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Military Balance of Turkish & Hellenic Air Forces in the Region

Yes,you've been boasting about "no turkish project fail",you've been working on that tank since 2008 and despite all the technology transfer and bragging,you've hit dead-ends time and again. And there you are,again talking big and saying "IN 2024 TO START TESTING".

No any failed project , but there was a delay

ALTAY Tank is ready for mass production since 2018

but tender and manufacturer was changed from OTOKAR to BMC
and Germany blocked sale of Engine to Turkiye

in 2023 , mass production of ALTAY Tank will start with Korean Engine
and in 2024 , indigenous 1500 hp Tank engine test will start on ALTAY Tank

Jealous of what? Turkish experimental missiles? We have genuine American and French missiles in our inventory. Why should we be jealous?

You have no brain to understand this

Greece always will depend on USA-France for air to air , air defense and cruise missiles with limited numbers

on the other hand Turkiye was become real military power with its defense industry to arm even UCAVs , Helicopters with air to air and cruise missiles

Turkiye has more BVR missiles , SAMs , Cruise Missiles than Greece+Egypt combined

And you still are not allowed to use it. And you still don't know how much of a success the S-400 can be against Rafale with SPECTRA or even conventional equipment. Why? Because it had been advertised for years by Russia as the world's top AA system. On paper,it is one of the best systems right now. In reality? It has only been tested in real battle conditions less than a handful of times,while the Patriot has been tested heavily and through that experience it has been upgraded and modified.

But your main problem is that if you activate it,there will be sanctions from NATO. Can Turkey afford more sanctions?

Turkiye tested even S400s in Ankara and Sinop in 2020

S400s belong to Turkiye
if need , Turkiye to use S400s wherever and whenever

and keep dreaming about sanctions

S400 has the longest kill record in the world .. 150+ km

Ah so now you spill the beans? You finally admit it and say "It will be combat ready in 2032-2035"?

Stop trolling
I always said this about the TFX ..

First flight : 2025
in service : 2029

and TFX fleets ( 50-70 units ) in 2032-2035

Because all these months,all you've been saying is: "TFX,TFX,TFX...Turkiye superior 5th gen. stealth fighter,only a few countries in the world". We're not even in 2023. You're talking about 10-12 years in the future.

You are a liar
I am always talking about KIZILELMA , not about the TFX

KIZILELMA unmanned stealth Fighter Jet

First flight : 2023
in service : 2025

and KIZILELMA fleets ( 72 units ) in 2027
BAYKAR has production capability annually 36 KIZILELMA
You create threats yourselves. Your government finds "threats" and goes into other countries. Sit down and be peaceful and you won't need more weaponry.

You are saying Turkiye should sit down and allow bandit USA-France and their terrorists/puppets PKK/YPG,FETO,Greece

to destroy Turkiye's territorial integrity
to steal oil-gas reserves and 150.000 km2 of area in the Eastern Mediterranean

Greece bought Rafale because of Erdogan's daily provocations and threats. You create this animosity and force others into arming themselves. You had no reason to be in Libya,you had no reason to meddle in Cyprus.

And now you're telling me that Iran is a threat to you.

and bandit USA-France and their puppet Greece has right to be in Libya - Cyprus ?

-- 1/3 of Cyprus is belong to Turks and Turkiye saved Turkish Cypriots from savage Greeks in 1974
-- There are over 1 million Turk origin people invLibya
and The UN recognized Libyan government works with Turkiye

we dont care about crying Greece-France,etc

So funny,we have Rafale that can tear you apart and you can't even acknowledge that. All you say is "Oooh Turkiye can turn into pieces of scrap Greek fighters".

@F-22Raptor Check his claim on the F-22.

Rafale is so easy target for S400 and SIPER air defense systems

so funny , weak Greece dreaming about 7 Rafale to win a war against Turkiye

Turkish Ballistic-Cruise Missiles and Kamikaze Drones can hit even your Rafales in Jet hangars ( Tanagra air base ) near Athens
Only in your lies ...


Hellenic Air Force
F-16 block30 : 1989-1990
F-16 block50 : 1997-1998
F-16 block52 : 2002-2010

Turkish Air Force
F-16 block30 : 1987-1990
F-16 block50 : 1996-1999
F-16 block50+ : 2011-2012

F-16 block40 : 1990-1994

And Turkiye spent $3,9 billion to modernize 163 F-16 block40/50 to block52 standard between 2011 and 2015

Foolishness and ignorance are tired of its cure

Many points ignore the superiority of Greece in most areas and capabilities and comes to what he considers a loophole as a result of ignorance of the reality of things on your part.

