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Missing persons issue more serious than NRO, says judge

I got this one covered. Batman is like my younger brother. he is just a bit hot headed and fails sometimes to see the other side of the coin. But brother this is what we are here for.
Nice talking to you again after a very long time.
Doc, you answered to his arguments (if they were), but you left his use of foul language untouched. To be honest with you, after reading such a bad language, I was left with no desire to reply to even one of the arguments that were made in the two successive posts. All I wanted was to report to the Mods, and express my disgust over the use of such a low level language. I have had severe kind of difference of opinion, especially when it comes to Musharraf and honorable Justices, with SSGPA1, but boy, never once he used foul language.

At any rate, I am glad that you noticed my presence. It is always refreshing to read your excellent posts.
In a lot of cases there is proof that these people were taken away by the agencies. There in lies the problem. Believe me contrary to the general belief in some members of this forum about the motives of Supreme court, these cases are genuine and the agencies are hiding facts. I think you must understand that the law should be uniform and constant for all. You cant just have people who are above the law. This is what has led to the anarchaic state that we are in. CJ Chaudhry , from my own sources in the Supreme court circuit is financially very honest and a good man. We have to back him in this quest as it is a just one.


If agencies are hiding truth then the SCoP should take action and everyone will support SCoP, however, if there is no evidence produced against an agency then SCoP should close the case and free up the Judicial resources for another valid cause. Keeping these cases for so long and issuing statement on these cases will not help to produce these misisng people. I hope he is also looking into the missing peoples' file from the mid 90s, innocent people who become victims of war between NS and Altaf Hussain.

I still consider the CJP bias because all actions so far has been against the PPPP, Gen. Musharraf and the PA. Answer to that will be that there are no cases brought forth against NS so no action. Well if Suo Moto can be taken against traffic jam in Karachi then a Suo Moto can be taken against NS? There is a lot of wealth in Itefaq Group which belongs to Pakistan. The entire country will support the CJP the day he will take action against the Sharifs.

LAST BUT MOST IMPORTANT: Let's forget all the issues I mentioned above and see what have the CJP and other judges have done so far for the freedom of judiciary. Nothing!

I say this because our Judiciary will only be free when we have decent salary and perks structure for all employees of the Judiciary. All of these judges live in posh areas with their bellies filled so it is easy for them to demand honesty and sincerety from the rest of the Judiciary.

Now is this fair to ask a law clerk in Malir or Larkana or Lahore to be honest? No sir. Why? because those poor souls also have families and ambitions. The biggest service CJP and company can do for Pakistan is to pressurize the GoP to change the entire pay structure and perks. Provide the employees with a great pension plan, land and credit on easy terms. The appointment for Judges should also come from within the Judiciary so that people have chance of moving up.

This reply is not to score a home run but this is what I have been asking from the very beginning. If the CJP can free the Judiciary then he will be one of the greatest Pakistanis ever!

Doc, you answered to his arguments (if they were), but you left his use of foul language untouched. To be honest with you, after reading such a bad language, I was left with no desire to reply to even one of the arguments that were made in the two successive posts. All I wanted was to report to the Mods, and express my disgust over the use of such a low level language. I have had severe kind of difference of opinion, especially when it comes to Musharraf and honorable Justices, with SSGPA1, but boy, never once he used foul language.

At any rate, I am glad that you noticed my presence. It is always refreshing to read your excellent posts.

Thanks for the izzat afzai, BATMAN is a cool guy bu he just lost his temper and I am sure he will restrain himself in future.

I do not know if the judgwe is corrupt---taking bribes. But he is a very poor judge of character.

He is the GENERAL MANAGER / CEO of pakistan's judiciary---his job is to manage, give directives, make ten thousand people do their jobss---but no---he wants to do the job of ten thousand people---a man with very poor judgement.

His mind is set on looking at petty issues---and he should----but then he should let his junior staff address those issues----because if for once you need the chief justice of pakistan to fix the traffic lights in karachi---what is it going to be next---you would call on the prime minister the next time.

Also the release of red mosque teerrorists was a blow to the integrity of pakistan. These were the people who were openly threatening to blow up things and openly threatening to kill.

Judge Chaudhry is no saint himself---just to get his seat back we get ZARDARI as our prime minister.

What difference does it make if he is the sitting or the standing chief justice---incomptence is written all over his judgement calls.

That steel mills issue---comes to light that the land was not as much as was claimed---and if the steel mill would have been sold---pakistan would have made a ton of money---steel mill would have been upgraded.

