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MI5, British Govt & Media Helping Terrorist Combat 18 in Ethnic Cleansing of Britain?



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Oct 21, 2009
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Are MI5, British Government and British Media Helping the Terrorist Organization Combat 18 in Ethnic Cleansing of Britain?

written by Xavia Team

On April 8th, 2009, British police arrested 12 Pakistani Muslim terror suspects, and Prime Minister Gordon Brown said the police and intelligence services had thwarted a “very big terrorist plot”. British media, intelligence agencies, politicians and Gordon Brown spent next two weeks trying to convince British public of the terrible terrorist plot these Pakistani students were about to execute. The entire operation was quickly named Operation Pathway. Some of the headlines on the main pages of the leading British newspapers read:
•"Shops and nightclub were terror targets," Daily Express headline on 9 April
•"Al-Qaida terror plot to bomb Easter shoppers," Daily Telegraph on 10 April
•“Students of terror,” Daily Mail, 10 April 2009
•“Scramble to find the Easter bomb factory,” Times, 10 April 2009
British news channels were going hand in hand with the print media. The laudable BBC kept repeating, “We (Nick Ravenscroft, BBC correspondent) had been told by police sources that an attack could have taken place within days or weeks".

Within two weeks, all 12 suspects had been released from police custody. To date no terrorism charges or even criminal charges of any kind had been filed against any of them. Except for the British Pakistani students all were then imprisoned without any charges based on the allegation that they pose security threat to Britain. After a few months in British prison due to ill-treatment and with Ramadhan approaching, majority of the students accepted British offer to return to Pakistan – unable to defend their position of innocence in the court.

Sadly, Wajid Shamsul Hasan, Pakistan's High Commissioner to the United Kingdom, instead of helping the innocent Pakistani students, offered to help UK Government catch “terrorists” like these (innocent) students back in Pakistan if allowed. His stance was firm that Pakistan would do everything in its power to stop these terrorist (who are proven innocent on investigation) from ever leaving Pakistan to carry out their heinous crimes (of getting higher education). Wajid Shamsul Hasan did not offer any support, legal or moral to the arrested Pakistani students. If Pakistani Government did not have enough money to hire top-notch lawyers to defend its own citizens, High Commissioner Wajid Shamsul Hasan’s Government owned latest 7-sereis BMW if sold would have given enough money to defend the rights of these students for years (if the cases were to extend that long).

Ironically, it was UK’s judicial system which arranged for the lawyers to defend these students, being unable to come up with the fees to hire good lawyers. During the initial court proceedings it was revealed that British authorities had undeniable proof that these Pakistani Muslim terrorists were planning to blow up shopping malls in England – and this proof was a couple of emails about a marriage, which was actually coded words for a terrorist bomb plot. Later, Richard Hermer the Queen’s Council (lawyer defending the students) revealed (based on the evidence gathered by British intelligence agencies) that the “ring leader” of the group who was accused of writing the couple of emails had sent hundreds of emails and was a regular visitor to Muslim websites and chat rooms in connection with a relationship. Also, he revealed that the police had been able to trace a young woman through who confirmed that she was in a relationship with him and they were talking about marriage.

Thus, the real basis of the entire case, the emails about marriage was in reality the emails about marriage and not coded words about a terrorist bomb plot.

Al Qaida or Combat 18

In April 2008 while the British Media and British Politicians were making sure British public was concentrated on the al-Qaeda plot to blow up a shopping mall in England using an email about marriage the UK police arrested a cell of 32 members of the terrorist organization Combat 18 with 80 bombs, 300 weapons, rocket launchers, grenades, guns and detailed plans to blow up mosques throughout England. For some strange reason, none of the British newspapers ran this story on front page or for that matter many did not cover the operation at all. It seems as if a couple of emails are a lot more dangerous and deadly than couple of hundred bombs in Britain. Even after catching thirty-two terrorists of Combat 18, Norman Bettison, the chief constable of West Yorkshire made sure to comment, ““The big bad wolf is still the Al-Qaeda threat” and not White Wolves (one of the sub-sections of Combat 18). Norman Bettison also did not comment on how the Combat 18 cell acquired all this weaponry, majority of which is only accessible to military personnel in UK. Whatever the pretext and purpose of this terrorist operation be, it confirmed that the terrorist organization Combat 18 was still operational in UK, had access to military weapons and British media, politicians and intelligence agencies all were doing their best to hide its activities by creating a facade of al-Qaida threat.

