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Milgem's new Corvet - Made in Turkey



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Sep 20, 2008
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Milgem, from the Turkish words Milli Gemi (National Ship), is the name of the Turkish corvette program; the purpose of which is to build a modern littoral combat warship with indigenous capabilities, extensively using the principles of stealth technology in its design. Construction of the first Milgem class corvette, TCG Heybeliada, began on 26 July 2005. TCG Heybeliada will be put to sea on 27 September 2008 and is scheduled to be completed by 25 October 2010, when it will start undergoing full sea trials before being officially commissioned. It is expected to enter service in 2011.[1] A total of twelve Milgem class warships (eight corvettes and four frigates) will be built for the Turkish Navy, with possible exports to other countries.

Evolution of the Milgem program

When the Milgem project was officially launched in 1996, the initial plan was to locally build MEKO A-100 corvettes of Blohm+Voss, a German shipbuilding company which specializes in building high technology warships and submarines.

In the early 2000s, the partnership plan with Blohm+Voss was shelved and the Turkish Navy decided to design and build a completely indigenous corvette. Istanbul Naval Shipyard Command executes and coordinates the design, development and construction works of the Milgem project since 12 March 2004.

The design concept and mission profile of Milgem bears similarities with the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS-1) developed by Lockheed Martin as the first member of the next generation of USN warships.

F-100 class frigate

The first eight Milgem class warships will be classified as corvettes, while the last four will be named the F-100 class and will be classified as frigates. The F-100 class will be slightly larger in terms of dimensions and will be equipped with the Mk.41 VLS and ESSM, along with other additional systems for improved multirole combat capabilities. The Mk.41 VLS (Vertical Launching System) is capable of firing ESSM (Evolved Sea Sparrow), VLA (Vertical Launch Anti-Submarine Rocket), and Standard missiles, and the F-100 class frigates will be used as a testing platform for the new class of four indigenous AAW frigates of the Turkish Navy, known as the TF-2000 program. The experience and technological know-how gained with the Milgem project will play an important role in determining the design characteristics and the development process of the TF-2000 class frigates, as well as the selection of the systems and equipment which will be used on these ships.


The Pakistan Navy is negotiating with Turkey for the purchase of at least four export-type Milgem corvettes, with one built in Turkey and the rest in Pakistan. Negotiations reportedly began in April 2007.
F-100 class frigate

The first eight Milgem class warships will be classified as corvettes, while the last four will be named the F-100 class and will be classified as frigates. The F-100 class will be slightly larger in terms of dimensions and will be equipped with the Mk.41 VLS and ESSM, along with other additional systems for improved multirole combat capabilities. The Mk.41 VLS (Vertical Launching System) is capable of firing ESSM (Evolved Sea Sparrow), VLA (Vertical Launch Anti-Submarine Rocket), and Standard missiles, and the F-100 class frigates will be used as a testing platform for the new class of four indigenous AAW frigates of the Turkish Navy, known as the TF-2000 program. The experience and technological know-how gained with the Milgem project will play an important role in determining the design characteristics and the development process of the TF-2000 class frigates, as well as the selection of the systems and equipment which will be used on these ships.


The Pakistan Navy is negotiating with Turkey for the purchase of at least four export-type Milgem corvettes, with one built in Turkey and the rest in Pakistan. Negotiations reportedly began in April 2007.

F100 and Milgem are complete different projects, there is no any plan to make the Milgem longer and call it F100. The F100 frigate program is planned after 2020.
Yes bro, Milgem, from the Turkish words Milli Gemi (National Ship), is the name of the Turkish corvette program; the purpose of which is to build a modern littoral combat warship with indigenous capabilities, extensively using the principles of stealth technology in its design
Stealth materials and paints have developed by Aselsan-Tubitak-ODTU. The most important feature of the new materials is that they provide high absorption and reduce the radar cross section by 1/1000, which means it enables a 100-squaremeter object to be perceived as 0.1 square meter. These Paints and flexible materials have also been planned to use indigenous ATAK helo, TIHA, ALTAY programs. :tup:


Turkey has really turned their military around, it seems like they are closer to catching up to the west in terms of R&D than either China or Russia in many areas. We really need to smuggle more drugs like the US and increase our budget!!!
does anyone have any link regarding the export of tihis ship to PN.
There has been consideration and some interest, but no official comment on this. Pakistan is busy buying electricity, rooti, kapra and makaan these days. :D

there is no news on the purchase of these milgem corvettes for the PN. maybe something comes up at IDEAS-2008 in Nov.
maybe Jliu our RAN naval expert has some information on this.
Construction of the first Milgem class corvette, TCG Heybeliada, began on 26 July 2005, and is scheduled to be completed by 25 October 2010, when it will start undergoing full sea trials before being officially commissioned. It is expected to enter service in 2011. A total of twelve Milgem class warships (eight corvettes and four frigates) will be built for the Turkish Navy, with possible exports to other countries.
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