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Militants Overtake India as Top Threat, Says Pakistan's ISI

India is already eating our land thats called Jammu & Kashmir.

There is no place in the country (Pakistan) that militants hav captured.

India is the worse enemy.....India is also feeding Terrorists in Pakistan.

Indian Terrorist Captured in Pakistan

J&K is a part of india ,the big damned world knows how taliban was created, ISI and CIA quietly nurtured this monster which has finally turned its eyes on your nation, this is what i call india phobic policy, why did terrorists killed benazir bhutto? because she was a champion of democracy and the biggest hurdle in the talibans path, this is reality dude, now atleast dont say that india is behind all the attacks, taliban time and again has barked openly to overtake pakistan, its just this india phobic policy that has clouded pakistan, we have hundreds of attacks in our country carried out by pakistani terrorists and even then we are not pakistan phobic.:hitwall::hitwall:
What development, may I ask? You talk so casually about mismanagement. 63 years of mismanagement, may I again ask how are you going to 'rectify'? On one hand you complain that we are lucky that we got good leaders while you didnt and on the other you so casually say that you will rectify 'mismanagement'.

We dont have a dearth of good leaders because our youth knows where priorities lie. Where are you going to get good leaders from? From the lost generation who believes that there are good and bad taliban and that "good" taliban are actually good guys while India and Indians along with the rest of the Zionist controlled world are the bad guys!? Most of the very good and capable guys leave Pakistan for good.

The rest of your post, I brush aside as a rant, unless you have something substantial to contribute. Thanks.

Once again you have assumed about a LOST GENERATION of Pakistan and a bright generation of India. You have assumed how our youth leaves Pakistan for good and as per you Indian youth wants to stay back in India. I don't know what to tell you. Your mind is too pre-occupied with anti Pakistani news to think freely.

All i can say is that Pakistan is not sleeping. The mismanagement that you are lecturing about is something you know nothing of. We don't like the PPP or current president or PM but we still have them as our leaders right? and we know why.

Let me summaries few myths that are far from reality.

  1. Pakistan will die in few years because situation has gone out of control.
  2. Pakistan is full of mullah and extremists.
  3. Pakistani youth is brainwashed.
  4. Pakistanis are uneducated lot.
  5. Pakistanis want to merge back with India
  6. Pakistanis have become hopeless towards their country.
  7. Pakistan is full of militants.
  8. Pakistanis live on aid.

Keep thinking what you like.

Similarly, you may not like the rest of my post and trash it as rant by you are on a Pakistani forum and i have given you Pakistani view.

Good Taliban is good in the sense that they are not against my country and dont do suicide bombings here. I don't care what they do in Afghanistan which is their land. Bad are those TTP goons waging war against the state. India want us to believe that Afhan Talibans are bad too so that we fight with them and you keep destroying us through TTP. Wont happen my friend.

You cant decide our thread perception. We know whose with us and whose against us.

P.S. i would like to ask you to give one good reason to ME (as an educated Pakistani youngster with a bright career both inside and abroad and far from being a mullah) that India is not my country's No 1 enemy.
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Militancy is a serious threat to Pakistan while India is a Fatal threat - this is how we prioritize our threat perception.

I must convey my message to all of those who think that Pakistan must change its Attitude.

"You guys need to change yours first" - because you are the ones who have invaded Pakistan for 3 times - you were the ones who started nuclear race and Missile race in this region - you are the ones who are occupying Kashmir and Jammu not us !

You change yours - we change ours and things would be sorted !
no thank you sir, we didnot introduce the theory of 1000 cuts, its you.

kargil, 1965 operation gilbrator and tribal attack witht he help of ur army.
it is who are at fault not we.

as far as j&k concerns it is or integral part. i rest my case
no thank you sir, we didnot introduce the theory of 1000 cuts, its you.

kargil, 1965 operation gilbrator and tribal attack witht he help of ur army.
it is who are at fault not we.

as far as j&k concerns it is or integral part. i rest my case

Recent killings and mass protests , mass graves , ban on international media , ban on International TV and ban on SMS , ban on APHC.