There is no problem to teach the ignorant and increase his knowledge instead of leaving him like a parrot repeating without a mind or thought.

tur f16.jpg

The Turks have most of their fleet of F-16s from Block 40 and Block 30
The Turks 158 Turkish F-16s Block 30 and Block 40
While the Greeks only got 40 F-16 BLOCK 30
The Greek fleet of F-16 BLOCK 50 aircraft was made between 1997-1998
The Greek fleet F-16 BLOCK 52 was carried out between 2002-2010 with a number of 90 aircraft
Which made the Greeks at the time have newer planes than Turkish planes and with better equipment than the beginning

What the Turks got is the F-16 BLOCK 50 from 1996-2012, not the F-16 BLOCK 52, and because it is the least developed, Turkey introduced the CCIP program to upgrade its planes to match the capabilities of Greece
haf f16.jpg

So, when we explained that the Greek fighter fleet is ten years younger than the Turkish one, due to the fact that most of the Greek fleet, its fighters have the latest number of flying hours, because it has air defense systems such as the Patriot and the S-300. Unlike Turkey, which depends on consuming a single fighter, it has no other capabilities for the Turkish Air Force

You stupidly ignored Greece's possession of MIRAGE-2000 planes with its own wheels
MIRAGE-2000EG , MIRAGE-2000-5 Mk 2
With 44 planes
To show the illusory superiority of the Turks with the F-16 fleet

You ignored that Greece received 24 Rafale planes
When we mentioned Greece's acquisition by the end of the year 12 Rafale & F-16 aircraft equipped with AESA radar, you ignored the Greek qualitative superiority, and when we announced the receipt of Greece 12 aircraft annually, what is meant is the Greek F-16 aircraft developed annually, and Alona already in addition to developing 38 additional aircraft to exceed the developed fleet according to requests Greece 121 F-16 BLOCK 72

And we showed in the pictures the receipt of the first two F-16 BLCOK 72 aircraft
You want to hide the Turkish weakness point, which depends on a single plane that has a known good ability to Greece, which is the F-16, and Greece is not superior in the field of training, leadership, planning and management of its fleet over Turkey, but also in the diversity of its fighter fleet, capabilities and ammunition, which provides efficiency in destroying Turkish targets and increasing pressure The Turkish Air Force, Air Defense and Electronic Warfare have a variety of weapons that it has to confront
You are trying to hide the Turkish weakness
So I distributed accusations against me for the weak position of the Turks, who are represented by someone like you, which explains the slander of the Turks, even for those who represent a healthy thought or a sound mind and not a childish mix of illusions and dreams.


It deliberately ignored the superiority of Greece in the availability of pilots and their high experience in exchange for the collapse of the ability of the Turks in this field after the expulsion of 300 Turkish pilots from service.
And expelling the leaders of the Air Force and appointing those who are loyal to Erdogan, and when army leaders turn to those who owe loyalty to Erdogan, they lack professionalism and professionalism.
Therefore, killing and beating the Turks in Al-Watiya, and the silence of the Turkish Lagadet on this operation, shows that the insult of the Turkish military that took place in Libya does not concern these leaders, who only care about protecting Erdogan. As for Turkish honor and Turkish dignity, they only overlooked him as long as they maintain their positions, which was reflected in the lack of birding The Turkish air force is not in their interests, on the contrary, only what drives the Turks to try to develop the F-16 fleet or buy new fighters to silence the internal people who are not satisfied with the weakness of the Turkish air force, which is reflected in the killing of the Kurdish people in Turkey, Iraq and Syria. If the Turks had leaders in the air force The Turkish or the Turkish army is silent on the levels of weakness of the Turkish Air Force, nor on the insults to Turkey, but even its defeats on the strategic level.
Even the adventures with Libya, regardless of whether the gold of the Central Bank of Libya was stolen, what did the Turks benefit from while the entire international community did not recognize and reject Turkey’s role in Libya, so Turkey became an outcast. International and you complain that we insult the Turkish state and forget that whoever insults the Turkish state is your actions, not us. We are nothing but a light that illuminates the way and clarifies the facts of matters.
Let me also reiterate the seriousness of Turkish actions, which reflect negatively on Turkey
Greece is now increasing its military capacity and increasing the arms embargo on the Turks. We have previously explained how its fleet has developed and new fighters entered instead of the old ones, while it was able to implement an arms embargo against the Turks. Isn't this a strategic loss for the Turks

It deliberately ignored the superiority of the Greeks in the areas of expertise of leaders and leadership competencies in the field of managing air operations, and Greece's possession of the best squadrons of fighters in Europe in air combat

It deliberately ignored the superiority of Greece in mobilizing an international coalition against the Turks, which resulted in an arms embargo against the Turks, which made the Turkish F-16 weapon like a crumpled duck on the ground, and a gradual collapse of the capabilities of the Turkish fighter force because of the lack of America’s approval of development, the lack of ready-made development components, and the inability of the Turks to buy fighters New from international sources