This judge Chaudhry was the idiot who stated that an indian is buying the steel mill---its production maybe sabotaged. How can we let it happen. He had no clue who and what MITTAL was, what he did or what he stood for---the judge had no clue that international buyouts have no national identity.

Judge Chaudhry is the criminal of the worst kind---just to get his seat back, he made the nation suffer losses in billions of dollars, hundreds of people were killed, hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people suffered just because YOUR HONOR wanted his seat back.

There is not a single case of police brutality that heclaimed to act upon and the police officers are in jail----noty one police officer in jail sent by Judge Chaudhry---IN WHAT PLANET ARE YOU PEOPLE LIVING---this man is power hungry like anyone else---he not be corrupt---but he is no doubt not very competent.
t know if the judge is corrupt---taking bribes. But he is a very poor judge of character.
You have evidence of his poor character, right?

he GENERAL MANAGER / CEO of pakistan's judiciary---his job is to manage, give directives, make ten thousand people do their jobss---but no---he wants to do the job of ten thousand people---a man with very poor judgement.
If you are surrounded by incapable and corrupt staff, and you are sincere to your Institution, what would you do? Compromise with the situation or act proactively and take matters in your own hands? Is is not for what you have been supporting the dictators the whole nine yards? How something halal for a military dictator becomes haram for a civilian Chief Justice?

His mind is set on looking at petty issues---and he should----but then he should let his junior staff address those issues----because if for once you need the chief justice of pakistan to fix the traffic lights in karachi---what is it going to be next---you would call on the prime minister the next time.
What petty issues? What is your opinion about the Prophet Muhammed, and the four great Caliphs (Khulfa e Rashideen)? An educated a person like you, I am sure you have read about the ways they governed and took up with even menial tasks (as per your opinion) without waiting someone to finish for them.

Also the release of red mosque terrorists was a blow to the integrity of Pakistan. These were the people who were openly threatening to blow up things and openly threatening to kill.
To provide adequate evidence is not the job of the Justice, it is the Job of the law enforcement and intelligence agencies. Judicature is blind by default; the decisions are made based on the evidence provided. Releasing the suspects of the Lal Mosque was the decision based on the lack of evidence, for which the Intelligence and security agencies should be blamed not the Justices.

Judge Chaudhry is no saint himself---just to get his seat back we get ZARDARI as our prime minister.
How is that? Was he the draftsman behind the NRO or your beloved Musharraf?

What difference does it make if he is the sitting or the standing chief justice---incomptence is written all over his judgement calls.
This is more of your opinion which lacks any substance.

That steel mills issue---comes to light that the land was not as much as was claimed---and if the steel mill would have been sold---pakistan would have made a ton of money---steel mill would have been upgraded.
Plain wrong. You may want to read more about the issue especially from what General Qayum (Chairman Pakistan Steel) told about the whole deal.

This judge Chaudhry was the idiot who stated that an indian is buying the steel mill---its production maybe sabotaged. How can we let it happen. He had no clue who and what MITTAL was, what he did or what he stood for---the judge had no clue that international buyouts have no national identity.
you must Watch you mouth before using foul language for a person who is better than you in every respect, from his educational qualification to his job description and responsibilities. It has nothing to do with an Indian, Mittal or what not (now you are accusing the CJP for racial, religious and national prejudice). It has all to do with the fairness of the deal, how much the PS worth, and for how much it was sold to a low bidder.

Judge Chaudhry is the criminal of the worst kind---just to get his seat back, he made the nation suffer losses in billions of dollars, hundreds of people were killed, hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people suffered just because YOUR HONOR wanted his seat back.
By making such derogatory as well as baseless comments, don’t disgrace yourself, and the TT that is hanging after your name. If you are making him a criminal because of all this, what is your opinion about MA Jinnah? Hundred of thousands of the Indian Muslims suffered because of the ‘ego’ of one person, that is how he is remembered by his adversaries, right?

There is not a single case of police brutality that he claimed to act upon and the police officers are in jail----not one police officer in jail sent by Judge Chaudhry---IN WHAT PLANET ARE YOU PEOPLE LIVING---this man is power hungry like anyone else---he not be corrupt---but he is no doubt not very competent.
As a Justice, he can come up with jurisdiction, acting on jurisdiction is not the job of the Judiciary but of the executive branch. I though you would know that legislative, executive, and the judicial branches are the three pillars of the state and turning the criminals in is simply not the job of the judiciary.

Don't ride on my post---put your answers in a statement of sorts. Thanks.

Don't ride on my post---put your answers in a statement of sorts. Thanks.
I don’t think you are in a position to dictate me in anyway. This is a public forum; expect people's response.

Tell me about it---but don't ride my post---put your answers in your post---
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