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‘Moment of truth is near:’ Israeli Air Force set to attack Iran

To quote a famous Lollywood hero Maula Jat: "Sonyaa, nawaan aayaan ey?"

You must be new around here. This is just one of many rampantly anit-US comments you will see in most threads on PDF. Better toughen up! :D

Certainly softened you and put you in your place.
Good thing that there are many hyenas in and outside of Iran to finish the job.

Regarding inside forces: Regime change happened before in Iran, and it certainly didn't improve their outlook vis-a-vis the USA and Israel.

Regarding outside forces: I don't see any country with land borders to Iran who could cow them down.
To quote a famous Lollywood hero Maula Jat: "Sonyaa, nawaan aayaan ey?"

You must be new around here. This is just one of many rampantly anit-US comments you will see in most threads on PDF. Better toughen up! :D

Thanks for the 'update'. What does Sonyaa, nawaan aayaan ey mean, anyways? Just out of curiosity's sake. ;)
Understood. Thanks for clarifying your case.

Thanks for the sane response - one must appreciate no one wants hostility and war in the region. I think we can all agree this region has seen enough activity of this nature. The only country that is hell bound on attacking Iran is of course Israel. Even the U.S.A. have been put under tremendous pressure by the zionists to strike but thankfully see the sense of what an attack on Iran would do for world peace.
Settle our differences peacefully and move forward.
When you joined this site, you must have seen the name "Pakistani Defence Forum".

Not exactly the best place to be, for people with pro-USA views.

I expected balanced views, thank God there are a considerable amount of posters here (American, Chinese, Pakistani, Indian etc) who are well-balanced and are capable of an intellectual discourse.

That said, pleasure to meet you.
I vehemently oppose such unwarranted remark towards the US.

Agreed. We all want a diplomatic solution to this debacle. If one can evade war through diplomacy, then all resources should be exhausted for that purpose. Military action should only be considered in the case that : 1) US interests are attacked , 2) Diplomacy fails.

maybe you should stop dropping depleted uranium in iraq, afghanistan and libya where children are being born without skulls and 3 eyes and completely disfigured limbs.
not to mention agent orange in vietnam and union carbide disaster in india where millions of lives have been ruined because of america. and again where thousands of vietnamese and indian children being born completely disfigured.
then the world might think america more than a bunch of sick bloodthirsty monsters.

Fallujah, Iraq, Europe, Depleted Uranium, Cancer Birth Defects, 2012 - YouTube
Thanks for the sane response - one must appreciate no one wants hostility and war in the region. I think we can all agree this region has seen enough activity of this nature. The only country that is hell bound on attacking Iran is of course Israel. Even the U.S.A. have been put under tremendous pressure by the zionists to strike but thankfully see the sense of what an attack on Iran would do for world peace.
Settle our differences peacefully and move forward.

I agree with you, peace should be maintained and secured diplomatically. All resources should be expended into maintain and secure peace through diplomacy.

That said, pleasure to make your acquaintance here.
I agree with you, peace should be maintained and secured diplomatically. All resources should be expended into maintain and secure peace through diplomacy.

That said, pleasure to make your acquaintance here.

and the pleasure is returned! Be warned there are lots of different opinions and views on here - not always agreeing - some hostile and some peaceful views.Just get ready to rumble!
Welcome to our pleasure dome dude....
maybe you should stop dropping depleted uranium in iraq, afghanistan and libya where children are being born without skulls and 3 eyes and completely disfigured limbs.
not to mention agent orange in vietnam and union carbide disaster in india where millions of lives have been ruined because of america. and again where thousands of vietnamese and indian children being born completely disfigured.
then the world might think america more than a bunch of sick bloodthirsty monsters.

Fallujah, Iraq, Europe, Depleted Uranium, Cancer Birth Defects, 2012 - YouTube

Any unintentional losses are unfortunate ; any damage committed towards civilians unintentionally is regrettable. I personally am saddened to hear stories of such war-related genetic aberration. However, no nation is perfect. No nation is free from making mistakes.
I expected balanced views, thank God there are a considerable amount of posters here (American, Chinese, Pakistani, etc) who are well-balanced and are capable of an intellectual discourse.

PDF is probably the last place on the internet, to get balanced views towards the USA.

That said, pleasure to meet you.

Likewise. :wave:
and the pleasure is returned! Be warned there are lots of different opinions and views on here - not always agreeing - some hostile and some peaceful views.Just get ready to rumble!
Welcome to our pleasure dome dude....

Thanks, Bro! So far, I like the dynamic here. Pretty intense, but worldly. lol.

See you in the boards. :tup:
What's wrong with AIPAC?

They subvert American democracy

When you joined this site, you must have seen the name "Pakistani Defence Forum".

Not exactly the best place to be, for people with pro-USA views.

They are so silly they kill our soldiers and their President wont appologise and they come on here expecting garlands of flowers

maybe you should stop dropping depleted uranium in iraq, afghanistan and libya where children are being born without skulls and 3 eyes and completely disfigured limbs.
not to mention agent orange in vietnam and union carbide disaster in india where millions of lives have been ruined because of america. and again where thousands of vietnamese and indian children being born completely disfigured.
then the world might think america more than a bunch of sick bloodthirsty monsters.

Fallujah, Iraq, Europe, Depleted Uranium, Cancer Birth Defects, 2012 - YouTube

Spanking mate you have style lol
If you look at the history you will see that most of empires ended up by a stupid mistake or by waging a war , attacking Iran could be the American one . Only simpleton folks think a country like Iran will be only a witness duration of war .
Current world geopolitical situation is vastly different from the age of Empires in past.

US defence industry is an enormous money making machine. Wars are needed to support it. Do not confuse US with USSR. The latter (Empire) broke because of revolutionary ideas and failed economic plans from within.

You guys think that WOT is messy? Check Vietnam then. 58000 US soldiers dead and over 100,000 wounded. And I am not even talking about equipment based losses.

Let us face the reality: Iran has got lot more to loose from this war because its infrastructure will be hit hard. And Israeli defensive capabilities are also being underestimated here.
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