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Military Operation against TTP in N.Waziristan | Updates & Discussions.

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NW waziristan is neither turf of haqqani network nor TTP, it is controlled by hafiz gul bahadur who has support of utmanzai wazir tribe.
Haqqani group is guest, powerful and respected one, utmanzai wazir is providing them sanctuary since 80s with consent of pakistani military establishment. Fate of haqqani network in NW is tied with hafiz gul bahadur.

You are right, even the TTP are guests there - the fact is army's planning an op in NWA where the big three plus probably a few more are present. So my question still stands.
:lol::lol: Who informed you that NATO was interested in the first place. When there was an operation going on in South Waziristan, NATO forces simply abandoned their check posts from the Afghanistan side, allowing some wanted militants to escape inside Afghan territory. Pakistan army was constantly complaining about such hopeless tactics of NATO forces but of no use. Secondly, terrorists are using weapons snatched from the NATO forces already, so thanks for your shown concern, by one way or another we are going to wipe them out....Absolutely no doubt about that.

Read Pak One's post above your post. Your government is harbouring same Haqqanis who are fighting with NATO in Afghanistan.So how can you expect co-operation from NATO.
No your strategic asset transformed into your tormentor. It's just case of love relationship gone sour. I shouldn't remind you of what Codeleza Rice once said.

And what does this all got to do with my posts? You sure you are replying to what I had entailed?
And what does this all got to do with my posts? You sure you are replying to what I had entailed?

Yes obviously. What you purposed was that, there were no strategic assets but you also know that's not true , don't you ??
Not so good news for ImRAWn Khan!
IK is against tactics like Air-Bombing & shelling; even india doesn't do that in occupied Kashmir.
No one was or is against precision strikes. No one is against arresting criminals based on intelligence. No one is against commando operation(which minimizes collateral loss) or sth like that. Anything that involves blind stupid use of (or waste of) power is what IK was against.

Just yesterday 2 terrorists were arrested from Township Lahore. That's the way to go. Improve intelligence & then based on that take deliberate calculated actions. Don't try to mimic US-of-Attrocities & be a copy cat & Air-Bomb villages. Such stupid approach will only create more & more terrorists & you would be in an even deeper trouble.

Your enemies are trying hard to indulge Pak-Military into a civil war with it's own people. Don't do what your enemies wish for.

... that NATO & US with all their might was unable to secure ( or did not wanted to do it ) other side of the border .
They did not want to. Because they are the ones who are supporting terrorism in Pakistan, through their other branches.

Look brother, military can absolutely wipe them out these rodents insides there hideouts, our military can absolutely devastate them ....
But remember their brethren are sitting in your neighborhood too, waiting for orders. They could blow themselves up in markets & your loved ones could suffer too. Didn't you see many terrorist attacks after last air-raid.!

How about using strategic assets against TTP?
What do you mean, you're not thinking Think-Tank! o_O

But you didn't do this when NATO asked you to do so, what now ?? ...
N.Wazir was full of pro-Pakistan guys (Link). That's why Pak Army did NOT set foot there. Now, could be that foreign-sponsored terrorists have made their way in there.!
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No your strategic asset transformed into your tormentor. It's just case of love relationship gone sour. I shouldn't remind you of what Codeleza Rice once said.
Read Pak One's post above your post. Your government is harbouring same Haqqanis who are fighting with NATO in Afghanistan.So how can you expect co-operation from NATO.
Do you think NATO is in fully control of Afghanistan??? They cannot even control Kabul, not to mention the rest of the country... So because of that Afghanistan was harboring many of the most wanted terrorists by Pakistan such as Mullah Fazalullah, who was operating from inside Afghanistan by attacking Pakistan's check posts near Dir or Chitral valley after he escaped from Swat Valley in 2009. Plus after some time we never expected cooperation from NATO forces, what the fuss you are trying to make here. ??? It's our problem, let it be dealt in our way, thanks for your concerns, doubts.
Let me jog peoples memories , it seems we (Pakistanis) are loosing sight of our objective

Sep 11 resulted in a coup by the anti Muslim forces , where by America led by a nincompoop told the world you are either with us or against us , while the Israeli involvement in sep 11 is not proven never the less it was seen as a 'good' thing from their perspective and on record stated to be the case

Our war that is Pakistan's war did not start in the aftermath of 11th of sep , it started on the eve of 14th august 1947 soon after independence

Neither India nor Afghanistan accepted our new born nation and both countries made attempts to kill Pakistan in its infancy , they did not succeed

While the fight against India is well documented and understood , the fight against Afghanistan is less documented because they happen to share the same faith as we do

Both India and Afghanistan saw the federally administered tribal area as the point of ingress and the point from where agitation against the Pakistani state can be done to achieve the goal of killing Pakistan

There are numerous cables of the US embassy that document the tag team effort between the government of India and the RGA ( royal government of Afghanistan ) to destabilise Pakistan to the extent that it breaks apart

