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Mig 27 and Su-27 will be phased out of India's inventory. So it will be Mig 29's and SU-30's only. there are a number of aircraft that are available to counter them. (there are numerous threads on this subject.)


India has Su-27?
No, to my knowledge IAF never bought the Flanker.
Probably Keys meant the Mig-23 and Mig-27 to be phased out from the Inventory. :coffee:
India has Su-27?

slight error on my part .........I was thinking of the MKK's

Su-27SK (Su-30MK, Su-33) Flanker Front Line Fighter Aircraft, Russia

The Su-27 (NATO designation Flanker) is the front line fighter aircraft designed by the Sukhoi Design Bureau and manufactured by Irkut Corporation. The export version is the Su-27SK. The aircraft is equipped to operate autonomously in combat over hostile territory, in escort of deep-penetration strike aircraft and in the suppression of enemy airfields. The aircraft provides general air defence in cooperation with ground and airborne control stations. A naval variant with folding wings, the Su-33, exists.

Su-27 entered production in 1982 and is in service with Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Vietnam, and is built under license in China as the F-11. A variant, the Su-30MK, has been sold to India with licensed local production. 50 aircraft were ordered from Irkut and the first entered service with the Indian Air Force in September 2002. The last was delivered in December 2004. The first of up to 140 aircraft indigenously built by Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL) was delivered in November 2004. China ordered 76 two-seat Su-30MKK and 24 Su-30MK2 naval fighters. Deliveries were completed in August 2004. Indonesia ordered two Su-27SK and two Su-30MK aircraft, which were delivered in September 2003, and has plans to order eight more.

How many JF-17 thunder and F-16 planes have pakistan Airforce ?
Mig 27 and Su-27 will be phased out of India's inventory. So it will be Mig 29's and SU-30's only. there are a number of aircraft that are available to counter them. (there are numerous threads on this subject.)


You forgot to mention the jaguars and mirages from the current inventory. And if Mig 27 and Mig 21 are phased out you can bet by that time we have the LCA and MRCA ready.

IAF would be then left with the MKI,Mirages, jaguars,Mig 29, LCA and the MRCA(?).
A question for Sir Murad:

How would you rate PAF's readiness in crisis time if we come under attack?
I believe we have quite a high level of readiness, much higher to our adversaries accoring to an article in AFM.

Which aircraft provides the best point defence for our military assets such as Kahutta?
A question for Sir Murad:

How would you rate PAF's readiness in crisis time if we come under attack?
I believe we have quite a high level of readiness, much higher to our adversaries accoring to an article in AFM.

Which aircraft provides the best point defence for our military assets such as Kahutta?

you remember twice Israel Air Force tried to get us the first time our radars at the border of
-------- called in and they were still very far, Our response was in 3 min we had
52 Air Crafts in Air , The Americans told the Israelis to go back saying
" Go back PAF is fully aware of your intentions, They are all awake" time was 1.52Am.
Now Kahuta is a different story we have what we call is a Comp Force Commander Air force is incharge ( Air Force and Army Air defense ). If someone is going towards kahuta we follow it to a certian Zone and if we can get the ememy before the zone Good for us if not let them go in because they are not comming out.
That is why I love Army Air defense Sapahi is told Sab any plane goes over you, you fire.
So he points the stinger in the Sky and says " To whom it may Concern" and fires:lol: . In 71 comming back after a mission came for landing at peshawar and the army guys started firing AAG at me so I had to turn around and land at kamra:lol:
Muradk said:
Now Kahuta is a different story we have what we call is a Comp Force Commander Air force is incharge ( Air Force and Army Air defense ). If someone is going towards kahuta we follow it to a certian Zone and if we can get the ememy before the zone Good for us if not let them go in because they are not comming out.
That is why I love Army Air defense Sapahi is told Sab any plane goes over you, you fire.

Anything that flys towards Kahuta you follow? Anything that flys over Kahuta is shot down even if it is a PIA plane or any other. There is already a few planes that were shot down over it in the Past, the Planes are allowed to fly at a certian region but the region is heavly defended, it is like straight line on the map, and if a plane trys to go little bit off it, it is taken down immediatly.
I will discuss later as I want to recheck my source. I do not at the momment agree I will come back on this.
I will discuss later as I want to recheck my source. I do not at the momment agree I will come back on this.

Interceptor, with all due respect you have a source who was in the middle of the said incident. I would accept this.
I respect Muradk view. However, I cant understand where the Radar stuff came. It was a PIA pilot in the middle east who saw the X-number of Israeli planes and the direction he contacted Pakistan told the number and direction time of incident. I have to recheck I maybe missed a detail. I have to ask that person who also flew that day.

I really don't remember that Pakistani radars picked up the Planes.

What was the geographical location of PIA plane when it crossed IAF jets.
It can be assumed, from what you have described that it was an international flight and If pessengers also identified IAF jets than they must have been flown very close to the PIA plane.
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