It deliberately ignored the presence of Saudi and Egyptian fighters, even the UAE in Greece, and the ease of doubling them. For example, simply what if Egypt provided Greece with 40 Egyptian F-16s, Saudi Arabia 24 F-15SA, and the UAE with 24 MIRAGE-2000/9
In addition to the French support in the Rafale for Greece, and the flow of a huge number of weapons from Europe to Greece immediately, to become Turkey in this case, like the Ukrainian case, Turkey will turn into the situation of World War I and World War II
So you are trying to escape because the responses to me and doing a repetitive process like a parrot Turkey manufactures ammunition for the Rose missile and the air-to-air missile Turkey develops air defense systems that are always ignorant of the real capabilities. Wars are not empty propaganda

It deliberately ignored the superiority of Greece in the availability of pilots and their high experience in exchange for the collapse of the ability of the Turks in this field after the expulsion of 300 Turkish pilots from service. And expelling the leaders of the Air Force and appointing those who are loyal to Erdogan, and when army leaders turn to those who owe loyalty to Erdogan, they lack professionalism and professionalism. Therefore, killing and beating the Turks in Al-Watiya, and the silence of the Turkish Lagadet on this operation, shows that the insult of the Turkish military that took place in Libya does not concern these leaders, who only care about protecting Erdogan. As for Turkish honor and Turkish dignity, they only overlooked him as long as they maintain their positions, which was reflected in the lack of birding The Turkish air force is not in their interests, on the contrary, only what drives the Turks to try to develop the F-16 fleet or buy new fighters to silence the internal people who are not satisfied with the weakness of the Turkish air force, which is reflected in the killing of the Kurdish people in Turkey, Iraq and Syria. If the Turks had leaders in the air force The Turkish or the Turkish army is silent on the levels of weakness of the Turkish Air Force, nor on the insults to Turkey, but even its defeats on the strategic level. Even the adventures with Libya, regardless of whether the gold of the Central Bank of Libya was stolen, what did the Turks benefit from while the entire international community did not recognize and reject Turkey’s role in Libya, so Turkey became an outcast. International and you complain that we insult the Turkish state and forget that whoever insults the Turkish state is your actions, not us. We are nothing but a light that illuminates the way and clarifies the facts of matters. Let me also reiterate the seriousness of Turkish actions, which reflect negatively on Turkey Greece is now increasing its military capacity and increasing the arms embargo on the Turks. We have previously explained how its fleet has developed and new fighters entered instead of the old ones, while it was able to implement an arms embargo against the Turks. Isn't this a strategic loss for the Turks It deliberately ignored the superiority of the Greeks in the areas of expertise of leaders and leadership competencies in the field of managing air operations, and Greece's possession of the best squadrons of fighters in Europe in air combat It deliberately ignored the superiority of Greece in mobilizing an international coalition against the Turks, which resulted in an arms embargo against the Turks, which made the Turkish F-16 weapon like a crumpled duck on the ground, and a gradual collapse of the capabilities of the Turkish fighter force because of the lack of America’s approval of development, the lack of ready-made development components, and the inability of the Turks to buy fighters New from international sources It deliberately ignored the presence of Saudi and Egyptian fighters, even the UAE in Greece, and the ease of doubling them. For example, simply what if Egypt provided Greece with 40 Egyptian F-16s, Saudi Arabia 24 F-15SA, and the UAE with 24 MIRAGE-2000/9 In addition to the French support in the Rafale for Greece, and the flow of a huge number of weapons from Europe to Greece immediately, to become Turkey in this case, like the Ukrainian case, Turkey will turn into the situation of World War I and World War II So you are trying to escape because the responses to me and doing a repetitive process like a parrot Turkey manufactures ammunition for the Rose missile and the air-to-air missile Turkey develops air defense systems that are always ignorant of the real capabilities. Wars are not empty propaganda When the squadrons of fighters from Rafale & F-16 BLOCK 72 & MIRAGE-2000 MKII-5 bombard the Turkish fleet of ships in the Aegean Sea and strike the Turkish lands, propaganda will not work. Based on their reality, Turkey depends for its economy on Europe, which of course will not accept any losses for Greece, which is simply that they can, besides the military destruction to you, economic destruction. Hence, prudence and not working on raising the other shelf is the best thing. Because of their calls to occupy the Greek islands, this was reflected in America’s refusal to supply 40 F-16s. BLOCK 72 After you were expelled from the F-35 program, because you are not trying to justify this by the problems of the plane in South Korea, because you are not able to buy a single nail from it, so what defects are you talking about as a result of your ban, not persecution? Turkey was expelled and not exited from the F-35 program Turkish threats to invade their Greek islands and their failure to comply with international law resulted in an increase in the Greek defense budget and deals that increase annually with Greece, but rather the lifting of the arms embargo on Cyprus, so every step you take as a leadership and as a country will reflect on you in Turkey negatively and with strategic losses It is the Turkish propaganda and the parrots that you do that hide anyone in the average, of course not, so even your propaganda failed to achieve its goals When we advise you to change your aggressive behavior, it is not an insult to you, but rather makes it clear that your policy leads to military and economic disasters against you. Every step you take will have a more violent reaction on the part of the other parties, so you will lose more. So the problem is that you have political and military leaders that lead to the collapse and fragmentation of Turkey in the end. Your economy is based on European investments, and it is now starting to leave Turkey, even if China buys Turkish assets. The European markets are your largest market for your products and Turkish labor, and your economic expulsion will reflect on the inevitable economic collapse of Turkey.