Combat 18 – From Birth till Today – a Snapshot

Combat 18 or C18 was formed in late 1991 or early 1992 as a part of British National Party and Blood & Honour. Since coming on the centre stage in 1992 Combat 18 has produced numerous literature all advocating violence against non-whites, such as its infamous “The White Wolves” periodical which describes in detail why racist violence is important and how to encourage it.

Organizational Structure
Combat 18 works in a similar fashion to the so-called “al-Qaeda Terrorists”. They have autonomous cells and lone bombers who work independently and are given directions and resources at the start of their operation. Planning, details and execution all is left to the terrorist or the terrorist cell. As a result, majority of the times the cells have been successful in carrying out their operations. Combat 18 in UK also has formed a number of sub-sections which operate independently, carrying out their respective agendas, while keeping themselves within the umbrella of Combat 18.

White Wolves
The White Wolves is a sub-section of Combat 18 which was headed by David Myatt (now a Muslim convert and hard-line supporter of Osama bin Laden and Taliban). He was second in command of Combat 18 at the time. This section gets its name from “The White Wolves” periodical and aims to implement the agenda detailed in the periodical. The thirty-two members of the cell caught in April/May of 2009 in UK belonged to White Wolves section of Combat 18.

Racial Volunteer Force
The Racial Volunteer Force (RVF) is a violent sub-section of Combat 18 with majority of its members also belonging to the terrorist group, British Freedom Fighters. The RVF was formed in 2002 by Mark Atkinson and John Hill and operates independently of the Combat 18 Division UK. Majority of the members of RVF have got terrorist training including bomb making. John Hill proudly boasts that he was in South Africa during the early 1990s where he got his terrorist training and learned how to make bombs.

International Divisions
On international level Combat 18 operates under a sophisticated organization of divisions, each division representing a country. Most active of these divisions (other than Combat 18 Division UK) are Division Russia, Division Belgium, Division Germany and Division Australia.

Each member of Combat 18 is also a member of at least one or two other similar organizations, which makes their work a lot easier. As more and more restrictions are put on Combat 18 members, they tend to use their other memberships to identify themselves. In UK majority of the Combat 18 Division UK are members of British National Party and Blood & Honor. The Combat 18 Division Belgium are members of Bloed, Bodem, Eer en Trouw. The Combat 18 Division France are members of Bloc identitaire (previously Unité Radicale).

Terrorist Training in USA and Weapons’ Stockpiling
It was revealed in 1993 by an informer of Searchlight magazine that Combat 18’s members were getting training at the terrorist camps of Church of the Creator in Wisconsin state of USA. The informer, Tim Hepple, who infiltrated and spied on BNP (British National Party) and Combat 18 for a period of two years, also revealed that members of Combat 18 were involved in drugs trafficking. He disclosed back in 1993 that Combat 18 was setting up completely autonomous cells throughout the country. He made it explicitly clear that the group was stockpiling weapons. Still, the British Authorities did not take any practical actions to curb the activities of Combat 18.

Combat 18 Controlled by MI5
The Searchlight magazine, Red Action and other commentators on both the left and right wings of the media including independent investigative journalist Larry O'Hara had been saying that Combat 18 was the brainchild of the British secret service organisation MI5 for years. But it was in the late 1990s that members of British National Party (BNP) and Combat 18 came out and openly declared that Combat 18 was being controlled by MI5 and British security services and its leaders did not exert total control over the organization.

