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Modi’s close aide Amit Shah all set to be BJP president, formal announcement soon

Remember that this man was banned by EC during election campaigns for using inflammatory and provocative speeches???
Yup , tha jats were resorting to physical aggression
and his exact words were,
EC bans Amit Shah, Azam Khan rallies - The Hindu
“You have been treated as second-grade citizens. It is time for revenge now.”

He was shown on TV channels as also saying: “Batons, guns and swords belong to a bygone era. These days you take revenge by pressing the button.”
Quite benign actually. If I have been dealt injustice I would probably do the same,i.e. campaign at the appropriate state machinery.Be it courts for legal rights or parties for political rights. The EC knew that this would not hold long so they let him go in a few days for an apology.Infact I believe the "revenge" is a matter of wrong translation. In the speech he meant "fight for rights"
Remember that this man was banned by EC during election campaigns for using inflammatory and provocative speeches???

EVEN the people from other parties ESP. the Congress were banned for provocative speeches...............so?
You're not cool enough to be a Hindu :p: ; learn it from @Ayush - Hes a Hindu with style just as I'm a Muslim with style ! :smokin:

Just kidding ! :bunny:

Mechanics & Contractors ! :disagree:

Apa Jee what kind of regressive Muslims have you been hanging out with ? o_O
Oye don't forget, we are both cool Brahmins :bunny:
EVEN the people from other parties ESP. the Congress were banned for provocative speeches...............so?
This is not cong vs BJP.
We were discussing about Amit Shah and he got banned by EC for his provocative speeches.
Yup , tha jats were resorting to physical aggression
and his exact words were,
EC bans Amit Shah, Azam Khan rallies - The Hindu

Quite benign actually. If I have been dealt injustice I would probably do the same,i.e. campaign at the appropriate state machinery.Be it courts for legal rights or parties for political rights. The EC knew that this would not hold long so they let him go in a few days for an apology.Infact I believe the "revenge" is a matter of wrong translation. In the speech he meant "fight for rights"
the manner in which he said it matters.
This is how he said it

This is not cong vs BJP.
We were discussing about Amit Shah and he got banned by EC for his provocative speeches.
the manner in which he said it matters.
This is how he said it

It is implausible for any political party to take their most skilled organizational head down just because the secular liberals want it to. Until and unless, this man is caught red handed with certain proofs I do not see any distance chance to see him behind bars,let alone stepping down from the post. And if you are asking it for moral's sake I am afraid we Indians are not used to such clean,dignified politics much. (Right Wingers will immediately pounce with the examples of Owaisi and Azam Khan now.)
It is implausible for any political party to take their most skilled organizational head down just because the secular liberals want it to. Until and unless, this man is caught red handed with certain proofs I do not see any distance chance to see him behind bars,let alone stepping down from the post. And if you are asking it for moral's sake I am afraid we Indians are not used to such clean,dignified politics much. (Right Wingers will immediately pounce with the examples of Owaisi and Azam Khan now.)

In a society (UP) where people see first the caste then party (is the party of our caste) then ideology & in the END the person what else could he had done? Modi was talking about development, but no ways UP wallas would have voted for him JUST on development & since UP has the most no. of seats it was the most important state for BJP as any seat to SP & BSP would have been complete WASTE not just for UP but for entire India, these people force there will on center when they get 20+ seats. I have no problem how did Shah got so many seats for BJP ultimately what he did was GOOD for entire India. Even Lord Krishna said something like this :D
In a society (UP) where people see first the caste then party (is the party of our caste) then ideology & in the END the person what else could he had done? Modi was talking about development, but no ways UP wallas would have voted for him JUST on development & since UP has the most no. of seats it was the most important state for BJP as any seat to SP & BSP would have been complete WASTE not just for UP but for entire India, these people force there will on center when they get 20+ seats. I have no problem how did Shah got so many seats for BJP ultimately what he did was GOOD for entire India. Even Lord Krishna said something like this :D
Arp, personally I do not like this man. I do not like him for his Hindu Nationalistic comments and his dubious participation in fake encounter case. And I am really surprised when even the most smartest of the lot believe that "not yet proven guilty" is equivalent to "proved innocent." But this is how our politics worked for decades.

As far as doing "Good" to India, yes he has done a great job by putting the threat regional party politics down. It was a refreshing relief,I must admit. And for a moment I thank him for it.
Arp, personally I do not like this man. I do not like him for his Hindu Nationalistic comments and his dubious participation in fake encounter case. And I am really surprised when even the most smartest of the lot believe that "not yet proven guilty" is equivalent to "proved innocent." But this is how our politics worked for decades.

In a society (UP) where people see first the caste then party (is the party of our caste) then ideology & in the END the person what else could he had done? Modi was talking about development, but no ways UP wallas would have voted for him JUST on development & since UP has the most no. of seats it was the most important state for BJP as any seat to SP & BSP would have been complete WASTE not just for UP but for entire India, these people force there will on center when they get 20+ seats. I have no problem how did Shah got so many seats for BJP ultimately what he did was GOOD for entire India. Even Lord Krishna said something like this :D

In a society (UP) where people see first the caste then party (is the party of our caste) then ideology & in the END the person what else could he had done? Modi was talking about development, but no ways UP wallas would have voted for him JUST on development & since UP has the most no. of seats it was the most important state for BJP as any seat to SP & BSP would have been complete WASTE not just for UP but for entire India, these people force there will on center when they get 20+ seats. I have no problem how did Shah got so many seats for BJP ultimately what he did was GOOD for entire India. Even Lord Krishna said something like this :D

so why do people get on Kerala's case for being communist?

the answer is clear, the problem is these U.P wallahs :angry:
AMIT SHAH ZINDABAD................

His anointment is going to change BJPs outlook in lesser known states. Would be interesting to see how well BJP fares under him in coming state elections.. especially in UP. If he manages to bring BJP back to the scene in UP.. it would be a brilliant achievement!
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