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MMRCA Deal has turned acrimonious between Britain and France

Selling is one thing. ToT is a whole another matter. They are already pissed at the Ukraine for giving us MTCR Category I and Category II technology:

US embassy cables: Van Diepen complains about the sale of potential ballistic missile parts to Iran | World news | The Guardian

Ctrl+F "Saudi" to read it for yourself.

One word: "Hawk project" My friends...."Hawk project".

I control F'ed and could not find any thing related to saudi.....and what category I tech did ukraine sell to you....

and btw if its under 300 km then they have no ground to bring in mtcr into it...probably they are taking you for a ride...and again most countries dont give ToT on missiles...

and what is that hawk project ?
I control F'ed and could not find any thing related to saudi.....and what category I tech did ukraine sell to you....

and btw if its under 300 km then they have no ground to bring in mtcr into it...probably they are taking you for a ride...and again most countries dont give ToT on missiles...

and what is that hawk project ?

Check again. These are the info avilable to anyone who does a proper research. I won't disclose any further feel free to search the web and make your own research. But I am not saying anymore about this. Look at point 23 of the file.
The best thing for India is to Shut The F U C K Up! A quiet message should be sent to all the four partner countries in the EF Typhoon project regarding why their fighter couldn't make it.

As for my comment on this - hey, its a tender dear Brits, you can't say after you lose that you weren't really serious about the price you quoted and now you want to revise it. Better luck next time!

IAF didn't like Mig35, Gripen, F-16 and F-18. IAF was happy with either of the two, viz., EF or Rafale. If Rafale quoted cheaper, they are the winners! This is the same tantrums that the Americans had after F-16 and F-18 were shown the door.
Check again. These are the info avilable to anyone who does a proper research. I won't disclose any further feel free to search the web and make your own research. But I am not saying anymore about this. Look at point 23 of the file.

look we are not here to play riddles.....if you want to say something , say it directly....and we can discuss about it, as it should be done on a defence forum...

frankly the saudi military is not that important for me to waste time searching for a thing, without knowing what to search in the first place...be happy with ur riddles...:wave:

edit: yeah right , you had posted the wrong link...previously..
look we are not here to play riddles.....if you want to say something , say it directly....and we can discuss about it, as it should be done on a defence forum...

frankly the saudi military is not that important for me to waste time searching for a thing, without knowing what to search in the first place...be happy with ur riddles...:wave:

edit: yeah right , you had posted the wrong link...previously..

Yeah sorry about that copied the wrong tab.
Mosamania, SA is not really a threat to us and we're happy if you get what you want from the Brits. Cool? :)
Yeah sorry about that copied the wrong tab.

swweet baby jesus....it says that india was the recipient of a category I item (it doesnt specify what the item is) and that saudi was to get another category I item...but the sale did not go through after objection from america...

thats all it says..u have any idea what that particular category item is..?
swweet baby jesus....it says that india was the recipient of a category I item (it doesnt specify what the item is) and that saudi was to get another category I item...but the sale did not go through after objection from america...

thats all it says..u have any idea what that particular category item is..?

The sale DID go through my friend ;) he even hinted it went through already. You have to research for yourself to know what it is. And category I items are items that can deliver weapons of mass destruction on great distances, mainly ballistic missile technology.
Well that's gratitude! We give India £1bn in aid, THEY snub the UK and give France a £13bn jet contract

Propaganda coup for Nicolas Sarkozy just days after he declared Britain has 'no industry'

French firm Dassault Rafale slashes price of fighter jets to ensure deal

'Disappointed' Cameron insists there will be no job losses despite blow

The contract was lost despite Government claims that the UK’s £1billion aid package to India would help secure the order.
Yesterday’s decision also handed a propaganda coup to French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who sneeringly claimed on Monday that Britain ‘has no industry’.


Vive la France: The Rafale jets will replace India's ageing fleet of Russian MiGs, with the French company entering exclusive talks with the Indians to finalise the deal by March


Rejected: RAF Typhoons fell to second place, despite the belief that controversial aid packages would secure the India contract for Britain

French firm Dassault Rafale was selected as the preferred bidder to supply 126 military jets to the Indian air force.
BAE Systems, which builds the Eurofighter Typhoon jet, was consigned to second place.