On 6 April 1999, members of Combat 18 cooperated with a documentary crew from the Granada Television's World in Action show in an effort to show that they had been infiltrated, and in some cases controlled indirectly, by the British intelligence services.

Similarly, Nicholas John Griffin famously known as Nick Griffin who is currently the chairman of British National Party and a Member of the European Parliament for North West England alleged in 1999 that “MI5 encouraged or even ordered the setting up of Combat 18” to pursue its agenda.

Combat 18’s Well-Known Terrorist Activities
London Nail Bomber
On April 23, 1999, a bomb exploded in Brixton and another a week later in Brick Lane, East London. On April 30, a third bomb at the Admiral Duncan pub in Soho killed three people, including a pregnant woman, and injured over 100 others. 22-year-old David Copeland a member of Combat 18 was arrested as the mastermind, who had carried out the nail bombing campaign aimed at non-white communities in London. Investigators concluded that he had acted alone.

Oldham Racial Clashes
Combat 18 was at the forefront of the racial clashes in the city of Oldham in April 2001.

In October 2002, David Tovey a member of British National Party and Combat 18 was caught with a hoard of guns and weapons aiming to start a race war in Oxfordshire. In his notes details of a mosque in Swindon along with its sketch was also found. He had intended to use Napalm and P4 explosives to carry out a massive campaign of mass murder. To date, there is no explanation of how or from where David Tovey acquired all these explosives, weapons and other equipment used only by British Army.

Assassination attempt on French President Jacques Chirac
Maxime Brunerie a member of French extremist group Unité Radicale (now Bloc identitaire) tried to assassinate French President Jacques Chirac on July 14, 2002 in Paris, during the Bastille Day parade on the Champs-Élysées. He was stopped and overpowered by the bystanders in the parade. It was later discovered that he had announced his plans a day before on the website of Combat 18 and had been in touch with the organization for some time. It is now widely accepted that like many other members of Unité Radicale, Maxime Brunerie was also a member of Combat 18 Division France.

November 9 Munich Bomb Plot
In October 2003 German authorities arrested 10 members of cell belonging to Combat 18 Division Germany which was plotting to blow up a Jewish centre on November 9 during a ceremony attended by the German President Johannes Rau. Police seized 1.7 kilos of TNT and various weapons from the cell members. Their find included a hit list of other targets including a number of mosques throughout Germany.

2006 Belgian Coup Attempt
In September 2006 a Combat 18 Division Belgium cell associated with Bloed, Bodem, Eer en Trouw – the Flemish branch of Combat 18 and Blood & Honour – tried to destabilize the country and install a far right government. Their plans also included assassinating one of their own leaders - Filip Dewinter - and blaming the murder on Muslims thereby starting a civil war. In vengeance they would kill prominent Muslim personalities such as Dyab Abou Jahjah. Right before the execution of the plan, the authorities were alerted and in a lightning fast operation the Belgian authorities arrested 17 members of the cell, 11 of which were Belgian military personnel. The raids also found a large cache of military weapons, ammunition, explosives, landmines and homemade bombs each large enough to blow up a car. It was later revealed that cell members had taken terrorist training at the terrorist camps present deep inside the Flemish territory and one of the officers was involved in protecting the Kleine Brogel military base, where NATO has a stock of nuclear weapons.

One of the arrested soldiers said in a television interview that members of the security services, soldiers in the army and politicians were involved in the planning and execution of these plans but refused to name them.

Belgium has been trying hard to keep itself clear of Combat 18 for quite a while and with good reason. In June 2000 it refused entry to three members of Combat 18 Division UK, but still the Combat 18 Division Belgium has gained strong foothold in the country, as evident by the well planned coup attempt.

