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Modi's 'Mad Dog Posture' - Credible threat or a populist farce?

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It doesn't matter anyway. Like I said, that's not how the system works, and I think this "Eric Meyer", despite being a foreigner can understand such a simple fact. Hence the attempt to muddy the water.

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It's impossible, that's just not how the system works.

The incursion attempt looks to have been a misunderstanding. Independent sources do confirm there were 1000 soldiers along the border with heavy equipment but they were meant to support some road construction work. BSF in India interpreted this as an attempted aggression and they fielded their own men.

Modi then requested this not happen during the high level talk and Jinping agreed and asked his troops to withdraw. That's it. Media on both sides have sensationalized the event.

Where is Modi's mad dog posture in this?
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It doesn't matter anyway. Like I said, that's not how the system works, and I think this "Eric Meyer", despite being a foreigner can understand such a simple fact. Hence the attempt to muddy the water.

Agreed. Xi Jinping is the most powerful Chinese leader (in terms of political capital and being able to implement his economic plans) since Deng Xiaoping. The fact that he can and has gone after corrupt politburo members means he has *more* control over the PLA, not less because only someone completely sure of his position would even contemplate tackling such high level corruption cases.
Modi is fanning religious extremism by doing such type of acts, and these act will engulf him internally not externally. Outsider will just watch his party self destruction mode. ....Now wonder Congress under Monica is bunch of good businessmen and know well how to track geopolitical situation in right direction.

Well Modi need to be Modified into human being, He is dealing with Whole India not CM of Gujrat.
I don't know enough about the shady workings of the Chinese state to give you an informed answer to that question sir. But to be honest it is irrelevant, if Xi Jinxing has the control of the military like you say and he is the one who gave the orders, fine, so be it. Just like the Pakistanis have been doing from the eve of Modi's inauguration (with the Herat attack in Afghanistan) to now, the Chinese are probing the Indian Govt to see where the new boundaries/red lines are. Fair enough, whatever, act like petulant children who don't have to answer to your people- that is up to your leadership, the Indian government can't be held accountable for such shenanigans.

One way or another China is better off having cordial ties with India, any imbecile can see that. If, however, you want to join your friends in Pakistan in a little fantasy world where you can push and push India and expect no response, I'm sure India will have an answer for you too.

Modi is already working on a "plan B"- that bear hug with Abe and summit with Obama said it all.

Hope for the best, prepare for the worst would appear to be the signals coming out of the PMO in Delhi.

This is just this idiot's take on the matter.

There is another, much more likely scenario.

I'm sure you have seen the analysis on Modi's "new assertive posture" with regards to border issues. He has something to prove (or he has to at least answer Congress attacks on him), that he is not "as weak" as Congress was.

Modi also sent the Indian President to visit Vietnam, right on the eve of Xi Jinping's visit to India. Coincidence, I doubt it. Then, he refused to support the "One China" policy in a joint-statement, they ended up having to give separate statements.

This looks like a very deliberate planned policy to insult our leader on his visit to India, and the border clash would be the icing on the cake. Why? To prove he is "not as weak" as Congress was.

I'll ignore the "Eleven Jumping" thing since that was obviously a mistake by a news anchor, not deliberate like the ones above.
Modi will really struggle leading India, tbh did anyone see mushraffs warning damn
Agreed. Xi Jinping is the most powerful Chinese leader (in terms of political capital and being able to implement his economic plans) since Deng Xiaoping. The fact that he can and has gone after corrupt politburo members means he has *more* control over the PLA, not less because only someone completely sure of his position would even contemplate tackling such high level corruption cases.

You're right. :tup:

Maybe more powerful than even Deng Xiaoping.

I'd say Xi Jinping has consolidated his power in the Chinese Government better than any leader apart from Mao himself.

And it's good. That's exactly what we need, stability and reform.
He has certainly proven that he is an untrustworthy demagogue.
By this statement, you imply that maybe Manmohan Singh was 'trustworthy'.
For you to be an effective analyst.

Consider it this way - what did India gain by having a PM like Manmohan Singh that Pakistan found 'trustworthy'.

The answer: Nothing.
So why not try something different.
So you were not curious that a Chinese nationalist like myself, and a Pakistani nationalist like Horus, were both supporting Modi?

Think about it for more than a second. :P

We are nationalists, that means we look out for the interests of our own country FIRST.

Believing that we were somehow looking out for India's interests is a bit naive, don't you think? In fact, it is quite ludicrous. The only reason we would support Modi is for the interests of our own country, not India.

Modi can bring us profits/business while smashing the very foundation of the Indian Union, weakening India's power and giving us more opportunities at the border. Nobody could attack the foundations of the Indian Union in the way that Modi's rise could possibly have done. Or start India on the inevitable path to Partition 2.0. No foreigner in the world could have done it.

All we could do is hope you guys elect Modi, and you did. :enjoy:

I have asked you this question in the past. I am going to 'respectfully' ask you again!