I made it clear to you earlier that Egypt is happy with the hostile Turkish policies because it achieves strategic gains for Egypt, turning Egypt into an energy center for the eastern Mediterranean and a source of electricity, gas and hydrogen for Europe
All of this destroyed Turkish dreams, and the main reason for this was the aggressive Turkish policy, which preferred Europe to cooperate with Egypt instead of cooperating with Turkey, whose aggressive policy. Rather, your struggle against Greece is a gain for Egypt. Simply, the Turkish aggressive policy against the Arab countries will make the Arab countries take revenge with the support of Greece.

Do you imagine that Egypt will abandon Greece for a moment, or is it an opportunity for Egypt to settle its accounts with Turkey and open arms stores from fighters, missile artillery and armored vehicles to Greece and Cyprus?

It is clear that you are forgetting that the Syrian regime would be happy not to have Greece with members of the Syrian army

It is clear that you forget that the Libyan army in eastern Libya will be happy to cooperate with Greece also against you

It is clear that you do not understand that the mobilization against the Turks will be international, including Europe, the Arab countries, India, along with Greece and Cyprus

Will Turkey then say it will manufacture an air defense system with a range of 150 km?
And that Turkey within 5 years will manufacture a fighter, and that Turkey within 10 years will have completed the manufacture of the next 250 tanks, and that within 5 years, Turkey will have delivered 6 submarines

What you are doing in terms of propaganda to hide the reality of the miserable situation, Turkey has owned an aircraft carrier, and without obtaining fighters, it tried to convert it into an aircraft carrier, a UAV to solve the predicament, and because you depend on propaganda, it began to give a naive superiority that in the future it is clear that you are a fan of the UFO Robot Grendizer through which you build Turkish military capabilities

The Turks have most of their fleet of F-16s from Block 40 and Block 30
The Turks 158 Turkish F-16s Block 30 and Block 40
While the Greeks only got 40 F-16 BLOCK 30
The Greek fleet of F-16 BLOCK 50 aircraft was made between 1997-1998
The Greek fleet F-16 BLOCK 52 was carried out between 2002-2010 with a number of 90 aircraft
Which made the Greeks at the time have newer planes than Turkish planes and with better equipment than the beginning

What an ignorant troll team still dreaming about fantasy power of Greece

As of 2022 , Turkish F-16s so superior to Greek F-16s

Hellenic Air Force

Hellenic Air Force F-16s lacks land attack cruise missile
Hellenic Air Force around 40 F-16 equipped with LANTIRN system for night flight
Hellenic Air Force has only 2 F-16V with EW suite
Hellenic Air Force only 30 F-16 block52+ have link16 data link for network centric warfare

Turkish Air Force
Turkish Air Force F-16s armed with SLAM-ER and SOM Cruise missiles
Turkish Air Force 192 F-16 equipped with LANTIRN system for night flight
Turkish Air Force 60 F-16 with EW suite
Turkish Air Force 192 F-16 have link16 data link for network centric warfare

Turkiye spent $3,9 billion to modernize 163 F-16 block40/50s to block52+ standard between 2011 and 2015

AN/APG-68(V)9 Radar
Link-16 System
Self-Protection Electronic Warfare Suite (SPEWS II)
Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing Systems (JHMCS)
AN/AVS-9 Night Vision Goggles (NVG)
Modular Mission Computer
Advanced interrogator/transponder
Integrated precision navigation
LCD Color MFDs
Improved AVTR System
Multifunctional Information Distribution System
High speed Anti-Radar Missile Targeting System
AIM-9x sidewinder

also 29 F-16 block50+ entered service between 2011 and 2012

Ignorant troll team learn about military before dreaming
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You stupidly ignored Greece's possession of MIRAGE-2000 planes with its own wheels
MIRAGE-2000EG , MIRAGE-2000-5 Mk 2
With 44 planes
To show the illusory superiority of the Turks with the F-16 fleet

Mirage2000 is so pathetic in BVR combat against Turkish F-16s armed with 120 km AIM-120C7 air to air missile + link16 data link for network centric warfare