2008-09 has been an eventful year for Britain and Combat 18. There have been numerous arrests by British police along with explosive devices and detailed terrorism plans. Interestingly all of these arrests were not part of months long investigations, but started by simple offenses like public urination and assaulting women. It was after the arrests that police found out about their involvement in terrorism. A few of these are listed below:

•Neil Lewington was arrested for urinating at a railway platform after getting off a train. A search of his bag uncovered two incendiary devices and a bomber’s manual.
•Nicky Davison, an eighteen year old teenager was arrested on suspicion of inciting racial hatred, however, on searching his house the police found deadly poison ricin in a jam jar. Police now believe that Nicky and his father Ian Davison wanted to use ricin in a terrorist poisoning plot. A jam jar of this poison is enough to kill tens of thousands of people. One drop of ricin, smaller than a grain of salt enough to kill a man.
•Martyn Gilleard’s flat was being searched by police for activities related to child pornography when to their amazement they stumbled upon four nail bombs capable of causing an explosion similar to that of a hand grenade under the bed of his five year old son. They also found plans to target Muslims and blacks.
•Police arrested a man for assaulting a woman in a street after getting drunk. On searching his premises detectives seized maps and plans of mosques. This led to the discovery of a Combat 18 cell planning to blow up mosques in England. Arrests were made and plans thwarted. Police haven’t given any names or further details about the cell.
Ethnic Cleansing in Twenty-first Century
Slaughter of Muslims under the watchful eyes of NATO can be allowed in Eastern Europe and tolerated, but this type ethnic cleansing in Western Europe is unthinkable. At least in its normal sense. What they can do is make the situation conducive enough for the people of specific minority like Pakistanis to move to another country like back to Pakistan. Of course no one would agree that British Government would even think of indulging in such heinous acts against humanity. But the reality today is saying something else. One example is the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) of Scotland’s report.

A few weeks back when the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) of Scotland tried to raise the issue of immigration patterns, and race and equality in one of its reports it was warned by the Commons Scottish Affairs Committee in the strongest possible words to stay clear of such debates, even when the goal for creation of EHRC in 2007 was to promote mutual respect between communities, valuing diversity, and shared respect for equality and human rights. It is also one of the only two official watchdogs in Scotland. The British MPs challenged the commission by saying that it was outside its mandate to get involved in equality in Scotland under greater devolution or full independence. The MPs report in reply to commission’s report also said, "The commission is best occupied focusing on dealing with the consequences of immigration for community cohesion and good relations, which is its central task, rather than seeking to influence the nature of that immigration."

In order words, the British politicians have warned all the human rights watchdogs in Britain to stay clear of these issues or else.

Building Britain’s Future Plan
At the end of June 2009, Gordon Brown announced British Government’s most ambitious plans for its future, aptly named Building Britain’s Future. The plan lays out details on how Britain will get back on top and overcome the current economic crisis. The plan also covers basic issues like housing, jobs and so forth.

It is a common fact that any family living anywhere on the planet, first looks for a good job and education. Once the family is a bit settled the first wish it has is to own a house. If someone is assured that he will not be able to get a good job or does not have a chance of owning a house the obvious and only choice he has is to move to another place. These two are the prime reasons for citizens of developing countries to migrate. Someone who is highly educated such as a PhD, or have skills that are in high demand such as a doctor do not have difficulty in finding a good paying job anywhere. Also, with a good pay they are able to afford good education for their children and expensive housing – but they are a minority. It is the not highly educated class the one in majority which has difficult time. They require incentives and help in getting good jobs and owning a home. It is this class which British Government wants to help through its Building Britain’s Future plan. Let us take a look what are its plans.

Housing for Ordinary Class
The plan says that “in every community, our national policies such as managing migration or building and allocating social housing, are tangible, real, and seen to be fair.” It is strange that the British Government has decided to link immigration with social housing schemes. In fact, this link between immigration and housing is quite deliberate which follows a widely propagated racist myth in recent years that immigrants and asylum seekers are on top of the queues for government/social housing schemes. One of the staunch supporters of this claim has been former minister Margaret Hodge who talked in May 2007 about a “legitimate sense of entitlement felt by the indigenous family”. In other words, the white British felt they were being conned out of their rightful entitlement by non-whites.

