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More Chinese Navy in Indian Ocean, US OK, India not

You don't need to care who lost the war. I am hiding Forward Policy anyway, but I want to admit about building of Roads in disputed areas.

Thanks for telling me about my favorite site. Can you check who is the author of that article. :rofl:

Strange! Whats wrong with Rediff.com? Must be an anti India site!!

Neville Maxwell=anti India. Now Dr. Wang Hongwei=??

Making excuses only make you look bad!!:smitten:

Strange! Whats wrong with Rediff.com? Must be an anti India site!!

Neville Maxwell=anti India. Now Dr. Wang Hongwei=??

Making excuses only make you look bad!!:smitten:


First of all stop trolling... You looks to me more pakistani than Chinese because I have feel that Chinese don't troll.

You are making excuses and it looks you are feeling bad. ;)
You don't need to care who lost the war. I am hiding Forward Policy anyway, but I want to admit about building of Roads in disputed areas.
there is not disputed areas,everyone knows mcmahon is illegal,china never build any road behind that line in the last decades ,have you see any progress on the negotiation?personally i think it's very likely that the next china-india war will break out,india always have ambition on her neighbor's territory
our approach is not right at all...
the American are fueling the hatred between India and China...and we are playing into their game...after all the yanks dont stay in the subcontinent it's us.
We should mend relations with the Chinese and should look forward to years of peaceful coexistence...our relations should be good enough to let us manage their shipping ways at least in our backyard.The current trust deficit should be dealt with...
this realization is hitting many of our policy makers lately..."der aye durrust aye"
First of all stop trolling... You looks to me more pakistani than Chinese because I have feel that Chinese don't troll.

You are making excuses and it looks you are feeling bad. ;)

I could feel you were hurt, cold hard facts hurt??

And stop your racist comment before you get yourself in trouble!

Now go and get a bottle of soft drink and calm down!!:smitten:

there is not disputed areas,everyone knows mcmahon is illegal,china never build any road behind that line in the last decades ,have you see any progress on the negotiation?personally i think it's very likely that the next china-india war will break out,india always have ambition on her neighbor's territory

if war would have been the only solution to all disputes...we'd have had one by now.
Our standard of living is improving drastically..i don't want it to be pushed down due to a war.
by declaring war...you'd be doing the other powers a huge favor.
at least I am against war.
our approach is not right at all...
the American are fueling the hatred between India and China...and we are playing into their game...after all the yanks dont stay in the subcontinent it's us.
We should mend relations with the Chinese and should look forward to years of peaceful coexistence...our relations should be good enough to let us manage their shipping ways at least in our backyard.The current trust deficit should be dealt with...
this realization is hitting many of our policy makers lately..."der aye durrust aye"

if all the indian politician are smart as you are ,they wouldn't propagate "china threat" everyday as westerns,your wish is kind ,but it can't change the reality in india
if war would have been the only solution to all disputes...we'd have had one by now.
Our standard of living is improving drastically..i don't want it to be pushed down due to a war.
by declaring war...you'd be doing the other powers a huge favor.
at least I am against war.

india is already doing their faver ,cos it's also yours.picture a separatist as religious leader, propagate "china thread "on your media everyday,insist the territory behind mcmahon all belongs to india,china have show enough endurance to all these things,but someday china's patience will be running out
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Every country has its won interest be it US , UK or China or PAK

India always Remember few things,

US allowed PAK to go Nuclear
China Supplied Missile and Nuclear bomb design to PAK

Only when India Supplies Nuclear bomb design to Vietnam will equals this. It take time but it will happen. India will do what china did for India.

oh bhai i think you were sleeping when the US slapped sanctions through the pressler amendment on Pakistan for developing nuclear weapons... :hitwall:
I could feel you were hurt, cold hard facts hurt??

And stop your racist comment before you get yourself in trouble!

Now go and get a bottle of soft drink and calm down!!:smitten:


That was not racist comment. It was no way for either black or white.

there is not disputed areas,everyone knows mcmahon is illegal,china never build any road behind that line in the last decades ,have you see any progress on the negotiation?personally i think it's very likely that the next china-india war will break out,india always have ambition on her neighbor's territory

What you consider is not final solution. Mcmahon line is the final line and there exist no other line to divide the country.

It was agreed to solve Aksai chin matter peacefully, but India found that China is building the roads in same region.

"One of the main causes of the Sino-Indian War of 1962 was India's discovery of a road China had built through the region, which India considers its territory. The road China National Highway 219 connecting Tibet and Xinjiang, passes through no sizeable town in Aksai Chin, even there are some military posts and truck stop places as (the very small) Tianshuihai (4850m) or Dahongliutian (4200m, see external Link below)." link
you know ,we can creat better story than yours,why didn't india's "secret paper" mention the "main cause" but just india's "forward policy",you can write a story then put it on the internet,but it won't make the story real
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india is already doing their faver ,cos it's also yours.picture a separatist as religious leader, propagate "china thread "on your media everyday,insist the territory behind mcmahon all belongs to india,china have show enough endurance to all these things,but someday china's patience will be running out

believe me there are enough educated electorates in India to see the extremist's lies through and through...the present leadership is building bridges through CBMs...the chinese govt. is also pushing for massive dialogues...whether we want it or not...war only weakens.This time in the history of mankind belongs to India and China...we've had almost four decades of relative peace since the '62 war...things are not all that bad...in the near future..within our lifetimes we'd achieve unparalleled growth and topple the world order.
i'd want to live to see my nation being one of the richest and most prosperous...and vouching for peace is not a bad thing.
The world take the names of India and China in the same breath...the question is why can't we?
india is already doing their faver ,cos it's also yours.picture a separatist as religious leader, propagate "china thread "on your media everyday,insist the territory behind mcmahon all belongs to india,china have show enough endurance to all these things,but someday china's patience will be running out

You mean like how Chinese essays propagate breaking India into 30 pieces..that type of "acceptable" propaganda?

If India really wanted to cause trouble with the Dalai Lama,they should have refused to accept Tibet as a part of China.
you know ,we can creat better story than yours,why didn't india's "secret paper" mention the "main cause" but just india's "forward policy",you can write a story then put it on the internet,but it won't make the story real

What secret papers you are saying. If papers were secret how they came out. Saying that anyone who says that he has secret papers doesn't mean he has or what.

Yes, you can write your story, but it won't be make it real.
You mean like how Chinese essays propagate breaking India into 30 pieces..that type of "acceptable" propaganda?

If India really wanted to cause trouble with the Dalai Lama,they should have refused to accept Tibet as a part of China.

no chinese would even know that unknown website if someone didn't try so hard to google a post in that forum

with all due respect ,you guys just don't have guts to throw all scruples to the air and separat Tibet,it's not smart anyway,that's why you creat a so-call "religious leader"
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