...seated side by side, two gentlemen from two different world...
And there they were, on a flight from Cape Town to Durban, seated side by side, two gentlemen from two different worlds.......After the formalities were covered, the conversation continued........
Bob: I don't believe in God, but rather in science and technology, something tangible you see, but if you can prove to me scientifically that God does exist then I would consider such a thought.
Ali: Okay, you being interested in technology, please answer this question......with regard to an advanced machine or electronic device, who would be the one to know the most about its mechanism or functioning?
Bob: Well, perhaps the person who has invented or manufactured such a machine.
Ali: Can we agree that it is the maker or creator of the product who would know every-thing there is to know about the product.
Bob: I don't see why not, it sounds reasonable.
Ali: Being knowledgeable in these matters, the next question I'd like to ask you is, Just how did the world or the universe come into existence?