LOL and may you link the polls?Along with proof that only south tibetans have participated and not Indians.
Again,zero marks for history.South tibet was basically a no go zone for the Ahoms,reason why even as far back when Assam was known as kamarupa,they had stories of "Aborimanu" about this region.In fact contact between the kingdom of Ahom and south tibet really began when the serfs from south tibet ran to Ahom to escape servitude and the masters of the serfs visited the ahom kings to claim back their serfs.Then the ahom king,as a compromise,allowed the masters to collect annual tax from the former serfs,now ahom subjects.This you will find in the buronjees the imperial records of the ahom kings..After then goldwashers and fishermen too began to come into the foothills of south tibet.In fact the surname of "sonowal" is prominently used by descendants of these goldwashers.
So tell me,how exactly did Assam have extensive relations with tibet when they didn't even have real contact with south tibet,let alone tibet proper?Mind you central or proper tibet i.e, areas under direct control of lhasa is the territory usually referred to as tibet.
How exactly did Ahom kingdom have a border with China.May you explain that little part?After all the burden of proof rests on the one making the claims.