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Modesty- is it that hard Indians?

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Tomato B


New Recruit

Jun 21, 2012
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What are the things you can be proud of?? it can be physical appearance, wealth, family background, intelligence etc Any man getting any of these things considers himself to be worthy of proud. We see so many people in developing countries especially India that are proud, very proud individuals. within few meeting we get the Idea of their personality and try to back off. here I am talking about Indians who have any of the above listed things, they are the one who foolishly think that people think about them all the time. They are superstars in their own dream.

Indians are very strange people. As i have already talked (here http://www.defence.pk/forums/members-club/189084-5-reasons-why-india-will-never-become-america.html) in my first thread that Indian run behind those who don't give a damn and ignore those who treat them well so it is not surprising that those with nothing from above the list run after those having any from the above list.

Both the category of people, those with fake pride and those one who suck up to 'lucky Indians' are seriously a big danger to humanity. lets analyse both kind of people-lucky Indians and unlucky Indians

Lucky Indians--Unlucky Indians

these are the people with any of the quality mentioned in the list. but do they actually posses these qualities?? answer is NO. let consider an Indian who is dumb, suddenly out of luck an idea strikes him and its a success, does this make him intelligent?? but he will take this thing as an excuse to show off and treat those who were once his companion like they are nothing. he will walk like lion and will falsely think everyone is thinking how great he is. but is it so? answer is yes. 'unlucky Indians' do give damn to these people and make their ego inflated like they are Einstein. here 'unlucky Indians' unknowingly let a stupid person make them feel small. even though among these unlucky Indians there are several who have both theoretical as well practical knowledge much higher than these lucky Indian.

then there are some hardworking Indians' who are from IITs, IIMs. you should see how they behave when out of their campus and the way they treat those from any other univ/institutes.

lets take another example of avg looking Indian girl. she has a friend who looks better (Indian standard) than her. so obviously this better looking girl leave no stone unturned to humiliate the avg looking Indian. she keeps giving advice, apply this many creams, this many shampoos bla bla. hardly she knows that all these makes avg looking girl depressed. But now there is a twist. this avg looking girl later turns out to be a bombshell and ends up having a BF. Again 'unlcuky Indians' will circle around her, praising her, praising how cute couple they make etc etc which in turns make this lady Proud. The inflation of ego that this lady will get is incomparable. she will treat every women like they are nothing for now she considers herself to be most beautiful woman in the world.

So My question is why can't Indian be modest like people from country like US. Modesty is something that is not present in India. the moment they become rich, you treat poor like they dont deserve to live. the moment they get car, they treat pedestrians like insects. the moment someone makes to big institute,they make it a point to humiliate/show off to friends who could not (I am gettig hundred, oh sorry you are getting just 10, doesnt matter most of the students are getting marks like you only). moment someone gets GF/BF, they make it a point to jump with joy like monkey in front of someone who was recently rejected in love (in fact they make it a point to get cozy in front of broken hearts).

funny thing is that, Indians show off their Audi, Porsche to shopkeepers, fruit vendors, beggers etc.

one thing that can be understood that most Indians who posses any from the above list have got its possession just recently. like the one with Audi was a decade ago as poor as fruit vendor, the one with GF/BF was recently crying his/her heart out for being rejected in love, the one who got admission in Harvard was struggling to get admission even in Delhi University a year back. this does explain reason for some of their mentality but does not satisfactorily answer why can't Indian be modest and appreciate what God has given them instead of bragging about it.

we see so many Rich/beautiful/intelligent people in Countries lie US.they are in fact 100 times more than that in India but hardly we see them having any attitude that makes their friends feel small. Modesty is something India needs to learn and until it doesn't learn Modesty, Indians will remain unhappy esp 'lucky Indians' for they have to maintain their 'superiority' over others or else they go to extreme depression.

Another thing that i would like to add is that Indians getting any 2 instead of just one from above list are less proud :)
What are the things you can be proud of?? it can be physical appearance, wealth, family background, intelligence etc Any man getting any of these things considers himself to be worthy of proud. We see so many people in developing countries especially India that are proud, very proud individuals. within few meeting we get the Idea of their personality and try to back off. here I am talking about Indians who have any of the above listed things, they are the one who foolishly think that people think about them all the time. They are superstars in their own dream.

Indians are very strange people. As i have already talked (here http://www.defence.pk/forums/members-club/189084-5-reasons-why-india-will-never-become-america.html) in my first thread that Indian run behind those who don't give a damn and ignore those who treat them well so it is not surprising that those with nothing from above the list run after those having any from the above list.

