as equal = Respect for all illogical beliefs as equal (Great)
Laws for all not based on Religious dogma = Laws for all not based on Religious dogma (Great)
Lets see am not sure how you forgot to mention this bit:

Freedom of speech = portray cartoon of Muhammad SAW BUT The denial of the systematic genocidal killing of millions of Jews by Nazi Germany in the 1930s and 1940s, is illegal in a number of European countries

Just denying an event is insensitive, racist and illegal?! Interesting isnt it?

Take a look at how many SECULAR countries support this: Laws against Holocaust denial - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

However, no one cares about Palestine, Africa, Cambodian (Khmer genocide), and many more ....

@flamer84 its not a far cry....Plus the violence started when the

West funded Afghan to fight Sovient Union

West funded Gulf war

So if the blame is to come it is from the seeds one sowed! However we the east seem to be paying for it for YEARS now!

You deny it all day long, and yet you're not in prison. What is exactly the problem? Deny it if it makes you feel good.
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