Is there any basis for your assertions that
1. "Modi is a mass-murderer"
2. "Indian muslims want another partition"
3. "Modi ordered ceasefire violations across LOC"
4. "Modi asked troops to intrude into an undisputed Chinese territory"

You must not forget that:
1. Given all the motivation of his political rivals to 'hang' him if they could, they could not even prevent his name getting cleared of all charges from the highest court in India -- forget conviction.
2. There are constituencies and states in India where BJP couldn't have won without some support from Muslims (perhaps shia/ahmedi minorities or even sunnis).

Do you think that all muslims all hate India and can't wait to get out of it? Not only are they as patriotic as any other group, they have also seen an example of how a newly formed country which is based on religion, will fair!

Finally, let me for a second, suppose that there is another partition based on religion, then what? Do you know its consequences?

The blood bath that will ensue will dwarf anything the whole humanity has ever seen, anywhere!

Are you wishing for such a genocide on another country?

Because if you are, you are already admitting of your own genocidal tendencies that you are accusing Modi of.
When Indian Muslims buy out of the idea of India, then another Partition will be inevitable.

As you type, chinese army is sending divisions into Xinjiang to brutally suppress and kill uighyur MUSLIMS. Chances of your wish happening is so less, you do not even have an idea.
If our enemies are saying such stuff against Modi, then be assured that Modi has been doing something right. Modi is not a Maun-Mohan.

We ALL are standing behind him while does it. While whining continues...
How should Pakistan calculate Modi's 'Mad Dog Posture' ?

As we're at it, he's trying to fan jingoism among his electorate during polls. Bashing Pakistan with 'trigger diplomacy' has worked historically well. Just start a flame war accusing Pakistan of imaginary border violations and supporting Kashmiris...the next thing you'll know is that those who can't even have a palmful of boiled rice and thin dal too would pick up their unwashed dhotis and get high on jingoism.

That is all understood. He is a mass murderer who's comfy with a bloodbath, he is an Islamophobic nutbag and a product of Hindutva ideology which seeks a mythical kingdom he plans to rule while riding a cow.

On the other hand are his real world limitations. He runs the only country in the world geographically locked between two nuclear armed enemies which are allied to each other. A weakening economy, a limit on the use of conventional military force and an almost complete string of pearls.

The question is...if Modi's policy towards Pakistan is going to earn him any more cookies than jingoistic hoo ha and populist votes?

If he commits aggression against Pakistan, either covertly or overtly...what should be our response to restrain him?

What does this mean for China and its interests in Pakistan and the region?


Modi merely mirrors what all of India has felt , the unsure UPA Govt was on weak ground politically hence may have given the incorrect impression that this is not how most Indians feel.

What has Modi done so far ? He has merely allowed the Border Defence Forces to retailate at will and more than that - do their job ! Those in Khaki in Pak have for decades shown their single mindedness of ' doing their job' so whats new ? Kargil is an example.

I wish Pak posters would stop pre fixing Nuclear power to their names. Their country is being torn apart from within and any number of nukes cannot save them from the much greater enemy within quite like being a nuclear power did not help USSR.

The fear in Pakistan is palpable.

As regards being an Islamophobic wonder if its been noticed - the whole civilised world is. For when you live in a world where virtually all problems come from followers of one sect who have a single minded approach of being anti progress one needs to take precautions. Canada & Australia have felt the first few pricks too.

Why are you making silly remarks like palm ful of rice etc ? Did not your PM declare that your nation would eat grass but obtain a Nuke ? Well, now that you have nukes , how will it help against a suicide bomber or Drone ?

I think improved Sino-Pakistani cooperation is one vital aspect of this puzzle. I believe 1962 was a huge wasted opportunity (due to the pro-US policies of Ayub Khan), but was certainly not the last opportunity.

Unfortunately most of that coordination is happening behind closed doors, so can't be a part of our discussion.

Modi is going to make the same mistake that Nehru did, of overstretching himself. The question is, when Modi inevitably makes that one big mistake (Forward policy 2.0), will we be there to catch him? And how will we deal with the aftermath.

Modi's tendencies are directed at Indian Muslims, he has no such leverage over Chinese or Pakistani citizens, and both countries are very much able to pay him back in kind. As we have seen during the last Pakistan-India border incident over the LOC, with Modi declaring "We taught them a lesson"... only for artillery fire to resume the next day. :lol:

In fact we have seen Modi fall flat on his face (what we call 仆街 in Cantonese) twice already. First with the so-called "Chinese incursion" during Xi Jinping's visit to India, which India tried to pass off as some disconnect between the CPC and the PLA, which any Chinese person knows is pure BS. Xi Jinping has consolidated his power base in the CPC and the PLA to an extent that has not been seen in the last few decades, just check for the name Xu Caihou to see an example.

The second was with his claim to have "taught a lesson" to Pakistan, only to have firing resume the next day. He is stretching the limits of his capabilities, and when he finds out that returning India to 8%+ growth is impossible, he will have to find another way to consolidate his political capital. This could turn into a Hitler-like (or Modi-like) situation, and we know how that turned out.