International Development Secretary Andrew Mitchell said in December that Britain’s controversial foreign aid programme was partly designed to win the bid.
Britain is sending £280million to India for each of the next four years, even though the country has more billionaires than Britain and has its own space programme.
The aid package is 15 times larger than the £18million France sent to India in 2009.


Vive la France: The decision is a propaganda coup for French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who sneeringly claimed on Monday that Britain 'has no industry'
Asked to justify Indian aid last year, Mr Mitchell said: ‘It’s a very important relationship. The focus is also about seeking to sell Typhoon.’
The decision is also a setback for David Cameron, who visited India in 2010 with six Cabinet ministers and around 60 businessmen to try to establish Britain as the ‘partner of choice’ for India.
Today during Prime Minister's Questions in the House of Commons, Mr Cameron said he was 'disappointed' by the decision.
He said: 'We don't expect any job losses stemming from this decision and it does not rule out the Typhoon for India.'
He insisted BAE Systems was still in the hunt for the contract, despite losing the first round of bidding.
Yesterday, Indian officials said Dassault emerged in front because the Rafale jet was ‘much cheaper unit-wise’ than the Eurofighter.
It was reported today that Dassault slashed its price demands to ensure the deal was done.
One Indian defence ministry source said: ‘The Indian air force, which is well-equipped with French fighters, is favouring the French.’ The Rafale jets will replace India’s ageing fleet of Russian MiGs.
The French company will now enter exclusive talks with the Indians to finalise the deal, which is expected to be signed in March. The Typhoon is built by BAE Systems and a consortium of German and Spanish branches of European aerospace giant EADS and Italy’s Finmeccanica.
Last night Tory MP Peter Bone questioned the purpose of sending British aid to India at a time when cuts are being made at home. ‘It just goes to show that it’s a myth that by Britain becoming an aid superpower and doling billions of pounds out to countries like this exerts any influence whatsoever on the decisions made by those governments when purchasing equipment.
‘We need to slash the international development money and invest the billions saved to help hard-pressed British families.’
The Unite union last night expressed fears that the loss of the deal could threaten 4,500 jobs at BAE Systems’ Samlesbury base in Lancashire, where key components of the Typhoon are made, and Warton Aerodrome near Preston, where the aircraft is assembled.
Government officials and BAE Systems insisted that they were not completely eliminated from the process and could still land the deal if India’s talks with Dassault collapse.
A spokesman for UK Trade and Investments, the branch of the Government that promotes trade deals overseas, said: ‘This does not rule out Typhoon for India.


‘Today’s decision is about who the Indians have assessed as making the lowest bid and therefore asked to enter into further negotiations.
‘But the Indians have not yet awarded the contract. We continue to believe Eurofighter Typhoon provides the best capability today and into the future.’
A spokesman for BAE Systems added: ‘We believe Eurofighter Typhoon offers the best military, industrial and economic solution for India.’
Unite warned that the selection of a French fighter aircraft for the multibillion-pound contract could have serious implications for BAE Systems and the UK aerospace industry.
National officer Ian Waddell said: 'We are seeking confirmation from BAE Systems that Rafale has been selected as their preferred fighter by India.
'The Typhoon is a superb aircraft which supports thousands of highly skilled jobs in the UK, both at BAE Systems and in the supply chain.
'We are concerned about the serious implications this decision may have and want urgent talks with the company about future plans for the workforce.
'There are other export orders to be won and it is critical that the company maintains its commitment to Typhoon despite this setback.'
The CSEU, an umbrella body for manufacturing unions, is meeting the MoD's Procurement Minister, Peter Luff, next week and the unions will raise this issue as a priority.
Unite said it will continue to concentrate its efforts to deal with the 3,000 potential redundancies at BAE Systems at Brough, Samlesbury and Warton which were announced late last year.

