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More India troops in disputed territory

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india and china has very good relation but some issues are not solved yet may be it could take some time but beleave on each other.

ooooh man , i love you , you are the only one the rational and reasonable indian i see in this forum. i think india, china ,pakistan should need have and build a good relation each other, why?? because we are all neighbourhood last thousands years. what's the USA , Just **** on other remote side of Pacific Ocean(Neighbors are dearer than distant relatives). however we are all get some issues on the disputed territory. but need to negotiate and settel the issue in peace, it's not good to deploy so many sodiers to the border , i dont like it !
I did not know Afghan Pakhtunistan is also an Indian territory occupied by Pakistan. Can you bring some light on this? Is that really an Indian territory? Which region? Let me know, if there is validity.

You have understood as per your ability. Can't help you there.
One of the best diplomatic and pragmatic and wise decisions Pakistan has ever made was to befriend China and establish ties with this ancient and now modern civilization.

Our relationship also reflects the past in Medieval times where Muslims and Chinese scholars and tradesmen would share knowledge and products.

Anyways, China and Pakistan must work together to contain this regional aggressor and menace, India.

India continued pursuit of regional bully/aggressor and hegemonic goals are a threat to regional and Asian peace & security. India must halt it's advancement in the territory of others. Or it will suffer continue containment and isolation from it's Asian neighbors.

I suggest Pakistan and China do covert joint physical actions if the time or situation arises.

India is not "Pakistan's Problem" it is not "China's Problem", it is "Our Problem" a regional problem that will require us to work together against Hindustan.
Yeah...yeah...i know......look who are bluffing around shouting for land....then define aggression
One of the best diplomatic and pragmatic and wise decisions Pakistan has ever made was to befriend China and establish ties with this ancient and now modern civilization.

Our relationship also reflects the past in Medieval times where Muslims and Chinese scholars and tradesmen would share knowledge and products.

Anyways, China and Pakistan must work together to contain this regional aggressor and menace, India.

India continued pursuit of regional bully/aggressor and hegemonic goals are a threat to regional and Asian peace & security. India must halt it's advancement in the territory of others. Or it will suffer continue containment and isolation from it's Asian neighbors.

I suggest Pakistan and China do covert joint physical actions if the time or situation arises.

India is not "Pakistan's Problem" it is not "China's Problem", it is "Our Problem" a regional problem that will require us to work together against Hindustan.

You religious love spreaders never cease to amuse.

Anything on topic to add? Some data on what border infra china is building, china's military build up, how many troops near the border etc etc. i too like chinese, but w/o the msg.
I suspect what's going on more India troops on disputed territory. It is disturbing and alert. I think, India is interested in more war than peace. It is really wasting our time and resources for fighting each other for no reason. :angry:

Don't listen to Uncle Sam on their own interests against China expansion.
I suspect what's going on more India troops on disputed territory. It is disturbing and alert. I think, India is interested in more war than peace. It is really wasting our time and resources for fighting each other for no reason. :angry:

Don't listen to Uncle Sam on their own interests against China expansion.

On the contratry, India is putting it's foot down finally to show that AP is part of India. Even the governor of AP (which is elected by the people) is suggesting to add more troops. This is very wise move by India, and it will put a question mark on the Chinese gov't. Singh is finally proving that he is king!!!!
I laugh at Indian politicians keeping using this old and cheap trick to gain domestic iliterate votes.

I laugh at most Indians in the thread being so bigotry that they think after several decades of development they are "ready" to challenge the dragon again (still remember 1962?).

Mind you that the dragon has been developed much faster than you've ever dreamed, and most importantly, the dragon is always keen on peace rather than war.

But make no mistake! Never take Confucius politeness as a sign of weakness. If Indians are still blindly agressive like this, we Chinese will teach you a lesson that won't that be fotgotten that easily for the rest of the centry!
I laugh at Indian politicians keeping using this old and cheap trick to gain domestic iliterate votes.