The reality is that fewer than 2% of social housing tenants have arrived in Britain over the last five years according to a July report from the Institute of Public Policy Research, a fact which is not mentioned anywhere in Building Britain’s Future plan report.

The plan report then in clear words spells out its hidden agenda, “we will change the current rules for allocating council and other social housing, enabling local authorities to give more priority to local people.” Of course the local people are none other than the white British. Who else can prove their ethnicity is more local to Britain than the white British.

Jobs for Ordinary Class
Building Britain’s Future says “migrants must contribute and play by the rules” and that “in tough economic times it is right to be more selective about the skill level of migrants, and to do more to put British workers first. It is even more important that communities see those who come to Britain contributing, and embracing our sense of fair play – working hard, respecting our way of life”.

Again, the underpinning message is that if you are white you will get the priority in job selection. If someone has difficult in deducing this message from the future plans of Britain, the British media is assuring the message goes across to all non-whites living in Britain. British newspapers have started writing stories which indirectly propagate the idea that non-whites have a hard time getting jobs in UK. One of the leading British newspapers recently ran a story which proved that getting a job in Britain was easier for an Asian woman after she changed her name on the application to a British name and showed her willingness to adopt all aspects of British White culture. It said the “English surname signalled, accurately, that she was already partly integrated into the dominant culture. She was easy to absorb and her career has flourished.” Of all the Asian communities in UK, it is the Pakistani community which has always been the most resilient towards adopting an English name, as evident with their Muslim/Pakistani names. It is a well known fact throughout Britain. With this obvious fact, there can be no other reason for writing such articles, but to intimidate the Pakistani community living in UK.

Education for British Christians
Up until fairly recently the British media was full of stories of how unfair the British education system is for ethnic minorities. There was a continuous stream of stories on how the ethnic minorities are not allowed to follow their customs in British schools. Recently, there has been a complete u-turn. British newspapers are now full of stories about the unfairness of British education system towards British Christians and Whites. Stories like Christian students not being allowed to wear crosses while Muslim and Sikh students allowed to wear their religious symbols have become a norm.

While this is happening in schools, the universities have become a hotbed for anti-Muslim and anti-Pakistani sentiment. Pakistani Muslim students at one hand have to live fearful of making sure not to even utter the word Jihad in their conversation, while at the other hand they have to keep their ears and eyes open while outside the university to keep aware of any whites waiting to ambush them and beat the crap out of them. Stories of a Pakistani or Muslim student beaten to pulp in Britain have become a routine and adorn the news sites at least once every week.

Combat 18 and British Government/Media Two Sides of the Same Coin
British Authorities might deny that Combat 18 is under direct or indirect control of the Government but the fact is whatever the British Government is doing and is planning to do is not only helping Combat 18 achieve its aim of ethnic cleansing of Britain but helping to speed it up. Combat 18 is still neither declared a terrorist organization nor banned in UK. In fact, while browsing the internet for research on Al-Qaeda for university research is punishable by jail time (see the case of Rizwaan Sabir, Nottingham University) - chatting, joining and writing messages on Combat 18 websites is considered harmless and part of freedom-of-speech. On the whole more Combat 18 members have been caught in Britain in the last ten years with weapons and detailed plans of terrorist plots than Al-Qaeda. Also, it was a member of Combat 18 who had a picture taken standing in front of nuclear bomb. Surprisingly, the picture which was available on the internet until a couple of years back is nowhere to be found and the governments of UK or Belgium (where the picture was taken) have not said anything about what happened to the nuclear bomb (the person in the picture was caught during the Belgian coup operation).

The British Government’s attitude towards Pakistanis was summed up quite well in a recent case when a simple Pakistani man applied for asylum. The judge in question dubbed the young Pakistani man as “a dangerous and selfish man,” for wanting to get asylum in Britain. However, if you are a terrorist or a criminal on the run from Pakistani authorities for countless murders and atrocities then not only you will be given instant asylum but also full nationality.

