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Mob targets Christian locality in Gujranwala ‘for disrespecting Islam

Yeah just like the Jews and Christians of Jerusalem were all butchered after Muslims conquered it under Shariah-
read some history for a change baboon- :pop:-
sorry iam a little weak in history but ever heard of capture of constantinople and brutally killing of more than 20thousand civilians in just 1day after capture by muslims and Nadir Shah's invasion of India It has been estimated that during the course of six hours in one day, 22 March 1739, something like 20,000 to 30,000 Indian men, women and children were slaughtered by the Persian,or do u need more info regarding brutall killing by muslims
Well whats the point of staying when you aren't safe? The police won't help. They are just corrupt, low paid, and terrified of the mob to do anything.

there is a mob and then there are terrorists-
who do you think can be easily controlled?-
should we leave Pakistan aswell?-

sorry iam a little weak in history but ever heard of capture of constantinople and brutally killing of more than 20thousand civilians in just sixhours after capture by muslims and Nadir Shah's invasion of India It has been estimated that during the course of six hours in one day, 22 March 1739, something like 20,000 to 30,000 Indian men, women and children were slaughtered by the Persian,or do u need more info regarding brutall killing by muslims

Lol- you are really weak at history-
Nadir Shah era was not shariah-

Blame Christianity aswell for two world wars killing millions-
Blame Christianity aswell for Hitler's genocide of Jews-

if you are not sure ask your christian abba ji about it- :lol:-
there is a mob and then there are terrorists-
who do you think can be easily controlled?-
should we leave Pakistan aswell?-

Well at first the terrorists stayed in the tribal areas and waged their jihad from there. We were fine with it since we lived in our gated communities. But now its impossible to get anything done. If this keeps up, alot of money is going to leave pakistan.
Yes saw the report on ARY news
Started as children fight and then ballooned into mob violence.
Even police men got injured.

Yes saw the report on ARY news
Started as children fight and then ballooned into mob violence.
Even police men got injured.

hehe iam a christian born to a muslim mother u cant burn my ***

So you are confused by birth...no wonder you named yourself after a prono website :lol:

hehe iam a christian born to a muslim mother u cant burn my ***

So you are confused by birth...no wonder you named yourself after a prono website :lol:
Well at first the terrorists stayed in the tribal areas and waged their jihad from there. We were fine with it since we lived in our gated communities. But now its impossible to get anything done. If this keeps up, alot of money is going to leave pakistan.

My point was should we leave too?-
Or do you have any specific community in Pakistan that should stay because they are safe?-

Yes saw the report on ARY news
Started as children fight and then ballooned into mob violence.
Even police men got injured.
I think
Policemen getting injured while trying maintaining peace is much better than innocent people getting killed or their houses burned-

Good job Police-
My point was should we leave too?-
Or do you have any specific community in Pakistan that should stay because they are safe?-

I feel that the christians will be safer elsewhere. There are people just itching for a reason to kill them off or convert them. Where to take land or extremist reasons with a religious twist.
Straighten out the Mullah's and the Clerics - introduce clauses for at least minimum intelligence and minimum morality and education for the Mullah's and all would be fine.
I feel that the christians will be safer elsewhere. There are people just itching for a reason to kill them off or convert them. Where to take land or extremist reasons with a religious twist.

See there are ulterior motives- So someone is trying to stir up fitna and fasad-
dont think you think it is better to stay and fight- than to abandon?-

if the government is prosecuting them- the its a totally different scenario-
Under Shariah these people will be definitely receive "lashes" for disrupting peace-
and if they were to be charged with "creating fitna and fasad"- They will receive death sentences- most probably beheading-

Depends. How it is implemented. If it goes Saudi way, then the question is over in the first place itself that you dont have liberty to practice your faith.
See there are ulterior motives- So someone is trying to stir up fitna and fasad-
dont think you think it is better to stay and fight- than to abandon?-

if the government is prosecuting them- the its a totally different scenario-

The government doesn't help. Unlike the shia, these people can't take up arms. Imagine what would happen if a christain killed a muslim (even in self defence)

Right now the majority of the population is uneducated or under educated and they have no interest in getting educated. They are easily swayed by words from clerics. You can't reason with them.
Depends. How it is implemented. If it goes Saudi way, then the question is over in the first place itself that you dont have liberty to practice your faith.

The saudi way is not true Shariah-
the Family of royals have messed with for their benefit-

to understand real shariah we have to go back to early days of Islam-

this is an account of second Caliph of Islam Hazrat umer when he captured Jerusalem-
It has been recorded, that at the time of the Zuhr prayers, Sophronius invited Umar to pray in the rebuilt Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Umar declined, fearing that accepting the invitation might endanger the church's status as a Christian temple, and that Muslims might break the treaty and turn the temple into a mosque.[9] After staying for ten days in Jerusalem, the caliph returned to Medina.[17]
I feel that the christians will be safer elsewhere. There are people just itching for a reason to kill them off or convert them. Where to take land or extremist reasons with a religious twist.

Not every violence is based on religion and this one was more like children fight going out of hands.
But did the state provide protection?
Yes police were there and acted promptly.even policemen got injured.
So I would like to know the basis of your claims that christians are unsafe.

I feel that the christians will be safer elsewhere. There are people just itching for a reason to kill them off or convert them. Where to take land or extremist reasons with a religious twist.

Not every violence is based on religion and this one was more like children fight going out of hands.
But did the state provide protection?
Yes police were there and acted promptly.even policemen got injured.
So I would like to know the basis of your claims that christians are unsafe.
See there are ulterior motives- So someone is trying to stir up fitna and fasad-
dont think you think it is better to stay and fight- than to abandon?-

if the government is prosecuting them- the its a totally different scenario-

govt is not helping the minorities either see the blasphemy law, marriage law, qualification for beaming president or prime minister, etc, these kinds of laws gives the impression to majority that minorities are second grade citizens and they can do what ever they want to do with them, there is nobody to care. first make laws which treat everybody equal, then implement it, then only this mob mentality and violence can be controlled.
This growing intolerance will have long lasting effects.

Soon there may be casualties if actions not taken to suppress such acts with iron fists.
The government doesn't help. Unlike the shia, these people can't take up arms. Imagine what would happen if a christain killed a muslim (even in self defence)

Right now the majority of the population is uneducated or under educated and they have no interest in getting educated. They are easily swayed by words from clerics. You can't reason with them.

Exactly thats why i said-
instead of offering them to leave-
sort the house in order-
educate people-
create awareness- co existence- which by following principles of Islam is not hard to accomplish-
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