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Mig 29K vs Rafale-M - which one should Indian Navy opt for ? Source: http:

Fighters have service life of 40 yrs only if they remain competitive and are upgraded with a decent MLU...

Which means newer, radar, avionics and weapons..., something that all fighter upgrades includes, be it of a Mig 29B, a Mig 29K (which is a big difference in terms of the airframe alone), or an F22. The only reason why the MKI, the Mig 29Ks, Rafales or EFs will have it difficult in future is, because they will serve in a time where many stealth aircrafts will be operated and where they will have not much to counter that advantage.
A Rafale beyond 2025 will also have big difficulties, even if they might get weapon pods, since they won't be a stealth fighter and the same applies to Mig 29Ks too, which btw might still have more potential to integrate weapon pods than N-LCAs, so what do you think about their future?
However, it is as it is, we are on the verge of a fighter generation and any fighter we add now, will have difficulties to remain useful for the full lifecycle, which is why I would prefer to develop a naval AMCA that could be used on IAC later too, while older Migs would be used in training or supporting roles only, like buddy refuelling, escort jamming..., similar to the F35/F18SH mix of USN.
1.) Right now its not 100% whether the Russian will develop a Naval variant, but I also think they will do it for their future carriers.
Russia having a blue water Navy will never compromise in Naval aviation . They need 5th generation naval aircraft . There are no other plans for other aircrafts right now so that naval fighter would base on PAKFA .
2.) Why should India accept the strings and other restrictions for a 5th gen fighter, when we did not even accepted the terms for navigation equipment for the C130Js? Why should we go for a complete new type of 5th gen fighter when we have a 5th gen fighter which is being manufactured in India with 100% ToT etc?
And why would someone reject a Rafale-M in the next decade, but put a LCA into service instead which is far behind the Rafale? what are those terms and source ? last decade we were literally banned by US and now we are getting C130,C17,P8 aircrafts . W.r.t bold part , when you dont want a 5th gen foreign fighter , what is point in going for 4th gen fighter ie Rafale M . Btw you cant expect AMCA soon , leave bout N AMCA .
Why do people think that everyone will use 5th gen fighters in 10 years? Thats nonsense, 4th gen fighter will form the bulk of any AF even in 10 years as well (maybe not the US). And the Rafale is the best 4.5 gen fighter available.
You have lot of time and you cannot prematurely conclude that F35 will have strings and conditions attached just like as of now .
3.) ".NLCA would primarily play the role of point defence fighter ie securing carrier while Mig29K will be used for attack"
Source please, I never heard about such a concept on carriers. Why waste limited space for point defence fighters, if you have multi role fighters like the Migs?
Why do you need a source for a fact ? LCA is a point defence fighter / Interceptor . After all its not an air superiority fighter neither attack fighter . For every CBG you need to station few fighters for defence and interception role . LCA would serve the purpose better while Mig29K will be used for attack role . What else for do you think N LCA will be used , not for enemy strikes , thats for sure . For every carrier , self defence is priority , then attack on enemy . When you have money you can fill the carrier with all multi role fighters . We have limited resources , and we want to have LCA experience on carriers before we go for AMCA . So we will station few LCA on carrier if it succeeds and the role of LCA would be carrier defence .
Russia having a blue water Navy will never compromise in Naval aviation . They need 5th generation naval aircraft . There are no other plans for other aircrafts right now so that naval fighter would base on PAKFA .

You have lot of time and you cannot prematurely conclude that F35 will have strings and conditions attached just like as of now .

Why do you need a source for a fact ? LCA is a point defence fighter / Interceptor . After all its not an air superiority fighter neither attack fighter . For every CBG you need to station few fighters for defence and interception role . LCA would serve the purpose better while Mig29K will be used for attack role . What else for do you think N LCA will be used , not for enemy strikes , thats for sure . For every carrier , self defence is priority , then attack on enemy . When you have money you can fill the carrier with all multi role fighters . We have limited resources , and we want to have LCA experience on carriers before we go for AMCA . So we will station few LCA on carrier if it succeeds and the role of LCA would be carrier defence .

If India can get it, it should go for F-35. Why not go for the best plane out there for the role. Also, India should not worry too much about sanctions. Do India plan to side with Russia/China and fight against US? If so, F-35 is not the plane for you as you surely won't get parts if you are against the US. Otherwise, you should go for this plane.
If India can get it, it should go for F-35. Why not go for the best plane out there for the role. Also, India should not worry too much about sanctions. Do India plan to side with Russia/China and fight against US? If so, F-35 is not the plane for you as you surely won't get parts if you are against the US. Otherwise, you should go for this plane.
If we cant get N PAKFA or N AMCA in time , the left out option would be F35 , IN is not a fool to go for 4g fighters after a decade . It will go for the best . The purpose of F35 is anti China , so US wont mind to loosen sanctions and give us freedom on F35 .
If India can get it, it should go for F-35. Why not go for the best plane out there for the role. Also, India should not worry too much about sanctions. Do India plan to side with Russia/China and fight against US? If so, F-35 is not the plane for you as you surely won't get parts if you are against the US. Otherwise, you should go for this plane.

Indian policy makers will never trust the US. During conditions of war, it will create a problem if spare parts are not made available or there are US technicians required all the time for monitoring or servicing critical components. Russians will always remain preferred partners in defence r&d.

As far as the siding goes, India will side with herself and align only to her own policies. For the record, we have a worse record than china while voting against the us in the un. The only country which is better than us at that is cuba.
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