Looking at the environment being generated in Britain, with Combat 18 taking extreme measures at one hand and the British Government creating economic hardships for the Pakistani community at the other hand, the Pakistanis will soon have no other way but either to react violently or choose to leave Britain peacefully. In either case Combat 18 would achieve its goal. This was summed up in one line by one of Combat 18’s operatives, Neil Lewington who said:

"the only good **** was a dead ****".

A report by xavia.vim.im

website source: xavia.vim.im/xavia:4
Has anyone else read the above article? It is from the same site which wrote about the Operation Blue Tulsi.

I am trying to find some details about Combat 18 and whether it really is trying to terrorise British Pakistanis, but cannot find much on British news sites. Is there any talk of Combat 18 in Pakistani press?

Has anyone else read the above article? It is from the same site which wrote about the Operation Blue Tulsi.

I am trying to find some details about Combat 18 and whether it really is trying to terrorise British Pakistanis, but cannot find much on British news sites. Is there any talk of Combat 18 in Pakistani press?


Here's something that might interest you:

Thanks for the link. Could you also provide any link related to "COMBAT 18" news?

In UK here, in the last few months a considerable increase in Combat 18 activities has been witnessed. Also, last week BBC and British Govt. have gone hand in hand with the God Fathers of Combat 18 and related groups first by allowing Greet Wilder to screen his anti-Islamic movie and then giving air time to Nick Griffin to criticise Islam.

UK is now officially turning anti-Islamic.
A senior Russian judge who presided over the high-profile trial of a gang of racist killers was assassinated in Moscow on April 12, 2010.

Eduard Chuvashov was shot in the stairwell of his central Moscow home as he was leaving for work. Police said that they suspected that he had been killed by ultranationalists in a revenge attack for his work at Moscow City Court.
Mr Chuvashov, 47, was hit three times in a contract-style killing and died at the scene from gunshot wounds to the head and chest, the Investigations Committee of the Russian Prosecutor-General’s Office said in a statement.

The judge dealt with the trials of members of extremist organisations and had jailed nine members of a Russian fascist group, the White Wolves (a sub-group of Combat 18), in February for the murders of migrant workers from Central Asia.

The skinhead gang, mostly teenagers, were sentenced to between 6 and 23 years for their parts in stabbing and beating to death 11 people. Prosecutors said that the group, which had formed two years earlier on Adolf Hitler’s birthday, had filmed their attacks on mobile phones and uploaded them to Slavic nationalist websites.

Mr Chuvashov also jailed three ultranationalists last week for racially-motivated murders, Anna Usacheva, a spokeswoman for the Moscow court, told Ekho Moskvy radio. Threats against him had been posted on several radical websites after both trials, said Galina Kozhevnikova, of the Sova Centre, a rights group that monitors racist crimes.
“They published his picture and extracts of audio tapes from court cases, profiling him as a danger to all Russians,” she said. Sova said that 306 people were hurt and 60 killed in hate crimes in Russia last year.

Video from surveillance cameras in the building showed that the gunman was a man of Slavic appearance aged between 25 and 30, dressed in a black shirt and hat and blue jeans, a police source told Ria Novosti news agency.
The judge had been offered protection by the Federal Security Service (FSB) in relation to the threats but had refused to accept a bodyguard, Interfax news reported.

Combat 18 assassinates top Russian judge Eduard Chuvashov PakReport
A senior Russian judge who presided over the high-profile trial of a gang of racist killers was assassinated in Moscow on April 12, 2010.

Eduard Chuvashov was shot in the stairwell of his central Moscow home as he was leaving for work. Police said that they suspected that he had been killed by ultranationalists in a revenge attack for his work at Moscow City Court.
Mr Chuvashov, 47, was hit three times in a contract-style killing and died at the scene from gunshot wounds to the head and chest, the Investigations Committee of the Russian Prosecutor-General’s Office said in a statement.

The judge dealt with the trials of members of extremist organisations and had jailed nine members of a Russian fascist group, the White Wolves (a sub-group of Combat 18), in February for the murders of migrant workers from Central Asia.