Luckily for us, China and Pakistan combined are vastly more powerful than India, by multiple times. Modi's foolishness could turn into a huge opportunity to solve the border issue, once and for all.

War is of course the worst case scenario, but Indian policy may leave us with no choice, like it did with the Forward Policy. And we must be prepared for a repeat of the same.

When was the last time two nation ganged up militarily against another outside the UN and the world stood by & watched ?

If you both have stopped giving +ve rating to each other we could get along with this forum.
I think improved Sino-Pakistani cooperation is one vital aspect of this puzzle. I believe 1962 was a huge wasted opportunity (due to the pro-US policies of Ayub Khan), but was certainly not the last opportunity.

LOL. Your pusillanimity in 1971 cost them Half of their country. Americans at least saved the other half by sending the 7th fleet. Where were you guys? History is going to repeat itself and I am 100% sure that you people will be found wanting. Remember I said that when it happens.

All this nice nice talks of making our western neighbors feel good is great but tell me when have you people ever shed blood for the Islamic State of Pakistan in the last 65 years.
How should Pakistan calculate Modi's 'Mad Dog Posture' ?

As we're at it, he's trying to fan jingoism among his electorate during polls. Bashing Pakistan with 'trigger diplomacy' has worked historically well. Just start a flame war accusing Pakistan of imaginary border violations and supporting Kashmiris...the next thing you'll know is that those who can't even have a palmful of boiled rice and thin dal too would pick up their unwashed dhotis and get high on jingoism.

That is all understood. He is a mass murderer who's comfy with a bloodbath, he is an Islamophobic nutbag and a product of Hindutva ideology which seeks a mythical kingdom he plans to rule while riding a cow.

On the other hand are his real world limitations. He runs the only country in the world geographically locked between two nuclear armed enemies which are allied to each other. A weakening economy, a limit on the use of conventional military force and an almost complete string of pearls.

The question is...if Modi's policy towards Pakistan is going to earn him any more cookies than jingoistic hoo ha and populist votes?

If he commits aggression against Pakistan, either covertly or overtly...what should be our response to restrain him?

What does this mean for China and its interests in Pakistan and the region?


Modi was, is and will remain a mad dog, but not so mad that he doesn't know not to mess with us.
When we as a nation are divided in small groups for personal interests, feel no shame in insulting our own government and institutions, disobey the law, create law and order situation and criticize every government move, we tell the world come and kick our ***. In such times even the coward scums like modi become lions.

We as a nation need some detailed introspection, step back for a moment and see what's happening around the world, specially in our neighbourhood. more than a billion Indians, living in 22 provinces, speaking hundreds of different languages and thousands of dialects got together and elected a known racist criminal and mass murderer because they thought he would be good for the nation. And what do we do? we get together in the capital to make the government and the country even weaker.

As the saying goes, when Halaku Khan attacked Baghdad, Muslim leaders were busy debating whether yogurt should be eaten before or after the meal.

How should Pakistan calculate Modi's 'Mad Dog Posture' ?

As we're at it, he's trying to fan jingoism among his electorate during polls. Bashing Pakistan with 'trigger diplomacy' has worked historically well. Just start a flame war accusing Pakistan of imaginary border violations and supporting Kashmiris...the next thing you'll know is that those who can't even have a palmful of boiled rice and thin dal too would pick up their unwashed dhotis and get high on jingoism.

That is all understood. He is a mass murderer who's comfy with a bloodbath, he is an Islamophobic nutbag and a product of Hindutva ideology which seeks a mythical kingdom he plans to rule while riding a cow.

On the other hand are his real world limitations. He runs the only country in the world geographically locked between two nuclear armed enemies which are allied to each other. A weakening economy, a limit on the use of conventional military force and an almost complete string of pearls.

The question is...if Modi's policy towards Pakistan is going to earn him any more cookies than jingoistic hoo ha and populist votes?

If he commits aggression against Pakistan, either covertly or overtly...what should be our response to restrain him?

What does this mean for China and its interests in Pakistan and the region?

So you were not curious that a Chinese nationalist like myself, and a Pakistani nationalist like Horus, were both supporting Modi?

Think about it for more than a second. :P

Do you think the Indian voters cared who you were supporting and for what reason?

You can rest assured that your country's "red carpet" welcomes had nothing to do with his victory! I bet more than half of our folks who voted for him, don't know much about Indian National politics -- forget the Chinese influence in his victory!

I have a counter-theory as to why the Chinese and Pakistani members hate Modi "more" now than earlier:

I guess you guys are all masquerading your jealousy (of his work so far -- especially for our economy) as hatred for him. Accusing him of Gujarat riots and LOC violations are just a facade.

You guys know very well how far he can take Indian economy at this rate.

We also know how much you care for Gujarat's Muslims when your own Muslims in Xinjiang are up in arms!!!

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