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Modi BJP RSS RAW behind this karachi attack | Pakistani TV

Pakistan should not blame India for its homegrown Islamic terrorism

damn dude,is that your first post??soon you'll be termed as a "False flagger" and soon get a ban.brace yourselves.by the way,:welcome: in :pdf:
Bhai mera to simple kehne hai. I am not the one who believes in denial mode. Keeping any possibility of RAW being involved in this attack directly, Pakistan shud take all proofs and evidences to International Court (LIKE WE DID IN KARGIL AND 26/11) which forced Pakistan to ultimately accept that perpetrators are Pakistanis after a month.

Similary, now its ur tym to show the international community and force India Govt to take action. As per my understanding of Indian Law system, just like Col. Purohit of Samjhauta Blast, even here the agents will be prosecuted. Do remember that Pakistan dint provide any evidence for Samjhauta. It was Indian agencies who carried forward the investigation.
Hafiz Saeed slams TTP for taking
responsibility of Karachi attack even
before he was done blaming Modi
Arguing that Pakistan rarely gets such occasions to
get even with India and blame them for such
terrorist attacks, Hafiz Saeed said it was foolish of
TTP to let go of this opportunity.
Karachi. Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) today
came under scathing attack from Jamaat-Ul-Dawah
chief Hafiz Saeed for claiming responsibility for the
Karachi Airport attack, even before Hafiz had
finished blaming Indian Prime Minister Narendra
Modi properly.
Arguing that Pakistan rarely gets such occasions to
get even with India and blame them for such
terrorist attacks, 26/11 Mumbai attack mastermind
said that it was foolish and insensitive on part of
TTP to let go of this opportunity.
Reportedly, Hafiz Saeed had already thought of 3
more tweets to target the new Indian government
when the news of TTP accepting responsibility
reached him. He was so incensed with the news
that he wrote those three tweets on hand
grenades and blasted those off to relieve his
“Here I am in the middle of establishing Hindu
links of the attackers, waging a Twitter Jihad, and I
find TTP already owning up the attack. I mean
what nonsense is this!” Hafiz is reported to have
said while throwing a grenade at his laptop.
Casualties from Saeed camps are not yet known.
“I had even photoshopped few attackers by
removing their beard, coloring their T-shirt saffron,
planting tilak on their foreheads, and making them
wear dhotis to strengthen my claim, and was just
about to tweet them,” Hafiz further disclosed how
TTP foiled his plans.
The JuD chief claimed that groups like TTP need to
learn a lot from him.
“Patience is needed,” he said, “When we attack
India, we should allow the Indians some time to
fully condemn the Pakistan government before our
government can blame it on non-state actors.”
Leading Ghazwa-E-Hind enthusiast and Hindu
Banya critic Zaid Hamid too joined Hafiz in lashing
out and went on to claim that TTP spoiled his party
too, as he was ready with proofs to show Amitabh
Bachhcan as the mastermind of the attack.
Meanwhile, now that it is established that attackers
from within Pakistan, experts have advised
Pakistan to not play cricket with itself.
“This will send a strong message to everyone,
especially to India,” an official from PCB confirmed.
To make it possible, PCB will announce PPL
(Pakistan Premier League) and impose a ban on it
immediately after launching it.
And u seriously think that Today's World order is similar to ur Past Historical facts? As I said, U guyz seriously need to update urself. No doubt, as u proclaim, that u have history to prove ur points. But my point is exactly the reverse.

Its foolish to live in 21st century world order by keeping reference of 20th century order. Its all bout INCLUSIVE GROWTH and strong SAARC or Regional co-operation rather than exclusive or divisive style of 20th century.

Its high tym Pakistanis enter 21st century. Both logically and economically. :) . OTHERWISE...........U wont need India to destroy you..

So should i just take your word for it because you just said so. By your logic it is foolish to keep an army and spend on defense since according to you a strong SAARC and regional cooperation is all that is needed to move in the 21st century?

By the way your fellow country man @Bang Galore also doesn't agree with this although i keep telling him that this direction could help us move forward yet he insists otherwise.

On a more serious note, i for one always favour this idea of increased cooperation between India and Pakistan, but than again one will be naive to believe that just because your trade has suddenly increased, its all rainbows and flowers. You my friend need to have a grasp of reality. What you are stating above is possible under more than ideal circumstances which is not the case between us.
So should i just take your word for it because you just said so. By your logic it is foolish to keep an army and spend on defense since according to you a strong SAARC and regional cooperation is all that is needed to move in the 21st century?

