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Modi's 'Mad Dog Posture' - Credible threat or a populist farce?

Thats not much of a stereotype; check out the stereotype of my tribe/caste ! :D

The Tribe is Butt ! :lol:

No kidding...it really is that ! :ashamed:

So you can well imagine that people (at least those versed in English) have compared it with everything from the human behind to excessive consumption of food because most Butt are Foodies ! :D

Ohhh, so that's what you guys are always talking about.

I should learn more about your tribe. :cheers:
The thing about modi and mad dogs is he is more likely to bite his own people as shown in Gujarat, :pop:

This is Common Trait of Pakistani's too. Ex: East Pakistan, Drones etc...:pop:
Mad Dog is the name of a 'political posture'. Is that too hard to understand?
Mad Dog is the name of a 'political posture'. Is that too hard to understand?
Doesn't sound good
And the usage of this phrase was intentional
Mad Dog is the name of a 'political posture'. Is that too hard to understand?

So you won't mind it applied to Mr. Jinnah and some others one would assume?
Yes I was, and I still am.

And the reason has always been the same. The reason has not changed. :lol: (In fact @Horus was also supporting Modi for similar reasons to myself).

Tell me, what is the foundation of the Indian Union? Answer: "Unity in Diversity".

Now what better way to break that foundation, than to have Indians elect a mass murderer of Muslims to be their leader? That is what you call breaking the foundations.

When Indian Muslims buy out of the idea of India, then another Partition will be inevitable.

Sir i have met and lived with Indian muslims for years.And believe me not only they have zero hostility toward us but rather will join us instead of Non muslim indian community in foriegn.

Sometime looking into indian history makes me laugh and sad wrt to indian perspective,why?they were foolish enough to leave a +200Million muslim community despite a partition in the name of religion.even few decades earlier to the partition pakistanis were united with indians against british occupation but it needed only a theory of 2 nation leading to the split of india.

As a muslim,i know a muslim being minority can never be patriot(exception for the druze) with the growing population of muslims,followed by massive new converts from hinduism into Islam.the Population of muslims in india will atleast be 280-300Million by 2050 and more than 500Million by 2100 add to this the increased frequency of hindus becoming atheists.

Another muslim country let say either in this century or next is inevitable but they themselves will be responsible as to why they let such an huge population despite a religion oriented partition
Sir i have met and lived with Indian muslims for years.And believe me not only they have zero hostility toward us but rather will join us instead of Non muslim indian community in foriegn.

Sometime looking into indian history makes me laugh and sad wrt to indian perspective,why?they were foolish enough to leave a +200Million muslim community despite a partition in the name of religion.even few decades earlier to the partition pakistanis were united with indians against british occupation but it needed only a theory of 2 nation leading to the split of india.

As a muslim,i know a muslim being minority can never be patriot(exception for the druze) with the growing population of muslims,followed by massive new converts from hinduism into Islam.the Population of muslims in india will atleast be 280-300Million by 2050 and more than 500Million by 2100 add to this the increased frequency of hindus becoming atheists.

Another muslim country let say either in this century or next is inevitable but they themselves will be responsible as to why they let such an huge population despite a religion oriented partition
What r u smoking my dear friend???
I would like to meet those imaginary friend of yours....... I have spent time in more than 5 states in India and have Muslim friends all across but I m yet to meet one Muslim except from d state of Kashmir who hates India
Stop lying
''Mad Dog Posture'' Is a political theory which entails a policy of ''Violent Unilateralism'' adopted by a certain political regime to satisfy the domestic votebank by engaging pre emptively against an assumed low teir threat. Demagouges like Bush, Blair, Hitler, Stalin, Saddam have used it in the past, mainly for political gains at home.

Hypothesis in this thread is to judge if Modis Mad Dog posture presents a credible security threat to Pakistan (Like Poland, Kuwait, Iraq etc) or its just a temperory farce to be scrapped at a later date.

80% responders never bothered or lacked understanding of what it means.
What r u smoking my dear friend???
I would like to meet those imaginary friend of yours....... I have spent time in more than 5 states in India and have Muslim friends all across but I m yet to meet one Muslim except from d state of Kashmir who hates India
Stop lying

They don't hate india.i never said they hate india.What i meant is because of the cultural similrities with us,they rather find it good to be living with a pakistani or having close relations with a pakistani than a non muslim from india in foreign countries such as UAE,KSA etc(i have not been to europe or anywhere else)
''Mad Dog Posture'' Is a political theory which entails a policy of ''Violent Unilateralism'' adopted by a certain political regime to satisfy the domestic votebank by engaging pre emptively against an assumed low teir threat. Demagouges like Bush, Blair, Hitler, Stalin, Saddam have used it in the past, mainly for political gains at home.