Both the category of people, those with fake pride and those one who suck up to 'lucky Indians' are seriously a big danger to humanity. lets analyse both kind of people-lucky Indians and unlucky Indians

Lucky Indians--Unlucky Indians

these are the people with any of the quality mentioned in the list. but do they actually posses these qualities?? answer is NO. let consider an Indian who is dumb, suddenly out of luck an idea strikes him and its a success, does this make him intelligent?? but he will take this thing as an excuse to show off and treat those who were once his companion like they are nothing. he will walk like lion and will falsely think everyone is thinking how great he is. but is it so? answer is yes. 'unlucky Indians' do give damn to these people and make their ego inflated like they are Einstein. here 'unlucky Indians' unknowingly let a stupid person make them feel small. even though among these unlucky Indians there are several who have both theoretical as well practical knowledge much higher than these lucky Indian.

then there are some hardworking Indians' who are from IITs, IIMs. you should see how they behave when out of their campus and the way they treat those from any other univ/institutes.

lets take another example of avg looking Indian girl. she has a friend who looks better (Indian standard) than her. so obviously this better looking girl leave no stone unturned to humiliate the avg looking Indian. she keeps giving advice, apply this many creams, this many shampoos bla bla. hardly she knows that all these makes avg looking girl depressed. But now there is a twist. this avg looking girl later turns out to be a bombshell and ends up having a BF. Again 'unlcuky Indians' will circle around her, praising her, praising how cute couple they make etc etc which in turns make this lady Proud. The inflation of ego that this lady will get is incomparable. she will treat every women like they are nothing for now she considers herself to be most beautiful woman in the world.

So My question is why can't Indian be modest like people from country like US. Modesty is something that is not present in India. the moment they become rich, you treat poor like they dont deserve to live. the moment they get car, they treat pedestrians like insects. the moment someone makes to big institute,they make it a point to humiliate/show off to friends who could not (I am gettig hundred, oh sorry you are getting just 10, doesnt matter most of the students are getting marks like you only). moment someone gets GF/BF, they make it a point to jump with joy like monkey in front of someone who was recently rejected in love (in fact they make it a point to get cozy in front of broken hearts).

funny thing is that, Indians show off their Audi, Porsche to shopkeepers, fruit vendors, beggers etc.

one thing that can be understood that most Indians who posses any from the above list have got its possession just recently. like the one with Audi was a decade ago as poor as fruit vendor, the one with GF/BF was recently crying his/her heart out for being rejected in love, the one who got admission in Harvard was struggling to get admission even in Delhi University a year back. this does explain reason for some of their mentality but does not satisfactorily answer why can't Indian be modest and appreciate what God has given them instead of bragging about it.

we see so many Rich/beautiful/intelligent people in Countries lie US.they are in fact 100 times more than that in India but hardly we see them having any attitude that makes their friends feel small. Modesty is something India needs to learn and until it doesn't learn Modesty, Indians will remain unhappy esp 'lucky Indians' for they have to maintain their 'superiority' over others or else they go to extreme depression.

Another thing that i would like to add is that Indians getting any 2 instead of just one from above list are less proud :)

Do you have any statistical data to support your claims about modesty in US people and Indians? or you are just generalizing things by mere on your personal sampal survey?
You are obsessed with Indians!

Name a country which does not have people having bad qualities..Every country has good and bad people..except maybe Tomato Land !!
First of all, We don't want to Be Ameekans....We are happy to be Indians...

dont fool youself kid. DO you think you really are happy to be Indian?? Read my threads to know why Indians are unhappy?
Someone make ketchup of this Tomato....always posting such articles no one likes. Repeating same things...:angry:
Do you have any statistical data to support your claims about modesty in US people and Indians? or you are just generalizing things by mere on your personal sampal survey?

these are all I have observed throughout my life. trust me when i say not everyone can read personality as good as me. :)
Someone has a serious inferiority complex in life.
you are right. 'unlucky Indians' do have. read my threads properly. i have answered all questions on why Indians are unhappy and strange.
these are all I have observed throughout my life. trust me when i say not everyone can read personality as good as me. :)

Buddy,call me whatever after this post or maybe open a new thread saying Indians are rude and dont have manners but no one here gives a damn about you or your observations..I mean who the **** are you..Why should we care??
india and indians can never be like America or the American people. No country in the world can be like the Land Of The Free and Home Of The Brave :usflag:.
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