When we mentioned Greece's acquisition by the end of the year 12 Rafale & F-16 aircraft equipped with AESA radar, you ignored the Greek qualitative superiority, and when we announced the receipt of Greece 12 aircraft annually, what is meant is the Greek F-16 aircraft developed annually, and Alona already in addition to developing 38 additional aircraft to exceed the developed fleet according to requests Greece 121 F-16 BLOCK 72

Troll still dreaming about 12 Rafale/F-16 while Turkiye has 192 S400 air defense missiles to turn them into crap of metal

ignorant little boys learn about network centric warfare before dreaming about AESA Radar

192 Turkish F-16s can detect Greek F-16V from 350+ km away while Greek F-16V can detect Turkish F-16 from 110+ km away

Thanks to 600 km radar of Boeing E-7T AEWC and link16 data link for network centric warfare

Turkiye : 192 F-16s with this capability
Greece : only 30 F-16 blocl52+ and 2 F-16V with this capability

Ignorant troll team learn about military before dreaming
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You have no brain to understand this

Greece always will depend on USA-France for air to air , air defense and cruise missiles with limited numbers

on the other hand Turkiye was become real military power with its defense industry to arm even UCAVs , Helicopters with air to air and cruise missiles

Turkiye has more BVR missiles , SAMs , Cruise Missiles than Greece+Egypt combined
Oh I understand this very well. You think that by having your own production,you are independent and free of sanctions. To a degree yes. Germany was free of that too in WWII. You know what happened after they couldn't get raw materials? They were couldn't produce all the stuff they wanted.

Besides,quality is another thing.
Stop trolling
I always said this about the TFX ..

First flight : 2025
in service : 2029

and TFX fleets ( 50-70 units ) in 2032-2035
What you did was talk as if TFX is already in production,just like you do with the Kizelelma. You repeat the same big words and then suddenly "...eee...eee...2032-2035".

Stop talking about TFX then.
You are a liar
I am always talking about KIZILELMA , not about the TFX

KIZILELMA unmanned stealth Fighter Jet

First flight : 2023
in service : 2025

and KIZILELMA fleets ( 72 units ) in 2027
BAYKAR has production capability annually 36 KIZILELMA

Don't call me a liar again.

You've been talking about both non-stop. You're bursting our bubble with Kizelelma and TFX and future Turkish superweapons.

You are saying Turkiye should sit down and allow bandit USA-France and their terrorists/puppets PKK/YPG,FETO,Greece
You blindly follow your government's daily narration of PKK/YPG/FETO and making Greece look evil to the Turkish people.

When Erdogan wants to sack someone,he says "he/she is FETO". When he wants to invade somewhere,he says "oh we're fighting terrorists". He uses the PKK and FETO excuse all the time and you believe it like sheep.You personally,not all the Turks.

and bandit USA-France and their puppet Greece has right to be in Libya - Cyprus ?

-- 1/3 of Cyprus is belong to Turks and Turkiye saved Turkish Cypriots from savage Greeks in 1974
-- There are over 1 million Turk origin people invLibya
and The UN recognized Libyan government works with Turkiye

we dont care about crying Greece-France,etc
Aren't you tired?

Aren't you tired of repeating the same idiotic phrases in an endless loop? Do you have some brain damage?

You repeat the same things to the same people again and again and again,aren't you tired of doing that? It doesn't make you look intelligent to others,are you trying to convince yourself?

Rafale is so easy target for S400 and SIPER air defense systems

so funny , weak Greece dreaming about 7 Rafale to win a war against Turkiye

Turkish Ballistic-Cruise Missiles and Kamikaze Drones can hit even your Rafales in Jet hangars ( Tanagra air base ) near Athens
Yeah,everything so easy in your brain.

Even the adventures with Libya, regardless of whether the gold of the Central Bank of Libya was stolen, what did the Turks benefit from while the entire international community did not recognize and reject Turkey’s role in Libya, so Turkey became an outcast. International and you complain that we insult the Turkish state and forget that whoever insults the Turkish state is your actions, not us. We are nothing but a light that illuminates the way and clarifies the facts of matters.
Aiwa! Nobody talks about this. They all talk about how Turkey came to help Libya out of love...
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ignorant troll still dreaming about 12 Rafale/F-16 while Turkiye has 192 S400 air defense missiles to turn them into crap of metal

ignorant little boys learn about network centric warfare before dreaming about AESA Radar

192 Turkish F-16s can detect Greek F-16V from 350+ km away while Greek F-16V can detect Turkish F-16 from 110+ km away

Thanks to 600 km radar of Boeing E-7T AEWC and link16 data link for network centric warfare
Where's that 600 km radar to warn you about HAF fighters coming to intercept your F-16s? Where was it when we landed on Cyprus undetected?

Today,you discovered link16.

From now on,you will be talking about link16 as if it's the game changer that will give Turkey superiority.

We also have link16. But we don't go around bragging about it.