By the way your fellow country man @Bang Galore also doesn't agree with this although i keep telling him that this direction could help us move forward yet he insists otherwise.

On a more serious note, i for one always favour this idea of increased cooperation between India and Pakistan, but than again one will be naive to believe that just because your trade has suddenly increased, its all rainbows and flowers. You my friend need to have a grasp of reality. What you are stating above is possible under more than ideal circumstances which is not the case between us.
See dude. Its very obvious that I am not oblivious to ground realities. But again, my point simply being, Pakistan has a very bad habit of falling for the extremists' words. See, I understand that skepticism is natural and shud be there. I aint even saying that Army shud be eradicated. I am only saying that its in Pakistan and only Pakistan's favor to work with India irrespective of whether u like it or not. For ur own growth and hence future existence. Without growth Pakistan is doomed.

Now, I dont see any logic of India fingering in Pakistani matters if u are in our good books. India dont need to waste its time, energy, etc on anti Pak activities when there is a lot else to do for a common Indian.

We are happy with our Kashmir. Its u guyz who are getting greedy for more. Indians dont send infiltrators like Pakistanis do. And thats a universal accepted fact. U give me a good reason why wud India waste its resources against Pakistan? What hidden agenda does India has against Pak? Do u really think India intends to break up Pakistan even if Pakistan becomes a friendly force?
See dude. Its very obvious that I am not oblivious to ground realities. But again, my point simply being, Pakistan has a very bad habit of falling for the extremists' words. See, I understand that skepticism is natural and shud be there. I aint even saying that Army shud be eradicated. I am only saying that its in Pakistan and only Pakistan's favor to work with India irrespective of whether u like it or not. For ur own growth and hence future existence. Without growth Pakistan is doomed.

Now, I dont see any logic of India fingering in Pakistani matters if u are in our good books. India dont need to waste its time, energy, etc on anti Pak activities when there is a lot else to do for a common India.

We are happy with our Kashmir. Its u guyz who are getting greedy for more. Indians dont send infiltrators like Pakistanis do. And thats a universal accepted fact. U give me a good reason why wud India waste its resources against Pakistan? What hidden agenda does India has against Pak? Do u really think India intends to break up Pakistan even if Pakistan becomes a friendly force?

Please explain how it is in Pakistan's only favour to work with India and not mutually?
Pakistan is doing fine even without this favour. Yes we have problems and most of them are because of our bad decision when it comes to electing people but that does not make us doom or we wouldnt had survived this long.

And as for Kashmir, why are you happy with it when it doesn't even belong to you. You see there lies the different in our approach, while we agree that its a disputed territory and needs a solution as per the wishes of Kashmiris and per the UN resolutions, Indians on the other hand calls it as their own and continue their illegal occupation.

India has already played its part in breaking Pakistan nuff said.
Idiot Pakis
Why would TTP buy a gun from India, when they can easily get one from a Pakistani Sabzi Mandi
Please explain how it is in Pakistan's only favour to work with India and not mutually?
Pakistan is doing fine even without this favour. Yes we have problems and most of them are because of our bad decision when it comes to electing people but that does not make us doom or we wouldnt had survived this long.

And as for Kashmir, why are you happy with it when it doesn't even belong to you. You see there lies the different in our approach, while we agree that its a disputed territory and needs a solution as per the wishes of Kashmiris and per the UN resolutions, Indians on the other hand calls it as their own and continue their illegal occupation.

India has already played its part in breaking Pakistan nuff said.

3 para of urs. 3 responses.

1. Yes, its mutual but if u understand economics, Trade with Pak will only add to less than 1% of Indian growth but for Pak it will add more than 3-4 %. Reason being, conversion of Multi Million dollor Black market between our countries. There is nothing from Pak that we dont get in India but there is a lot value which Pak pays in double/triple be importing thru Dubai. Also the Black Market only eats up Pakistani taxes. And you tell me how important for u is to get as much tax money as u can? Black Market is the biggest source of Black Money in Pakistan. In India thats negligible coz of our Economic size. Bottomline is, Indo Pak Trade is a must for Pakistan's robust growth but for India is mere an add on and a mode to decrease terrorism in region.

2. U can stay with that stance for another 1000 yrs as for it will create any difference. I am not here to argue the legitamacy of anyone's claim. I am only quoting ur Najam Sethi who beautifully says, 'Kashmir ko haasil karne ka Pakistan ke paas sirf 1 tareeka tha, Bleed India with 1000 cuts. And that has miserably failed. Pakistan shud keep aside Kashmir issue and work together with India for self profit. With economic growth in region. Economic development of both India and Pakistan, territorial issues will take back burner and both will agree to find a solution. Thats only possible if both consider each other as friends and sees self benefit in other's prosperity and that will happen only when both will work together and earn together and have investments in each other's countries. Pakistan today is struggling to grow and a conducive regional co-operation in trade will only better things and India knows it more than Pakistan'.

