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More Pakistanis should listen to this guy instead of Zaid Hamid....

Brothers from Pakistan - thanks for all the comments and your stand point.

We wish from our heart that you succeed in making Pakistan a properous and admired country. Please carry on with your ideas and dreams.

As neighbours and blood brothers and sisters, we cannot change the geo-location of co-habitation. Our relations have been great in neutral countries but here unfortunately we could not replicate that in our own countries.

We hope to become close friends sometime in the future.

Till then :smitten: and :cheers:
Pakistan is trying to disturb Indian growth but every they get backfire just because now Baluchistan want freedom as Bangladeshi people got freedom from pak
I hope the choice is to listen to others like that najam sethi fellow. This left wing guy is the Pakistani equivalent of Arundhati Roy - she hates everything Indian, he hates everything Pakistani. Don't list out problems - give solutions if u have any. and Zaid Hamid talks rubbish ALL the time. I have friends who are Freemasons - let me assure you - they don't control anything.
Khajur, the problem with your post is the flag in your profile, not the video. Indians and Pakistanis alike understand the criticism fully when one of their citizens gives it out to them and hate it when someone else does. I am sure this video has been posted elsewhere on this forum and was agreed upon by most members replying in the thread.

It generally seems hard for most of us (me included) to associate our nationality so strongly as part of our entity, despite the fact that mankind existed on the planet for millions of years and our nations have been around for 60 odd years.

The problem not just lies with your flag but with the insinuation that you know more about Pakistan's problems than the Pakistanis themselves, hence you're quoting people out of the blue and shoving them down our throats as if they speak the gospel truth.

It's part of your psyche, it's been there for decades, your ancestors opposed the creation of Pakistan and to this day talk crap about it, your media does the same job of collective demonizing Pakistan even discreetly if not explicitly, it has become entrenched in your culture and mindset.
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