Indeed it is right, Social Media is a power full tool utilized by some foreign agents. For this they have cleared environment. They utilize political space between army and Nawaz gov.
So they are able to do, thereafter we had seen how Nawaz admitted the threat from army, this is real gap was.
So what is big conspiracy established by foreign agents. Answered is cleared Nawaz Sharif is a leader of a mega party when considering him self as a target, its mean every individual behaving with some reactions. Public is very naive in this regard what leader said they accept it with blind eye's. Neither they have time to analysis any issue. I personally seen how deep foreign agents attack on our country, even my friend in army branch, and other person from agency try to motivate me toward changing my political views because they was thinking Nawaz don't like other parties and army too. Because a matter of my job i bear several things which are not suitable as per any political ideology, educational body etc.
Just imagine when agency officials and persons from army itself thinking that they cant able to on any political switch until they oath for the supremacy of political party. Even i listen that nawaz never listen to any army personal in real compare to civilians neither trust.
اس سے بڑھ کے کون سی ساذش کامیاب ہو گئی جب آپ کے ملک مے آرمی اور پولیٹیکل جماعت مے تفاعل ہی نہ ہو۔ اور جب ایک پولیٹیکل جماعت اپنے یہ خیال کر لے کے آرمی اس کی نہیں اور کسی اور کے اشاروں پے کام کر رھی ہے اس سے بڑی ساذش کیا ہو سکتی ہے کے پولیٹیکل جماعت شک کرنے لگ جائے
اب یہ ساذش ناکام کی جا سکتی ہے کے اعتماد بحال کروایا جائے اور غیر ملکی ایجنسیاں یہ چاہتی نہیں
جب سمجدار بندوں کا یہ حال ہو تو عام عوام تو بھیڑ بکری ہی ہونی ہے نا