Here is exclusive India bashing by British press (some Pakistani and Chinese members might like this)

India is racing up the league of rich nations. Indeed, its soaring economy will outstrip the UK’s by 2022. According to financial advisers Merrill Lynch, India has 153,000 dollar-millionaires — a 20 per cent rise in a year, compared with Britain’s own paltry increase of less than 1 per cent.Indians have squirrelled away more money in Swiss bank accounts (a total of £900 billion since independence from Britain in 1947) than the rest of the world combined.And when they were invited recently by the Indian Government to exchange for paper money the gold bars and jewellery stashed in their homes (so pumping cash into the national economy), a horde of £160 billion was offered up.


Poor: India is a rich nation and receives billions in aid, yet many still live in poverty


Missing: This school has no desks or chairs because they had never been delivered and are presumed stolen from the factory where they were made

Meanwhile, it invests huge sums in ambitious projects: £2 billion will put the first Indian astronauts into space by 2016, and the annual defence budget tops £22 billion, with a third aircraft carrier now under construction in an Indian shipyard.
Perhaps the perfect example of the garish spending of India’s newly-rich is the £2 billion, 27-storey skyscraper in Mumbai built by a local industrialist as a home for his wife and three children. It is the most expensive house anywhere in the world.
Despite this enormous wealth, David Cameron has decided to give India £1.4 billion between now and 2015. The sum is almost 1 per cent of Britain’s own £159 billion debts.
What’s more, it’s feared that some of this money is chewed up by corruption and fraud.

An official report has revealed that 90 per cent of government officials have accepted a bribe for favours, from ripping up a speeding fine to rubber-stamping a building deal. Corruption, as the Indian prime minister has confessed, is as much a national sport as cricket.
Officials admit that £70 million of the £388 million given by Britain towards a national flagship education programme called Sarva Shiksha Abbiyan (‘education for all’), which promises free classes for every child from the age of six to 14, has been squandered though widespread corruption and theft.
The result is a hugely divided nation, with the super-rich surround by extreme poverty.
Indian cities are riddled with slums - there are 500 in Bhopal alone - and thousands of families live in squalor, even those from the middle classes. Sewage runs down the muddy streets lined with shacks made of corrugated iron with no front doors.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...K-13bn-Indian-jet-contract.html#ixzz1lCG0923K

Do watch the video of French President Sarkozy on the above link.

Brits are angry very very angry! ha ha

The sale DID go through my friend ;) he even hinted it went through already. You have to research for yourself to know what it is. And category I items are items that can deliver weapons of mass destruction on great distances, mainly ballistic missile technology.

the report says it did NOT go through...how can you be sure...if there are any sources,links post it here...
I am trying to figure out is to what the hell is going on!!

Did the Rafale actually get selected or is it just the lowest bidder in the process and things can change later on???

Or is it final that we kicked out EFT and selected the Rafale??

I am reading a lot of different things on news, one says that its just the lowest bidder while other says its the final deal, can some one clear this out.
I am trying to figure out is to what the hell is going on!!

Did the Rafale actually get selected or is it just the lowest bidder in the process and things can change later on???

Or is it final that we kicked out EFT and selected the Rafale??

I am reading a lot of different things on news, one says that its just the lowest bidder while other says its the final deal, can some one clear this out.

The french are the lowest bidder. Now Govt of India and Dassault executives will work to fix the price, ToT and other details. The only way ET gets back in the game is if and only if Dassault itself says that it is unable to meet the requirements put by the Govt of India (The french need this deal badly and so do we, so the chances are very very less). Other than that its Rafale all the way.
By the way, the dailymail article I put up above has a lot of things Chinese and Pakistani members regularly write on this forum. :D
the report says it did NOT go through...how can you be sure...if there are any sources,links post it here...

I am sure. As I said earlier I will not disclose anything that is not readily available on the Internet. I can provide you with a link that is relevant even though it does not confirm anything (as intended) it should give you an idea.
Saudi Arabia, Ukraine To Hold Joint Space Explorations

And this:
Interesting to note that Indian defense minister was present at this.
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