Pakistan took the fight to it enemies , with the afghan government to the west and India to the east , rest is history

Coming back to sep 11, in the backdrop of the above before Sep 11 Pakistan had managed to secure ties with a non hostile regime in Afghanistan, which up until then had not been the case , the Taliban regime however it may have been was not hostile to Pakistan like previous or the current afghan regime

The American threat of either u are with us or against us forced Pakistan to realign itself which resulted in the removal of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan , no doubt there were and are ill feeling about what happened but we did what was in our national interest

The Americans wanted to punish Pakistan and they did so by launching covert CIA operations inside Pakistan whose funding has been recently revealed to be in excess of 50 billion dollars , this money was used to rent out sell outs and inject mercenaries like Raymond Davis and the US Embassy was ramped up to be a CIA outpost , perhaps the largest outside continental United States

It became clear that America wanted Pakistan in its deadly embrace, this was also the time that Gen Musharaf was seeking to legitimise his military rule.

The army set out to secure its tribal frontier since it became clear should America start to bomb FATA , that will lead to direct confrontation with America and that had to be avoided.

As Pakistan started to move its troops into FATA , the randi rona from various quarters started

The Pathan net cried foul , as FATA is holy land and army was not supposed to go there
The American saw the opportunity to ignite civil war hence it kept asking Pakistan to do more
The old afghan dream of killing Pakistan was re kindled in the aftermath

Our Army has taken the brunt of the multi pronged assault on Pakistan , there can be no doubt about this

Knowing all of the above the workable strategy was , is and will remain so that we will hit and destroy those militant groups that attack Pakistan ,while not letting America have a free pass in our country to do as she wants to , militants that are focused on Afghanistan are not our problem .. Although America India and Afghanistan all want them to be our problem
We have to see who is gonna benefit from this situation pak Army should be care full about operation
PAk gov should see deep into it the indecent happen in mohmand and dear area not in North waziristan
than the opration should be done in \dire bajor border area afghan kunar is the base camp that so called TTP bbajor chapter we need operation in that area the anime is well financed and equipped this is like a mulltye head snake.
Without political will, even if you have thousands of drones and gunships, the result will be a defeat.. There is no substitute for political will
not going to happen
its the job of the PM...that fcker is the democratic leader of the house and leader of the biggest party.
he is the one who has to show some leadership and take the risky decision. its the hard ones that make one a leader..

but he will never do that,.and leave it on other parties knowing to well that there wont be any decision because of divergent views
not going to happen
its the job of the PM...that fcker is the democratic leader of the house and leader of the biggest party.
he is the one who has to show some leadership and take the risky decision. its the hard ones that make one a leader..

but he will never do that,.and leave it on other parties knowing to well that there wont be any decision because of divergent views

Watch this...

Whoever supports,wants negotiations with these sons of bitches is a bastard...

@Aeronaut @LoveIcon
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Actually, there will be no outrage in the public, it will be in the media. Lal Masjid operation was made into an issue by the media (Hamid Mir and others like him) not by the public. Pakistani people are busy tackling with other more important issues (load shedding, inflation etc), and neither they have time nor energy to took up the roads and chant against the military operation. This whole hype of retaliation, and that the war will spread out into whole of the country is created by the media. The GoP, and if they don't, the Pakistan military has to put the media on leash.

I agree with Baloch, PA is (apparently) not doing its job. If they want, they can make the GoP to take all these measures, but for reasons unknown to me, military seems not to interfere with anything. We have to fight this war, and be prepared to endure lots of bloodshed, but than if this country has to stay on the globe, we have to go through this. Look at Sri Lanka, they decided to uproot the insurgency at all cost, and they achieved their objective, and look at their economic growth now.
Army troops carry out field firing, battle exercise at Tilla Ranges


RAWALPINDI: Troops of Gujranwala and Sialkot formations carried out field firing and battle inoculation exercise at Tilla Ranges near Jhelum.

Corps Commander Mangla, Lieutenant General Tariq Khan and Corps Commander Gujranwala, Lieutenant General Salim Nawaz witnessed the training exercise.

Elements from Armour, infantry, artillery, aviation as well as Pakistan Air Force participated in the exercise, said an ISPR press release issued here on Monday.

The exercise was aimed at practicing the participating troops in operating under real battle field environment with live firing of various weapon systems.

The Corps Commanders appreciated the concept, skill full planning and conduct of the exercise and commended battle skills as well as firing standards of the participating troops.

Army troops carry out field firing, battle exercise at Tilla Ranges

So ??Talking doesn't mean we differentiated them as good or bad Taliban and neither did Afghanistan used them as strategic depth.

It's old news when even NATO opined for that but it didn't work out so action followed.

We had one condition for NATO

  • Kill them when we drive them out and they try to escape to Afghanistan.

    They refused.

Any source to back what you say ??
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