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Mohammed Morsi Annuls Constitutional Amendment That Would Have Expanded His

You know SA is the biggest American ally in gulf right? You know it has supported sectarian forces everywhere (along with Iran) right?
Really? I don't dislike Saudis I mean we have decent relations with them, but seriously doubt people of Pakistan would like that system in your country. That's what Iranis and many Pakistanis in PDF call Wahabi forces right? And women can't drive?
Also, no mazars. If somebody tries to implement that system in Pakistan, it will divide the people dangerously. And I know many Pakistanis in PDF will agree.
But you didn't answer the other question about Afghanistan. Was that Shariah?

Afghanistan was run by terrorists Taliban who were illiterates about Islam and sharia, they didnt had Islamic education nor they know Arabic, as a majority true Muslim nation we should have sharia, under sharia minorities have equal rights how?? Muhammad pbuh said those who disrespect minorities, treat them unequally or destroy their place of worship is not among Muslims. Women also have equal rights, Muhammads wife was a business woman used to trade goods, they should have education and allowed to work. Sharia doesn't ban women driving cars or planes, there were no cars when sharia law came, banning women from cars is wrong. We in Pakistan want a soften sharia.
The Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood is not playing its cards smartly....

15th will be important day, as that is when they are supposed to decide on new Constitution --though it may be delayed further
How is that equal rights to minorities? What is non muslims use the same logic and say our nation was NOT formed on the basis of Islam and hence Muslims should NOT occupy the top post.
That's ridiculous right? Any post or position should be merit based. Otherwise, why even allow minorities to live in your country. It was formed for them?

If that's the case then I say that why did jinnah and Muslims struggle to obtain a new state for Muslims, why? A few minorities left doesn't make a different. Then we should have lived with India?? 97.5 % are Muslims in Pakistan. A head of state cannot be a Hindu or Christian. It's all against our land, the nation and struggle to obtain it and religion.
Pakistan was supposedly formed to protect the minorities of India.
And look how some of those minorities are behaving on becoming the majority.
Today you say, majority are Muslims so no Non Muslims in higher posts. Tomorrow some will say no Shia in higher posts, then no Barelvi in higher posts etc. Extremism will keep changing clothes, from communalism to sectarianism, to provincialism etc etc.
Look what kind of society extremism has turned Afghanistan to.
Also, in SA minorities are not allowed to practice their religion. Items and articles belonging to religions other than Islam are prohibited. These include Bibles, crucifixes, statues, carvings, items with religious symbols, and others. If that is the system you want, then why are talking about any kind of rights or recognition for minorities? No non Muslim can be an SA citizen.
So that's Shariah? And that's what you want. Thankfully, most Pakistanis don't want it yet.
If that's the case then I say that why did jinnah and Muslims struggle to obtain a new state for Muslims, why? A few minorities left doesn't make a different. Then we should have lived with India?? 97.5 % are Muslims in Pakistan. A head of state cannot be a Hindu or Christian. It's all against our land, the nation and struggle to obtain it and religion.

Afghanistan was run by terrorists Taliban who were illiterates about Islam and sharia, they didnt had Islamic education nor they know Arabic, as a majority true Muslim nation we should have sharia, under sharia minorities have equal rights how?? Muhammad pbuh said those who disrespect minorities, treat them unequally or destroy their place of worship is not among Muslims. Women also have equal rights, Muhammads wife was a business woman used to trade goods, they should have education and allowed to work. Sharia doesn't ban women driving cars or planes, there were no cars when sharia law came, banning women from cars is wrong. We in Pakistan want a soften sharia.
What is the punishment for conversion in Shariah? IF a Muslim wants to become a Christian or Hindu and converts will he be killed?
That's what makes us different from India or else jinnahs urge for a Muslim nation and two nation theory are wrong.

Two nation theory is indeed wrong and got so proved on numerous facets. However Pakistan exists today and if today it cannot guarantee absolute equality between its citizens then it doesn't deserve the title of a modern state.
This thread is about Egypt. Please restrict your comments to events in Egypt.
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