U wanna stick to the same rhetoric. U are welcome. We will grow and whole world is coming back to India after Modi win. Just see the stock market, FDI and FIIs. With more reforms underway, Investments here is gonna be equal to China within a decade. China itself being the biggest investor.

3. I agree we broke Pak. But it was a need more than a dream of India. U temme, if u wud have treated Bengalis as ur own, wud India got any chance? It was coz of 1 Crore East Pakistani refugees entering India. What do u do in this situation? As Hassan Nisar says, 'Bengali and Punjabi style was so out of phase that we never shared cigrettes together. Punjabis use to vomit when they saw Bengalis eating fish and simultaneously stacking fishbones on one side of mouth.' U guyz were culturally so so different that Punjabis refused to accept Bengali leadership. Its WEST PAKISTAN which Broke Pakistan in true sense. India was just a medium trying to stop the 1 crore mark becoming 2 crore if not interfered. We did it for our own interest. The theories of India dreaming for Pak breaking and then like a CHALAAK BANIYA executed its 2 decade plan is all bullshit.
This is called falling in own pit or effects of domestication and glorifiying hayena in your house
Unlike ISI , many in India doesn't even know the existence of RAW and even if it exists they consider them useless...but some how our neighbours are convinced that nothing in South Asia moves without the knowledge of RAW.
your media has ISI phobia, many in Pakistan doesnt even know about ISI existence until Geo story ...
3 para of urs. 3 responses.

1. Yes, its mutual but if u understand economics, Trade with Pak will only add to less than 1% of Indian growth but for Pak it will add more than 3-4 %. Reason being, conversion of Multi Million dollor Black market between our countries. There is nothing from Pak that we dont get in India but there is a lot value which Pak pays in double/triple be importing thru Dubai. Also the Black Market only eats up Pakistani taxes. And you tell me how important for u is to get as much tax money as u can? Black Market is the biggest source of Black Money in Pakistan. In India thats negligible coz of our Economic size. Bottomline is, Indo Pak Trade is a must for Pakistan's robust growth but for India is mere an add on and a mode to decrease terrorism in region.

2. U can stay with that stance for another 1000 yrs as for it will create any difference. I am not here to argue the legitamacy of anyone's claim. I am only quoting ur Najam Sethi who beautifully says, 'Kashmir ko haasil karne ka Pakistan ke paas sirf 1 tareeka tha, Bleed India with 1000 cuts. And that has miserably failed. Pakistan shud keep aside Kashmir issue and work together with India for self profit. With economic growth in region. Economic development of both India and Pakistan, territorial issues will take back burner and both will agree to find a solution. Thats only possible if both consider each other as friends and sees self benefit in other's prosperity and that will happen only when both will work together and earn together and have investments in each other's countries. Pakistan today is struggling to grow and a conducive regional co-operation in trade will only better things and India knows it more than Pakistan'.

U wanna stick to the same rhetoric. U are welcome. We will grow and whole world is coming back to India after Modi win. Just see the stock market, FDI and FIIs. With more reforms underway, Investments here is gonna be equal to China within a decade. China itself being the biggest investor.

3. I agree we broke Pak. But it was a need more than a dream of India. U temme, if u wud have treated Bengalis as ur own, wud India got any chance? It was coz of 1 Crore East Pakistani refugees entering India. What do u do in this situation? As Hassan Nisar says, 'Bengali and Punjabi style was so out of phase that we never shared cigrettes together. Punjabis use to vomit when they saw Bengalis eating fish and simultaneously stacking fishbones on one side of mouth.' U guyz were culturally so so different that Punjabis refused to accept Bengali leadership. Its WEST PAKISTAN which Broke Pakistan in true sense. India was just a medium trying to stop the 1 crore mark becoming 2 crore if not interfered. We did it for our own interest. The theories of India dreaming for Pak breaking and then like a CHALAAK BANIYA executed its 2 decade plan is all bullshit.

Good luck with becoming China.
Good luck with becoming China.
Difference between India and China has only been Governance and Bureaucracy. With Modi focusing on bettering these 2, there is no reason why we cant become China.
As I said earlier, this mad man Modi will commit genocide in South Asia on Muslims. This Modi lives on muslim blood. The Butcher of Gujarat will only rest after he eliminates all Muslims from South Asia.
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