Hypothesis in this thread is to judge if Modis Mad Dog posture presents a credible security threat to Pakistan (Like Poland, Kuwait, Iraq etc) or its just a temperory farce to be scrapped at a later date.

80% responders never bothered or lacked understanding of what it means.

The former Israeli Defence Minister used the phrase "Mad Dog" (favorably) in reference to Israel's own policy and posture.

Samson Option - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

General Moshe Dayan: 'Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother.'

General Moshe Dayan was Israel's former Defence Minister.

And we know how much inspiration that Indians and especially Modi supporters take from Israel.
Yes. Moshe Dayan also threatened to nuke Europe, especially Germany.
''Mad Dog Posture'' Is a political theory which entails a policy of ''Violent Unilateralism'' adopted by a certain political regime to satisfy the domestic votebank by engaging pre emptively against an assumed low teir threat. Demagouges like Bush, Blair, Hitler, Stalin, Saddam have used it in the past, mainly for political gains at home.

Hypothesis in this thread is to judge if Modis Mad Dog posture presents a credible security threat to Pakistan (Like Poland, Kuwait, Iraq etc) or its just a temperory farce to be scrapped at a later date.

80% responders never bothered or lacked understanding of what it means.
The former Israeli Defence Minister used the phrase "Mad Dog" (favorably) in reference to Israel's own policy and posture.

Samson Option - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

General Moshe Dayan was Israel's former Defence Minister.

And we know how much inspiration that Indians and especially Modi supporters take from Israel.
There is nothing wrong with the usage of the phrase .. . The problem starts when people who r no educated start name calling and abusing after reading such title. ...
aeronaut .. u know very well what I m referring to .....
so please try to b a little more responsible and use a more appropriate title next time to avoid flame baiting.....
we all want the standard of pdf to improve....don't we

They don't hate india.i never said they hate india.What i meant is because of the cultural similrities with us,they rather find it good to be living with a pakistani or having close relations with a pakistani than a non muslim from india in foreign countries such as UAE,KSA etc(i have not been to europe or anywhere else)
If that was the case .. then there r countries like Bangladesh where they might find their soul mate..
if I go by the word of mouth....Pakistan will come lAst in that group...

But as far as I have known India Muslims .. they will love to take their last breath here in India than we some religious brother in some other country. ....
I sincerely hope u come to India one day. I will introduce you with the Muslim friends of mine and you will be surprised after meeting them for you hold an entirely different opinion about them which is factually incorrect
Mad Dog is the name of a 'political posture'. Is that too hard to understand?
i could be.... but what matter is how it goes with leaders ....
just do a acid test .. ask iranian , tukish , chinese , or any other internationl member who are critical about some leader to use it..
Critising is right but you have to make sure it will dont sound /appear offensive...
just tell me how many austrlaian politician used that phrase of there critics ?

Like I said, I never complained about it.

This is NOT a Chinese forum, and frankly asking Indians to stop insulting Chinese leaders is a joke, it will never happen. Even Indian news anchors say Eleven Pingpong.

So go ahead and enjoy it, they will never ban it on this forum, nor would I ask them to.
it not about Chinese or any other forum..
its universa Decorum o respect .. even by relgious way..respecting other is imp aspect
Nothing to enjoy by abuse ....
better have policy on PDF
let MODs take decision of inclusion of Mao in list of Jiinah and Gandhi
And we know how much inspiration that Indians and especially Modi supporters take from Israel.

Playing the part to the hilt. Telling them want they want to hear. ;)

Even if it is too blatant, it seems to work. So why not! ;)

I see you have internalized that thing about the color of the cat being irrelevant as long as it catches mice.
He is gonna trap himself in a dead end street...Every time he boasts of giving befitting reply to Pakistan and giving the impression to the jignoistic crowd that Pakistan will not dare do it again and after sometime Pakistan again reply them in a similar manner/violates ceasefire than he is gonna lose his credibility bit by bit...

For example with the impression he is giving of being iron-handed approach towards Pakistan,what happens if there is another Mumbai 26/11 like fiasco regardless of whoever does it(ultimately they are gonna blame us),then what is he gonna do,Go to war which can be Nuclear as well or follow restraint(thus losing his macho-man image) either way it's a lose-lose situation for him..

10x kind of response of similar nature in Islamabad and Karachi will shut the **** up. Its not difficult you see....we have arranged it successfully....just that you guys are totally blind and we are smarter than boots who run your country.
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