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Mongolian Nazis

LOL Whats next Black KluKlux Clan or Non White BNP members... Oh wait there is this guy:

A Sikh joins the BNP – and another Sikh writes this… – Telegraph Blogs

I guess there are idiots the world over.
Mongolia is in a geographical pickle. It is landlocked and only borders two countries. Russia isn't very developed outside of European Russia and now it seems Mongolia doesn't want to play ball with China based on some deep held antipathy.

I suspect it has something to do with seeing themselves as superior to the Chinese once upon a time (Yuan, Northern Song, and Qing dynasty). It is probably mentally traumatic to see China rise under Han leadership, while they languish in practically medieval conditions.

They are JEALOUS of China's success.

For every Chinese beaten or killed in Mongolia, Chinese in China should beat up or "kill" 10 Mongolians in China in return. You can't just sit there and let others bully you. Bullies will only listen when you speak with your fist. You need a war to end a war.
You do realize that there's 50% more mongols in china than there are in mongolia right?

and the mongols in china can actually speak and write mongol, instead of russian.
These are fall outs of mental incapability due to evil souls of hitler, lenin and stalin.
and i thought Mongolia and China share a healthy relationship:disagree:


History is good to read---you forgot the mongols ruled china---a minority conquered a majority nation---there is no love lost between china and mongolia.

China needs land---mongolia is sparsely populated. Chinese are slowly moving into the empty land.

Plus ethnic superiority of the mongols---of being the conquerers---

History is good to read---you forgot the mongols ruled china---a minority conquered a majority nation---there is no love lost between china and mongolia.

China needs land---mongolia is sparsely populated. Chinese are slowly moving into the empty land.

Plus ethnic superiority of the mongols---of being the conquerers---

Actually it was China who let Mongolia gain Independence so I doubt Chinese are slowly moving into the Grassland of Mongolia.

History is good to read---you forgot the mongols ruled china---a minority conquered a majority nation---there is no love lost between china and mongolia.

China needs land---mongolia is sparsely populated. Chinese are slowly moving into the empty land.

Plus ethnic superiority of the mongols---of being the conquerers---

who is moving to mongolia? we have half of mongolia already, the better half, and no one wants to live there, not even the mongols. there's more mongols in china than there are in mongolia, who the hell is moving to mongolia?

who told you we don't like mongols? chinese mongols are more important than mongols in mongolia. they're completely assimilated and nothing distinguishes mongols (in china) and han except a mark on the identity card. mongols in mongolia are stuck in 1400. mongols in mongolia resent us simply because the mongol on our side of the border is much richer than the same mongol on their side.
who is moving to mongolia? we have half of mongolia already, the better half, and no one wants to live there, not even the mongols. there's more mongols in china than there are in mongolia, who the hell is moving to mongolia?

who told you we don't like mongols? chinese mongols are more important than mongols in mongolia. they're completely assimilated and nothing distinguishes mongols (in china) and han except a mark on the identity card. mongols in mongolia are stuck in 1400. mongols in mongolia resent us simply because the mongol on our side of the border is much richer than the same mongol on their side.

Well, well - I thought I was rude. What did you have for breakfast, freezing? Hysteria rarely buttresses one's argument. MasterKhan was not too far off the mark I am afraid on certain historical broad strokes - except I agree that he erred gravely in reckoning that China considers Mongolia as a place for "immigration".

This is a rather common pitfall for individuals who enjoy maps (a vice I also share). A worldly "humanist" could just glance at the vast expanse of Russian Siberia and Canadian North and wax emotional: wouldn't it be nice if all that rich soil can be accessible to the world's teeming, under-nourished mass?

One, just one winter in Canada will cure all that well-intentioned or mal-intentioned "romanticism" ... unless global warming does what it promises to do ...

Anyhow, it is unfortunate that Outer Mongolia, being a traditionally pastoral society, is in fact having trouble sustaining its own paltry population of 2 or 3 million if I am not mistaken.

However, it's also open secret that the PRC covets the mineral resources Outer Mongolia is endowed with ... a spade is a spade.

Most people know that Mongols in China are the second most well-integrated minority groups - next to the Manchus. In fact they are so integrated that they are "assimilated" as you say. This may or may not be the best thing since sliced bread ...

Anyhow, even with their degree of integration, it is not unusual for Manchu (in particular) and Mongol descended Chinese to feel a certain "Martial Race" badge of distinction over the vanilla Hans - to borrow a British Indian construct that still holds a surprising, although (I suspect) declining significance in today's South Asia.

This is mixed up with Outer Mongolia's post-Soviet "orphan" status and a relative, but staggering economic/political/military decline vis-a-vis its neighbours ...

Lest we forget, these puny Mongols ruled the Rus 400 years!

What gave rise to this ridiculous "Nazi fad" is not a quiet, confident "superiority complex", but a mixed "inferiority/superiority complex".

I agree with MasterKhan that history is fascinating. But when you combine history with psychology, you gain a far more potent understanding on why things are the way they are.
Well, well - I thought I was rude. What did you have for breakfast, freezing? Hysteria rarely buttresses one's argument.

Wow, could you possibly be MORE condescending and patronising? :lol:

This is a rather common pitfall for individuals who enjoy maps (a vice I also share). A worldly "humanist" could just glance at the vast expanse of Russian Siberia and Canadian North and wax emotional: wouldn't it be nice if all that rich soil can be accessible to the world's teeming, under-nourished mass?

One, just one winter in Canada will cure all that well-intentioned or mal-intentioned "romanticism" ... unless global warming does what it promises to do ...

One question: Why do you talk as if you're a character in a Stephen King novel? I.e. Trying your best to sound intelligent, but having it backfire spectacularly.

Tell me why would a "worldly humanist" look a the the expanse of Russian Siberia and "wax emotional"?

Humanism is the rejection of religion/spiritualism and a focus on human values and human welfare. Did you not know that, or was it lost in a tangle of unnecessary words that were plucked out of a Thesaurus?

People who try to use as many unnecessary words as possible are known to have poor social skills I am afraid. It's a communication thing. :thinktank:
You do realize that there's 50% more mongols in china than there are in mongolia right?

and the mongols in china can actually speak and write mongol, instead of russian.

What does your message have to do with the topic "Mongol Nazis" ???
Tell me why would a "worldly humanist" look a the the expanse of Russian Siberia and "wax emotional"?

Humanism is the rejection of religion/spiritualism and a focus on human values and human welfare. Did you not know that, or was it lost in a tangle of unnecessary words that were plucked out of a Thesaurus?

People who try to use as many unnecessary words as possible are known to have poor social skills I am afraid. It's a communication thing. :thinktank:

Well said.

I've noticed oceanx suddenly pounce out of nowhere on below_freezing couple of times now. :blink:

Usually playing with his name, one time, if I remember correctly, he cleverly referred to below_freezing as "Mr. Sub_Zero". :woot:

Now this time he referred to him as "freezing" only. :D

From my (comic) impression up till now generally (not specifically this thread), I think below_freezing sometimes kind of rampages forward seemingly a bit too harshly and oceanx comes on the scene and tries to pull him back a little in his unusually elaborate ways. :lol:

Just thought I'd mention it coz I found it kinda funny. :partay:

:cheers: to the Chinese members of :pdf:
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