You are pitiful.
Oh I understand this very well. You think that by having your own production,you are independent and free of sanctions. To a degree yes. Germany was free of that too in WWII. You know what happened after they couldn't get raw materials? They were couldn't produce all the stuff they wanted.

Raw materials comes from Asia ( China , Russia , Vietnam , India and Brazil) no any problem

and Turkiye has 690 millions of tons reserves of rare earth elements , the 2nd largest in the world after China's 800 million tons of reserves.

Rare earth elements are used in more than 20 fields, from fiber optics to satellite communications, from smart missiles to fuel cells.

What you did was talk as if TFX is already in production,just like you do with the Kizelelma. You repeat the same big words and then suddenly "...eee...eee...2032-2035".

Stop talking about TFX then.

Your troll team has started talking about future ,, 20+20 F-35s between 2028-2032
even there are no any deal

if your team talking about 2032 , then we can also remind you about the TFX fleets for 2032

Don't call me a liar again.

You've been talking about both non-stop. You're bursting our bubble with Kizelelma and TFX and future Turkish superweapons.

You are a liar who deflect my words

in this thread I showed only KIZILELMA which make maiden flight in the first quarter of 2023

When Sami_1 said that Greece to get 20+20 F-35s
I said that Greece may get 20+20 F-35s between 2028 and 2032 while Turkish TFX Fighter Jet fleets will be ready in 2032

You blindly follow your government's daily narration of PKK/YPG/FETO and making Greece look evil to the Turkish people.

PKK/YPG and FETO are American controlled terror organizations which killed Turkish people and soldiers

and All Turks very well knows what about USA-France backed day dreamer Greece which attacked on unarmed Turkiye in 1919

today same senario , Greeks are crying in USA-Germany-Spain,Italy and other NATO countries not to sell weapons to Turkiye

becauce USA-France backed day dreamer Greece again wants to attack unarmed Turkiye

Aren't you tired?

Aren't you tired of repeating the same idiotic phrases in an endless loop? Do you have some brain damage?

You repeat the same things to the same people again and again and again,aren't you tired of doing that? It doesn't make you look intelligent to others,are you trying to convince yourself?

Reality hurts day dreamer Greeks

Libya and Turkish Republic of Northen Cyprus are under Turkish protection
so keep dreaming dream is free
Where's that 600 km radar to warn you about HAF fighters coming to intercept your F-16s? Where was it when we landed on Cyprus undetected?

Today,you discovered link16.

maybe only in your dreams

Turkish F-16s are flying in international airspace
and cowardly Greeks can radar lock on Turkish F-16s when we were in NATO duty

in 1996 Kardak crisis, over 100 Turkish F-16s blocked Hellenic Airforce, not to cross the 25. east meridian in the Aegean Sea

now also Turkiye has 250-380 km S400 Air Defense Systems to block Aegean

in a real conflict , you will see what about network centric warfare

and network centric warfare is for BVR combat , not for dogfight
learn about military

From now on,you will be talking about link16 as if it's the game changer that will give Turkey superiority.

We also have link16. But we don't go around bragging about it.

You are pitiful.

Network centric warfare via link16 is a big advantage of course
İf Greece has Fighter Jets with AESA Radar then Turkiye has Network centric warfare capability

Turkish Airforce 4 Boeing E-7T AEWC can see all Fighter Jets even over Greece from Turkish Air Space

General Staff Electronic Systems Command (GESKOM), known as Turkiye's highest capacity intelligence and listening base can hear all Greek Air Bases when Fighter Jets take off ..( what a great technology )

Greece has also link16. .. but only 30 F-16 block52+ and 2 F-16V

Turkiye has 192 F-16 with link 16 to use 600 km radar of Boeing E-7T AEWC to detect Greek F-16s and Rafales from 350+ km away

Turkish Airforce to create conflict zone map simultaneous within 350 km while most of Greek Air Force Fighter Jets only 110-130 km

You are so pitiful.
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maybe only in your dreams

Turkish F-16s are flying in international airspace
and cowardly Greeks can radar lock on Turkish F-16s when we were in NATO duty

in 1996 Kardak crisis, over 100 Turkish F-16s blocked Hellenic Airforce, not to cross the 25. east meridian in the Aegean Sea between Folegandros and Sikinos Islands

now also Turkiye has 250-380 km S400 Air Defense Systems to block Aegean

in a real conflict , you will see what about network centric warfare

and network centric warfare is for BVR combat , not for dogfight
learn about military

Network centric warfare via link16 is a big advantage of course
İf Greece has Fighter Jets with AESA Radar then Turkiye has Network centric warfare capability

Turkish Airforce 4 Boeing E-7T AEWC can see all Fighter Jets even over Greece from Turkish Air Space

General Staff Electronic Systems Command (GESKOM), known as Turkiye's highest capacity intelligence and listening base can hear all Greek Air Bases when Fighter Jets take off ..( what a great technology )

Greece has also link16. .. but only 30 F-16 block52+ and 2 F-16V

Turkiye has 192 F-16 with link 16 to use 600 km radar of Boeing E-7T AEWC to detect Greek F-16s and Rafales from 350+ km away

Turkish Airforce to create conflict zone map simultaneous within 350 km while most of Greek Air Force Fighter Jets only 110-130 km

You are so pitiful.

whether you like it or not USA and EU are not going to allow Turkey attack Greece or vice versa
you can make all the noises you want like in case of Sweden & FInland NATO membership. at the end you have little say.
whether you like it or not USA and EU are not going to allow Turkey attack Greece or vice versa
you can make all the noises you want like in case of Sweden & FInland NATO membership. at the end you have little say.