Well don't Laugh to hard my friend, those illeterate are saying to add more troops in there state.

I laugh at most Indians in the thread being so bigotry that they think after several decades of development they are "ready" to challenge the dragon again (still remember 1962?).

For some reason our Prime minister thinks that he is the King!, Hence Singh is King is what we call him now!:enjoy:

But make no mistake! Never take Confucius politeness as a sign of weakness. If Indians are still blindly agressive like this, we Chinese will teach you a lesson that won't that be fotgotten that easily for the rest of the centry!

What, supply us with bunch of wanton soup!!!:D
On the contratry, India is putting it's foot down finally to show that AP is part of India. Even the governor of AP (which is elected by the people) is suggesting to add more troops. This is very wise move by India, and it will put a question mark on the Chinese gov't. Singh is finally proving that he is king!!!!

Huh? I assure you that CHINA is not interested in war with India. It is not RIGHT reason to put more troops on each Pakistan or China, we will respond it to add more troops.

It will trigger suddenly out of control WAR. Is India looking for lovely PEACE?
China is very busy developing on their own way while Pakistan is also busy on internal problems.

I don't like the West pushing you to focus on China. We will keep eye on this aggressive deployments in disputed territory.
On the contratry, India is putting it's foot down finally to show that AP is part of India. Even the governor of AP (which is elected by the people) is suggesting to add more troops. This is very wise move by India, and it will put a question mark on the Chinese gov't. Singh is finally proving that he is king!!!!

Huh? I assure you that CHINA is not interested in war with India. It is not RIGHT reason to put more troops on each Pakistan or China, we will respond it to add more troops.

It will trigger suddenly out of control WAR. Is India looking for lovely PEACE?
China is very busy developing on their own way while Pakistan is also busy on internal problems.

I don't like the West pushing you to focus on China. We will keep eye on this aggressive deployments in disputed territory.
Huh? I assure you that CHINA is not interested in war with India. It is not RIGHT reason to put more troops on each Pakistan or China, we will respond it to add more troops.

Who is dening China not to put more troops to counter India, but for the Indians the question of DISPUTED territory is answered in force instead of diplomatically. You must keep this in mind for last 60 years there has not been any solution diplomatically.
I have no comment on this matters. It is India's views. okay. Peace out!
Well don't Laugh to hard my friend, those illeterate are saying to add more troops in there state.

For some reason our Prime minister thinks that he is the King!, Hence Singh is King is what we call him now!:enjoy:

What, supply us with bunch of wanton soup!!!:D

Your totally out-of-touch response and pathetic "humour" with a touch of curry are classic examples of how twisted some of you people here are. Singh's provocative military move at Chinese border territory is an exact copy of Nehru's in 1962. From 1962 till now, the first slap in your face guaranteed 47 years of the border peace. This time, I hope a good kick at the rear plus a couple of slaps in the face would be so hard that you even can not distinguish to which direction to crawl afterwards, let alone Sing(h), or your master’s wanton soup. Only this kind of reminder will understandablely knock some basic common sense and minimum dignity out of you fools' crappy brain cells, and guarantee the regional peace of Asia for the rest of the century. Three cheers! :lol:
you want peace ,then get your a** back on the desk,don't expect chinese will recognized the "McMahon" china border which was demarcated by your uncle UK,if you are not willing to negotiate,yes ,chinese will always like war with india.US,UK stand on your side?we are ok with that.you want have N-war ?we are ok with that.we won't give up our land till last chinese take the last breath,yes ,we like war:guns::guns::guns::guns::guns::guns:

N-war??.:crazy: Do you really think you can get away with a nuclear attack with India?I dont think so:disagree:. some people still thinks if they use the N-word everybody else will scare and run for life. for you to understand, INDIA IS NOT A BANANA COUNTRY like u may think. we been hearing this for a long time mate! go get a bath, atleast it will cool ur mind.
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