It shows how "integral" OJ&K is to India.
Militancy is a serious threat to Pakistan while India is a Fatal threat - this is how we prioritize our threat perception.

I must convey my message to all of those who think that Pakistan must change its Attitude.

"You guys need to change yours first" - because you are the ones who have invaded Pakistan for 3 times - you were the ones who started nuclear race and Missile race in this region - you are the ones who are occupying Kashmir and Jammu not us !

You change yours - we change ours and things would be sorted !

They invaded in 1947 and 1971. In 1965 we attacked Kashmir which is rightfully ours and they attacked us on the international border. Each time we have fought for Kashmir and they have fought for their enmity and hatred towards Pakistan. They had no role in 1971 but they jumped in. Now they want us to believe that they are no longer even a threat. big or small is out of question. They think they can do whatever they like and dictate others.

Pakistan's perception of India being the biggest threat and its struggle for nuclear weapons started only after 1971. Had you not poked your nose you might have gotten what you want today i.. Pakistan not seeing India as No.1 threat. Ab jo kya hai woh bhugto.

To be honest these Indians have no interest in our economy or anything. If we drop our claim on Kashmir they will be happy and will never comment on our bad economy again and try to connect it with relations with India. Heck they even connected floods with LET, Defense spending and Kashmir!? and the thread was ultimately closed.

no thank you sir, we didnot introduce the theory of 1000 cuts, its you.

kargil, 1965 operation gilbrator and tribal attack witht he help of ur army.
it is who are at fault not we.

as far as j&k concerns it is or integral part. i rest my case

Troll alert. Mods he is suffering from Saints syndrome. This guy was seriously involved in derailing the other thread in this section. We are actively disussing India being No1 threat. Indians can argument but his posts are beyond my tolerance level.
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They invaded in 1947 and 1971. In 1965 with attacked Kashmir which is rightfully ours and they attacked us on the international border. Each time we have fought for Kashmir and they have fought for their enemity and hatred towards Pakistan. They had no role in 1971 but they jumped in. Now they want us to believe that they are no longer even a threat. big or small is out of question. They think they can do whatever they like and dictate others.

Pakistan's perception of India being the biggest threat and its struggle for nuclear weapons started only after 1971. Had you not poked your nose you might have gotten what you want today i.. Pakistan not seeing India as No.1 threat. Ab jo kya hai woh bhugto.

Troll alert. This guy was seriously involved in derailing the other thread in this section.
i guess you are taking classes from zaid hamid or may be from hafiz saeed. ur the same guy who has said sources and links of claims are given at UN not on defence forum.. now chew ur words. i am reading ur continue rants that we will take kashmir without telling how.
Flooded Pak sings new tune on India, battles trust deficit for world aid
Chidanand Rajghatta, TNN, Aug 17, 2010

WASHINGTON: With almost one-fifth of the country reeling from floods, Pakistan has said its homegrown terrorists have overtaken the Indian Army as the greatest threat to its national security, even as Islamabad battles overcome the world’s trust deficit to win desperately needed aid.

The sudden turnaround in downgrading the Indian ''threat,'' reportedly contained in a recent internal assessment of security by the country’s spy agency Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), comes only weeks after the country’s military supremo Pervez Ashfaq Kayani rebuffed Washington’s efforts to highlight the threat of home-grown terrorism while insisting India remained the principal enemy.

The ''recent'' undated assessment, leaked by a senior ISIofficial to the Wall Street Journal, allocates a ''two-thirds likelihood of a major threat to the state coming from militants rather than from India or elsewhere.'' Evidently, it is the first time since Independence that India isn’t being viewed as the top threat.

The purported rethink, received leerily in Washington and New Delhi, comes amid catastrophic floods that has devastated Pakistan and generated talk about the country’s very survival. Some reports say nearly a quarter of the country – an area the size of Great Britain – is affected by floods, and there is fearful speculation that extremists will have a run of the place because of government apathy and inefficiency.