İn 1919 USA-UK-France-Greece-Armenia all together attacked unarmed Turkiye
Turks bought weapons from Bolsheviks ( Russians ) and kicked all of them

today same senario
USA-France backed Greece attacks Turkish EEZ via trash Seville Map which has no any value

keep dreaming dream is free
Turkiye is not Iraq or Syria or Libya or Mali

and Greece blocked Macedonia's NATO membership for 11 years

without Turkish approval Sweden & FInland never will join NATO
Turks wants only one thing , stop supporting PKK/YPG terrorists against Turkiye and join NATO
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View attachment 885904

The criteria for comparing forces and military balance do not depend on personal whims or dreams, on multiple criteria

Including equipment


Leadership ability, strategic planning and achieving goals

Alliances between countries and ease of flow of equipment, ammunition and spare parts

The Greek Air Force has great advantages

The age of the Greek F-16 fighters is smaller than the Turkish F-16 fighters 10 years

The program to develop 83 + 38 Greek F-16 aircraft for the F-16 BLOCK 72 level The first two planes have already been received, and by the end of the year Greece will have received 6 planes, the rate of delivery is 12 fighters annually and will increase with the contract of 38 additional Greek planes

The Turks are in a state of negotiations and until this moment Greece has succeeded in pressuring America not to agree to Turkey's purchase of 40 F-16 Block 72 aircraft for Turkey, as well as refusing to develop another 80 aircraft to this level.


Greece is in advanced negotiations to buy and deliver 20+20 F-35 aircraft, while Turkey has been expelled from the program
Rather, Greece requests its entry as a partner and benefit from the F-35 program, whether by supplying components manufactured in Greece for the benefit of the program or participating in it as an industrial partner.

Qatar and the United Arab Emirates are in tentative negotiations to supply 12 Qatari Mirage-2000-5 aircraft and 24 UAE Mirage-2000/9 aircraft to replace 35 F-4E aircraft.

We are talking about reality, not dreams
By the end of the year, Greece owns 12 fighters equipped with AESA radars, and receives new munitions from the United States and France, which increases monthly with the deliveries of upgraded or new aircraft.

Also, the speed of implementation of the Greek contract for the F-35 aircraft will be faster than any Turkish contract, since the Greeks are faster in completing the contract for the F-35 than any Turkish negotiations with international suppliers
The Turks are between dreams, illusions and negotiations, even to buy TYPHOON. Any calculations of military capabilities do not depend on future predictions. We are not here on an entertainment program or flirting with the imagination of some

Greece signed contracts for the purchase of 10 M346 planes, and therefore the rapid delivery will take place, as the Turks have a program of planes that have not flown yet and need years. Therefore, Greece's delivery of the contracted planes will be at least two years early than Turkey's receipt of any plane

The experience of the Greeks is better in piloting AEW planes by years than us for the Turks, whose program was delayed by 10 years

Greece signed a contract for the development of 45 T-6C aircraft to confront and hunt Turkish drones, as well as Greek fighters and air defense systems

The Greek Air Defense Force owns the air defense systems many years before Turkey, therefore Greece has good experience in this matter, in addition to the Greek continuous development program

The Turks had Nike Hercules systems, which were replaced by 24 HAWK systems, which were hit and destroyed 3-6 HAWK batteries at the Libyan Al-Wattia base
The Turks bought 4 S-400 batteries, and they are negotiating 2-4 more batteries. The effectiveness of the Russian systems in Turkey and even their activation is still a path of doubt
The basis, especially that Turkey relies on the Patriot systems that NATO put in its bases in Turkey 28, and the use of the Turkish F-16 fleet in the field of protecting the airspace due to the weakness of the Turkish Air Defense Force

Coming to the training point, the Turks overthrew the commanders of the air force and 300 Turkish women and asked for the support of the Pakistanis in managing the Turkish F-16 fleet and the pilots to fill the gap created by the expulsion of Turkish pilots and former air force commanders

This is the cause of a disaster because the building of your professional leader for managing air currencies and strategic planners is leaving you with an accumulation of experiences that may reach 15-25 years, and the Turks have already overthrown them. Consequently, they have not been put in the leadership by leaders without experience and whose competence is questionable in the first place.
Reliance on the Pakistanis in the supposed air battles against the Greeks is questionable

