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MiG-29 Misery Continues

EF is already a big mess, with news of job cuts and internal problems rising coming up every now and then. Already the US has taken away a big order of EF in regards to Saudi.. The future is not so bright .
Yes US is potentially taking away a big EF-2000 orders away from UK by offering the next generation F-15SE or close to F-15SE technologies/Avionics and latest more powerful engines and weapons lets wait and see.
The Mig-29 upgrade program that is in progress will more or less will be the final one before the MMRCA comes in and then the Fulcrums will be just support machines to the air superiority MKI's and multi-role MMRCA.

IAF has been flying the 29's since the 80's and its a question of just few more years.

Not exactly MKI's & the MRCA, but yeah they will form the second line of defence in IAF alongwith mirages.
Please rajput write down the variant that is 40 Million dollars per unit.

Generally Mig-29 is $29 Million per unit.
when it comes to quality assurance, battle testedness and reliability, NOTHING comes close to American aircrafts --especially the F-16.

if only the arms procurement process from the U.S. wasn't such a political process (Congress, et al) --even for ''major non-NATO allies'' !!!!! :)

Abu Z, I agree that the export rules are complex and often unfair. The good news is that the latest crop of weaponry being delivered to Pakistan is truly state of the art - the F-16's, the newer AIM-120, the AIM-9M. I've stated many times the latter (AIM-9M) is, I think, the best IR missile in the world, despite claims from Israel (Python) and Russia. And there is a combat track record to back that up.

The only thing lacking is the Raptor, and that's not going to anybody in the near future. The basics of the F-16 AI radar are little different from the F-15, varying only in beamwidth and power. The F-15 will have a slightly greater detection range, a slightly better ability to break-out closely spaced targets, but in an air to air role, AMRAAM equipped F-16's can do 95% of what an F-15 can do.

with Russians, money alone talks. But it seems they havent gotten over the Soviet mentality of designing INCREDIBLE, AWESOME machines that simply break or fall apart after being pushed to their limits

interestingly enough, many Air Forces are still using the Mig-21s and 29s; the issue is that some countries (which need not even be mentioned here ;)) tend to get inferior spare parts (many of them from former soviet countries like Ukraine) and this is what causes them to have atrocious misshap rates

The USSR/Russia philosophy has always been quantity over quality. This mindset originated from the end of WW2 and on into the cold war. But your observation is interesting... it seems that the jets built at the peak of the cold war (MiG-21) have been more durable than those produced from about 1985 onwards. I'm not sure why that is other than the economic conditions that existed near the end of the USSR. Also, their exported MiG-29's, even to their USSR constituents, were possibly second-tier, quality-wise.

If I were to guess, though, I'll bet that their current exports are of a higher quality than those from 20 years ago. They are competing on a world-market that demands a return for what is a HUGE investment.
Mig-29 lived its life. It was a formidable fighter and will be remembered one of the best of its kind..
Lets move to 5th generation fighters now..
Mig-29 lived its life. It was a formidable fighter and will be remembered one of the best of its kind..
Lets move to 5th generation fighters now..

like the man says in "two stupid dogs"...well isn't that cute.....BUT THATS WRONNGGGGGG!!!.. BAF still operates Mig-29 and J-7s :coffee:
Look its not that hard to understand Mig-29 is/was a formidable but it has its huge problems looking at Malaysian Air Force whose economy is better than Bangladesh like Malaysia it makes sense for BAF to get rid of them by 2012/2013 and order something else that is sanction free with no strings attached cost effective easy maintenance. Choices are limited..
Then perhaps someone should stiffen up the "chassis" and stick some western longer lasting engines in it to stop them problems.

simple init?

newer versions of rd 33 i.e( rd 33mk) have better lifespan, 7 percent greater thrust and are smokeless
upgradation is an ongoing process. u cant compare an engine of 1980's to the ones which usa builds today
having said that, i also must admit that american engines do have an edge as far as quality is concerned
SU-30 would be a good choice for Malaysian Air Force as they are already operating them. They should order next lot with more potent avionics with AESA radar and upgrade the current with AESA radars. It is too risky to go for EF-2000 when you are already operating 4+ Generation Fighters and can easily upgrade them to 4.5 essentially SU-35s standards by 2015.


essential question.....why buy an SU-30 when Russia is not hesitant to export a superior SU-35
bcoz su 35 is significantly expensive.
At the time when su 30 costed 40 million( advanced mki version similar to the mkm version), su 35 came for about 65 million apiece.
So, nearly 60% more expensive. Every country has its own limitations to spend.
bcoz su 35 is significantly expensive.
At the time when su 30 costed 40 million( advanced mki version similar to the mkm version), su 35 came for about 65 million apiece.
So, nearly 60% more expensive. Every country has its own limitations to spend.

Su-35S/BM has been offered to Greece recently at $50m weapons included.

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