Pakistan’s civilian rulers have tried to highlight this aspect to drum up more aid from world community, but till last weekend its appeal was met with skepticism given Islamabad’s own dodgy use of militant groups to further its strategic depth, a concept which Kayani defended till recently. But that depth now appears to have been washed away; on Tuesday, Pakistan faced the mortifying spectacle of Afghanistan giving it $ 1 million in flood aid, even as it sat on India offer of $ 5 million in aid with more to follow.

The neighbourly concern from countries that Pakistan has tried to undermine for long is in sharp contrast to the indifference, based on suspicion about Islamabad’s bona fides, from most of the world community. As of last weekend, the Indian aid offer topped France ($ 1.5 million), Germany ( $ 2.4 million), Italy ( $ 1.8 million) , Netherlands ( $ 1.3 million). Sweden ($ 3 million), and a host of other wealthy countries.

International experts attribute the cautious and tentative response by the world community to the trust deficit – as also donor fatigue -- arising from the Pakistani establishment’s deep and long ties to terrorism. "We note often an image deficit with regards to Pakistan among Western public opinion," Elizabeth Byrs, spokeswoman of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, bluntly stated over the weekend, even as she and other experts questioned the logic of punishing millions of flood victims for the policies of the country's militarized establishment.

Pakistan's image deficit became evident in the poor response to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s appeal for $ 10 individual donation through text messages for flood relief – an effort that brought in only thousands of dollars in the first few hours compared to the millions which rolled in for the Haiti earthquake and tsunami relief funds.

Similarly, a German lawmaker who is trying to raise money for Pakistan complained to Der Spielgel that he had so far been met with two types of reactions: "Some fear their money will help extremists. Others say: If Pakistan would spend less money on its efforts to arm itself with nuclear weapons then it would have enough money to manage the catastrophe."

Pakistan appears to have gotten the message – or at least is pretending that it did – going by the disclosure of its new threat assessment that runs contrary to what its Armychief insisted only weeks ago – that India remained a bigger threat than home-grown terrorists.

Flooded Pak sings new tune on India, battles trust deficit for world aid - Pakistan - World - The Times of India
Bravo ...... indians are our true friends.... what kinda thinking is this???? we say talibans not india is the main threat we get accused , we say india not talibans are our main threat we still get accused of being bad guys....
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Recent killings and mass protests , mass graves , ban on international media , ban on International TV and ban on SMS , ban on APHC.

It shows how "integral" OJ&K is to India.
do u forget more then 80+ people killed in karachi within 2 days. now dont give me s&&t that it is not disputed and that why it is justified.
i guess you are taking classes from zaid hamid or may be from hafiz saeed. ur the same guy who has said sources and links of claims are given at UN not on defence forum.. now chew ur words. i am reading ur continue rants that we will take kashmir without telling how.

Not once on this thread have i talked about taking Kashmir. That was in the thread about taking kashmir which you actively derailed. We are discussing India as Pakistans No1 threat.

Mr. Mohan goyal is back on this thread. Looks like this thread is also going to hell.

Flooded Pak sings new tune on India, battles trust deficit for world aid - Pakistan - World - The Times of India
Bravo ...... indians are our true friends.... what kinda thinking is this???? we say talibans are not india is the main threat we still get accused , we say india not talibans are our main threat we still get accused of being bad guys....

Recent killings and mass protests , mass graves , ban on international media , ban on International TV and ban on SMS , ban on APHC.

It shows how "integral" OJ&K is to India.
And I bet you haven't read a bit about the bullet riddled bodies of abducted persons found in Balochistan recently. Balochistan is much more brutally dealt with by the Pak army where they shot dead unarmed civilians including women and children. In 1974 tens of thousands of unarmed women and children were shot dead so that the guerrillas would surrender. And many more were shot dead in BD which is liberated now. In 2006 Nawab Bugti was killed in cold blood and the murder was passed an accident. Many balochs are being abducted and killed as compared to the Kashmiris. Moreover the Kashmiris are a target of psychological warfare whereas the Balochs are fighting literally since 47'.

