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Mongolian Executed For Rape, Murder Found Not Guilty - After 18 Years


Nov 29, 2014
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I can't imagine the pain for his parents. Such a young life taken at such an early age. His dreams, his ambitions and his memories...all gone. I read somewhere that its ok to acquit 1000 guilty people but its not ok to put in jail 1 innocent person, thats the definition of a good justice system.

BERNAMA - Mongolian Executed For Rape, Murder Found Not Guilty - After 18 Years

By Niam Seet Wei

BEIJING, Dec 15 (Bernama) -- Eighteen years after a man was sentenced to death and executed for the rape and murder of a woman at a public toilet in 1996, a Chinese court today declared him not guilty.

The Inner Mongolia Autonomous Regional Higher People's Court overturned the wrong conviction and its deputy chief judge, Zhao Jianping bowed low and apologised to the man's parents.

Xinhua news agency reported that Huugjilt, who was 18 then, was found guilty of committing the crimes in Hohhot, the capital of Inner Mongolia on April 9, 1996.

He was sentenced to death and executed in June in the same year.

The court gave 30,000 yuan (US$4,500) in compensation to the deceased's parents at their home in Hohhot on Monday morning. The court also pledged further compensastion.

Xinhua quoted the lawyer representing Huugjilt as saying a process would be initiated to ask for state compensation since his client was exonerated.

On Nov 20, the court ordered Huugjilt's retrial in absentia after another alleged serial rapist and killer, Zhao Zhihong was arrested in 2005 and confessed to the murder.
Organ harvesting has been cited as the number one reason for so many swift executions, disappearances and botched trials. China has no official state mandated organ donation mechanism yet it conducts the most organ transplants in the world after the United States.
Organ harvesting has been cited as the number one reason for so many swift executions, disappearances and botched trials. China has no official state mandated organ donation mechanism yet it conducts the most organ transplants in the world after the United States.

That's a pretty serious accusation, that the state is killing its own people to harvest their organs. It sounds like a plot from a horror movie...Do you have any references to back it up?
That's a pretty serious accusation, that the state is killing its own people to harvest their organs. It sounds like a plot from a horror movie...Do you have any references to back it up?

There are too many links for me to paste and it will be near impossible as I am currently involved in dunking 3 beautiful glazed donuts in my coffee. Google it and I will give you a thumbs up if you can do it for me.
There are too many links for me to paste and it will be near impossible as I am currently involved in dunking 3 beautiful glazed donuts in my coffee. Google it and I will give you a thumbs up if you can do it for me.

That's ok, you can do it after you have enjoyed your donuts. I am a patient man.
This is a tragedy, I just read the news said, has already begun investigation all the people for this case.and will give the state compensation for their parents, and apologize.
It is regrettable.

That's a pretty serious accusation, that the state is killing its own people to harvest their organs. It sounds like a plot from a horror movie...Do you have any references to back it up?
That fool above,
What are you saying,WTF?
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This is a tragedy, I just read the news said, has already begun investigation all the people for this case.and will give the state compensation for their parents, and apologize.
It is regrettable.

That fool above,
What are you saying,WTF?

The person is dead. He was innocent. $4500 USD compensation is not much. A failed justice system, the only justification for this is murder.
people involved in this botch up should be executed as well......you cannot just get away by saying that it was a mistake after killing someone.
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That's a pretty serious accusation, that the state is killing its own people to harvest their organs. It sounds like a plot from a horror movie...Do you have any references to back it up?
Man, this kind of rumors actually come from a banned cult in China called "Falun Gong". After being pointed out their crimes, including but not limited to cheating and murder, the leader Hongzhi Li escaped to US and create tons of website to spread their "believes" and claim that CCP had persecuted and suppressed them. That's why this UK guy has lots of links. Imagining where their funding comes from.
Organ harvesting has been cited as the number one reason for so many swift executions, disappearances and botched trials. China has no official state mandated organ donation mechanism yet it conducts the most organ transplants in the world after the United States.

It's a good thing that China (very recently) ruled organ harvesting from prisoners as illegal.

China to end harvesting organs from executed prisoners - CNN.com

Too little, too late for that poor Mongolian guy. But the government should definitely compensate his family more than a measly 4500 bucks! Cheap bastards.
It's a good thing that China (very recently) ruled organ harvesting from prisoners as illegal.

China to end harvesting organs from executed prisoners - CNN.com

Too little, too late for that poor Mongolian guy. But the government should definitely compensate his family more than a measly 4500 bucks! Cheap bastards.

That's where China is taking the wrong turn. Organ harvesting from executed prisoner should be mandatory and legal. The main problem is the process that it should be transparent and non-profit. Yes, there will be wrong convictions in any system, but to do away with death penalty or organ harvest because of that would be like to stop eating because there is a risk of choking.
It's a good thing that China (very recently) ruled organ harvesting from prisoners as illegal.

China to end harvesting organs from executed prisoners - CNN.com

Too little, too late for that poor Mongolian guy. But the government should definitely compensate his family more than a measly 4500 bucks! Cheap bastards.

That's just a court compensation. The family could claim the state compensation for about a million Yuan (2013 standards) and file a civil lawsuit against the responsible judges and prosecutors. It's still "cheap" and a tragic lost.
It's a good thing that China (very recently) ruled organ harvesting from prisoners as illegal.

Too little, too late for that poor Mongolian guy. But the government should definitely compensate his family more than a measly 4500 bucks! Cheap bastards.
Well you cannot do everything perfect when you face a nation with 1.3 billion people. The government is improving all the time. For us,it's good enough. By the way, please call him a Chinese guy.
So if a guy gets the capital punishment can he appeal in a higher court or that is taken as a final verdict???
Also is D.N.A admissible as evidence in China??
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