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Michael Jackson has converted to Islam!!!!!

Some find this ideal in humanity and charity, others (who may not be intellectually inclined) find this in religion.

religion and intellect dont have to be mutually exclusive........
it would depend on the religion and also on the so-called intellect.........I guess
religion and intellect dont have to be mutually exclusive........
it would depend on the religion and also on the so-called intellect.........I guess

Ah, its too controversial - I'll give it a skip and keep my views to myself :)
Ah, its too controversial - I'll give it a skip and keep my views to myself :)

ha ha......
though you havent said anything........I can deduce wat you would have said, mate.....

anyways, religion, science, or intellect should be a tool to bring out the best in a human being and not otherwise..........
Didn't Mike Tyson convert to Islam a few years ago to get out of jail ....
Mike Tyson converted in Jail, not to get out of jail.

How would conversion help in getting out of jail?

Don't they keep Muslim prisoners in the jails? Some other facility for them to avoid the jail term?
Converting to Islam is also a way of getting back at the society around them in some ways for at least some of the African Americans. What better way to piss them off!

I don't think that applies in this case. Let's see the higher purpose and if he mends his ways.

You're right - some African Americans do consider it as a way to revolt against the "White Christian" society they find themselves in.

However, I don't really see that sentiment in the case of Michael Jackson.

He's a confused man, he's been accused of some pretty nasty things, and his days of stardom are at an end.

I'd say that what he desires the most is stability and certainty. And if anything is certain, it is Islam.
How would conversion help in getting out of jail?

Don't they keep Muslim prisoners in the jails? Some other facility for them to avoid the jail term?

No it does not. There is no different jail for muslims or christains in America. He just decide to convert himself while he was doing jail time.
Let see who will be next, from here in the USA.... Perhaps the President LOL.

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