As far ban on "international TV" is concerned, only Pakistani tv is banned which should have been done considering the fact that they are full of controversy theories wherein anything bad ,even natural disasters, are done by CIA/RAW/MOSSAD. Thus it is no surprise.
do u forget more then 80+ people killed in karachi within 2 days. now dont give me s&&t that it is not disputed and that why it is justified.

You just cant help yourself can you ?

What goes in Karachi is none of India's business - its an Internal matter and i am sure hundreds die in India every month-you should worry about them.

ISI is doing the right thing - India first and everyone else after that.
Let me summaries few myths that are far from reality.

  1. Pakistan will die in few years because situation has gone out of control.
  2. Pakistan is full of mullah and extremists.
  3. Pakistani youth is brainwashed.
  4. Pakistanis are uneducated lot.
  5. Pakistanis want to merge back with India
  6. Pakistanis have become hopeless towards their country.
  7. Pakistan is full of militants.
  8. Pakistanis live on aid.

Keep thinking what you like.
As you yourself put it, these are myths. No sane people will believe that.
Similarly, you may not like the rest of my post and trash it as rant by you are on a Pakistani forum and i have given you Pakistani view.

Good Taliban is good in the sense that they are not against my country and dont do suicide bombings here. I don't care what they do in Afghanistan which is their land. Bad are those TTP goons waging war against the state. India want us to believe that Afhan Talibans are bad too so that we fight with them and you keep destroying us through TTP. Wont happen my friend.

You cant decide our thread perception. We know whose with us and whose against us.
Plain malarkey! Your personal view is NOT Pakistan's view. Sorry. For an educated person, as you lay claim, you portray a very sorry picture with your views, I must say. Fortunately, there are saner minds in Pakistan whose views differ from yours by miles! But it would be unfortunate if these views you expressed are the views of the majority of Pakistani youth. I hope and believe that its otherwise, based atleast from my interactions with numerous Pakistanis here in US.
But then again, your threat perception is drawn up by the military and the establishment to retain their vice like grip on power in Pakistan. Unfortunately, those perceptions are made up by delusional minds. Silver lining: the present civilian government thinks otherwise.
P.S. i would like to ask you to give one good reason to ME (as an educated Pakistani youngster with a bright career both inside and abroad and far from being a mullah) that India is not my country's No 1 enemy.
India would have attacked Pakistan (there were many opportunities available to India) if India wanted to attack. Plain and simple. It did not and hence it is NOT your enemy.
What goes in Karachi is none of India's business - its an Internal matter and i am sure hundreds die in India every month-you should worry about them.
As a member of international community and the commonwealth it is India's duty to make sure that innocents civilians are not being killed especially in it's neighborhood. The extremists that perform such acts of cleansing the minorities needs to be punished especially when these acts are done by those in power. Pakistan should look at it's internal problems of protecting the rights of minorities like the shias and ahmadis as well as implementation of flood relief activities rather than trying to give India a sermon on something which is least upholded by the Paksitani state and army, i.e. human rights.
India would have attacked Pakistan (there were many opportunities available to India) if India wanted to attack. Plain and simple. It did not and hence it is NOT your enemy.

The rest of your posts are active rants while my posts are appreciated by my fellow members. Let me be in my sorry state.

Rest its your perception. I don't force others to change their perception like someone over here.

Regarding this statement. Would you elaborate when did India had opportunity and it did not attack...??

India took full advantage of 1971...

India took active advantage of US invasion of Afghanistan by its military build up in 2002 and only did not attack due to nuclear weapons plain and simple.

India was at it again in 2008....

So please. What you think is far from reality and far from what Pakistanis think. You tell me that i don't represent Pakistani views but sorry my friend. These are actually Pakistan's view and i am just putting it forward to you. You just don't like it because it does not suits you.

And once again you have assumed that my views are built my the army of country to keep their affairs going. Again i would say this is what you think my dear friend.

BTW this time Mr Mohan Goyal is brought in Karachi killings into the equation. He just can't help himself.
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