The skinhead gang, mostly teenagers, were sentenced to between 6 and 23 years for their parts in stabbing and beating to death 11 people. Prosecutors said that the group, which had formed two years earlier on Adolf Hitler’s birthday, had filmed their attacks on mobile phones and uploaded them to Slavic nationalist websites.

Mr Chuvashov also jailed three ultranationalists last week for racially-motivated murders, Anna Usacheva, a spokeswoman for the Moscow court, told Ekho Moskvy radio. Threats against him had been posted on several radical websites after both trials, said Galina Kozhevnikova, of the Sova Centre, a rights group that monitors racist crimes.
“They published his picture and extracts of audio tapes from court cases, profiling him as a danger to all Russians,” she said. Sova said that 306 people were hurt and 60 killed in hate crimes in Russia last year.

Video from surveillance cameras in the building showed that the gunman was a man of Slavic appearance aged between 25 and 30, dressed in a black shirt and hat and blue jeans, a police source told Ria Novosti news agency.
The judge had been offered protection by the Federal Security Service (FSB) in relation to the threats but had refused to accept a bodyguard, Interfax news reported.

Combat 18 assassinates top Russian judge Eduard Chuvashov PakReport

Combat 18 has increased its activities considerably outside UK, specially in Russia. Its strange that the news of any Chechen rebels' activities is repeated countless times, however, any news related to Combat 18 is quickly hushed up.

Any Ideas or comments??
Anyone that beleives this crap deserves everything they get... I've never read such poorly written xenophobic rubbish and I've been reading British newspapers for 40 years

It's exactly this sort of lies that stirs up extremism amongst British Muslim youth, which in turn creates tension between Muslims and "non-beleivers"
MI5, British Govt & Media Helping Terrorist Combat 18 in Ethnic Cleansing of Britain?

The article plus replies were too long to read, but i only saw the above line which could say alot about the article. this is nothing but a piece of crap. ethnic minorities have got a decent life in the UK, they are treated well according to the law of this country, they have got religiouse and cultural freedom, they are equal to any other person in this island.
MI5, British Govt & Media Helping Terrorist Combat 18 in Ethnic Cleansing of Britain?

The article plus replies were too long to read, but i only saw the above line which could say alot about the article. this is nothing but a piece of crap. ethnic minorities have got a decent life in the UK, they are treated well according to the law of this country, they have got religiouse and cultural freedom, they are equal to any other person in this island.

I neither want to be mean nor critical, but how can you judge a piece of writing without even reading it????

Also, the writer has merely asked a question, after stating some facts. There does not seem to be any accusation in the article.

But if you really feel that anything which has such a heading is "crap" and you need to put your thoughts in writing, then YOU MUST be writing to all the TV channels everytime they have a debate like, "Is Islam really extremist?" Can you please tell me how many times you have written to the news channels in response to these types of debate topics.

Also, I belive (based on your emotional reply) that you must be the person who wrote to Christiane Amanpour, after she did her piece on Does Islam allow beating of women?

according to the law of any country in the world (except China), all citizens have got religiouse and cultural freedom. There are Christians, Hindus and Sikhs living in Pakistan.

Two more things before ending:
1- France is right around the corner
2- Try living in a country like Portsmouth
Anyone that beleives this crap deserves everything they get... I've never read such poorly written xenophobic rubbish and I've been reading British newspapers for 40 years

It's exactly this sort of lies that stirs up extremism amongst British Muslim youth, which in turn creates tension between Muslims and "non-beleivers"

It is strange that you are not pointing out any inaccuracies in the article, but objecting to its ENGLISH. And you add-on to it by saying that you have not read anything about it in the British Newspapers in the last 40 years.

Well, the main reason I asked about this topic on a Pakistani forum, was to get input from people living IN PAKISTAN or FROM PAKISTAN.