The Qataris are getting close to NATO and want to sign the sale of gas for a period of 25 years to Europe instead of China, which makes the Qataris away from provoking any problems or provoking Europe and Greece, and France will not allow the use of the Qatari Rafale plane in any air clashes against Greece

This is what leads us to the point of alliances, the strength of Greek-American relations, ignorant, they impose on the Turks conditions not to use F-16 planes against Greece, that is, against any Turkish ambitions

The Americans were the ones who sold Greece 70 OH-58D aircraft, as well as 1,200 armored vehicles to protect the Greek islands from any Turkish aggression. Therefore, America will be among the countries that will stand against the Turks
The same thing, France, Italy, Germany, they are all against Turkish ambitions, and this puts the Turks in a dilemma

In Greece, Egyptian F-16 fighters and Saudi F-15SA planes are stationed within joint defense agreements, meaning that the Greek Air Force’s capabilities will be increased by using what is already available from Saudi and Egyptian fighters and pilots in Greece. This must be taken into account.
The ease of flow of various fighters, ammunition and spare parts from Europe and Egypt to Greece is known to all and does not even need to be mentioned

The Turkish alliances, whether Azerbaijan or Pakistan, will not offer anything to Turkey because they themselves have a shortage of fighters and do not see antagonizing Europe for Turkey, and because Pakistan's intervention will also make India support in return for the Greeks

Simply the Greek alliances with Egypt facilitate the flow of systems such as the MLRS & n WS-2D from Egypt to Greece, and this is normal if there are Egyptian F-16 fighters in Greece and various missiles from Egyptian stocks, and the same Saudi Arabia, which has one or two Greek Patriot batteries, and in return there are F- 15SA in Greek air bases, and the same thing is the stocks of unmanned aircraft that will be made available to Greece immediately

Alliances are not only limited to weapons and their supply during clashes, but also transfer intelligence information about the common enemy to all, which makes the army an open book for other countries participating in the conflict

Leadership, experience, accumulation and possession

We came to an important point in building a professional commander or high-ranking officer capable of managing comprehensive air battles. Requires 15-25 years of experience The Turks simply overthrew their leadership in 2016, as well as the next 300 pilots. What is available in Turkey is junior leaders and pilots with almost no experience. While stability for the Greeks provided them with more experienced and more professional leaders, the Turkish pilots simply escaped from working in the Turkish Air Force simply because of their poor salaries, which always makes the lack of experience and competencies in the Turkish Air Force an essential matter for Turkey

Things are not as simple as some people think. It is a mixture between. We will have in the future. We are building air defense missile batteries with a range of 25 km. In the future, we will have a range of 150 km. We are talking about the present, not dreams, not the future. Calculations of military capabilities and strength depend on what is certain and not what is dreams because Dreams are located in bed, not real air battles Military balance is with real capabilities, but other than that, little children's dreams do not understand what you are saying

View attachment 885905
Two Greek F-16 Block 72 fighter jets prepare for takeoff at Tanagra Air Force Base after the delivery ceremony. (AP Photo/Thanassis Stavrakis)
Most of above information is false, wrong and misguiding propagenda.
WE all strongly protest foor wrong and false date putting in Defence.pk forums.
Stop it now.

whether you like it or not USA and EU are not going to allow Turkey attack Greece or vice versa
you can make all the noises you want like in case of Sweden & FInland NATO membership. at the end you have little say.
STOP your wrong and false propagenda in this defence.pk forum.
İn 1919 USA-UK-France-Greece-Armenia all together attacked unarmed Turkiye
Turks bought weapons from Bolsheviks ( Russians ) and kicked all of them

today same senario
USA-France backed Greece attacks Turkish EEZ via trash Seville Map which has no any value

keep dreaming dream is free
Turkiye is not Iraq or Syria or Libya or Mali

and Greece blocked Macedonia's NATO membership for 11 years

without Turkish permission Sweden & FInland never will join NATO
Turks wants only one thing , stop supporting PKK/YPG terrorists against Turkiye and join the NATO

sweden and finland are NATO members

Most of above information is false, wrong and misguiding propagenda.
WE all strongly protest foor wrong and false date putting in Defence.pk forums.
Stop it now.

STOP your wrong and false propagenda in this defence.pk forum.

what part of this is propaganda ?

whether you like it or not USA and EU are not going to allow Turkey attack Greece or vice versa
you can make all the noises you want like in case of Sweden & FInland NATO membership. at the end you have little say.
sweden and finland are NATO members

not yet NATO members

President Erdogan said Turkiye's stance toward Finland is more positive.

“The relations with Finland are quite different in nature than those between Sweden and Turkiye” Erdogan said. “Finland is not a country where terrorists are roaming freely.”

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