Since, you have joined in, let me start by asking:
1- Can you tell me that in the last month alone, how many assylum seekers committed suicide in UK, for getting their applications rejected and were too afraid to go back to their home countries for fear of life-long tortures? (after all you have been reading British Newspapers for the lat 40 years)
2- Can you tell me in the last 40 years how many mass murderers, dictators, smugglers and kleptocrates have been given assylum in UK? (keep in mind that on all visa applications the applicant has to declare that he/she has not been involved in any such activity)

-------Your answer to these questions should tell you how much you should rely on British Newspapers-------

If you think the type of questions asked in the article, with facts and figures create tensions and you believe strongly enough to write about it, then you must have written to Hollywood producers who were producing movie after movie showing Muslims as suicide bombers in early 90s, while until then it was LTTE (Tamil Tigers of Sri Lanks) who were involved in suicide bombings.

The main purpose of posting this thread was to identify the inaccuracies and "lies" in the article. If you can kindly point out the "lies" it would be great. Because, when I try to find out about the incidents written in the article, I find BRITISH NEWS SITES also stating the same stories.

Also, if you really believe that British Media is so trustworthy, read about how it bended the truth during Iraq war (not lied). Following is the link for starters.

WikiMir: Afghan Drug Trade

To end: It would be really appreciated if you could point out the lies in the article. Thanks in advance.
It is strange that you are not pointing out any inaccuracies in the article, but objecting to its ENGLISH. And you add-on to it by saying that you have not read anything about it in the British Newspapers in the last 40 years.

Well, the main reason I asked about this topic on a Pakistani forum, was to get input from people living IN PAKISTAN or FROM PAKISTAN.

Since, you have joined in, let me start by asking:
1- Can you tell me that in the last month alone, how many assylum seekers committed suicide in UK, for getting their applications rejected and were too afraid to go back to their home countries for fear of life-long tortures? (after all you have been reading British Newspapers for the lat 40 years)
2- Can you tell me in the last 40 years how many mass murderers, dictators, smugglers and kleptocrates have been given assylum in UK? (keep in mind that on all visa applications the applicant has to declare that he/she has not been involved in any such activity)

-------Your answer to these questions should tell you how much you should rely on British Newspapers-------

If you think the type of questions asked in the article, with facts and figures create tensions and you believe strongly enough to write about it, then you must have written to Hollywood producers who were producing movie after movie showing Muslims as suicide bombers in early 90s, while until then it was LTTE (Tamil Tigers of Sri Lanks) who were involved in suicide bombings.

The main purpose of posting this thread was to identify the inaccuracies and "lies" in the article. If you can kindly point out the "lies" it would be great. Because, when I try to find out about the incidents written in the article, I find BRITISH NEWS SITES also stating the same stories.

Also, if you really believe that British Media is so trustworthy, read about how it bended the truth during Iraq war (not lied). Following is the link for starters.

WikiMir: Afghan Drug Trade

To end: It would be really appreciated if you could point out the lies in the article. Thanks in advance.

1. Don't know, don't care; it's not my, nor Britain's problem, we've got our own to deal with
2.The only one mass murderer or dictator that comes to mind is General Pinochet, smuglers get into every country and Kleptocrats are everywhere...

Before attacking what I have said you would benefit from reading it properly, I never defended the UK press infact I attacked it...

The government does not support C18
The government does not knowingly arrest innocent muslims and label them as terrorists, only a complete idiot is under the influence that this is true...

Copeland's attacks were aimed at the gay comunity aswell and it is unknown whether or not he was assosiated with combat 18, however he has been diagnosed with various mental conditions and he will live the rest of his life in a mental health unit, hardly the actions of a state that supports his extra-ciricular activities eh?

Combat 18 is a neo-nazi terrorist organisation, they often feature in the press in this country not sure about elsewhere, IIRC Danish members sent mail-bombs to British citizens dating non-whites which was EXTREMELY well documented in the press worldwide.

C18 became a bit of a talking point when I was leaving the armed forces, especially after it was found out that there was a member of such an organisation in the Parachute regiment.
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