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Merkel wants a new debate with Russia to overcome estragerments between both countrys


Apr 2, 2017
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After anexion of Crimea the German Russian relations are at a low point.
This year the german russian Petersburger dialogs in Berlin were restarted.
The Petersburger dialog was invented in 2001 to round up the yearly german russian government consultations. In 2014 all dialogs were stoped after Russia anxion of the Crimea.
The 2017 Petersburg dialog takes two days, 250 persons of consquence from both nations meet in Berlin remarkable that two officel government representatives take part ... in the past Merkel and Putin were always at this meeting... hopes are that this dialog leeds to a restart of officel government consultations next year.
Merkels goal is to stop distrust, prejudice and sterotyps...she wants a honesty discussion even about critical points...Putin agreed with Merkel on this point ..


I am not a big fan of Putin and Russia in general... but the two most powerful nations in Europe have to sort out their problems and work together not against each other.
As a young guy I always like polticans with strong agressive rethoric... I hated the softy german politican always played friendly and nice and talked with others... today I know that this way is the much harder way and the "softy politicans" are the much tougher ones... they have the balls to meet the other and talk about problems..and learn the viewpoint of the other side to understand how tentions between nations can be deleted... Guys like Trump will never be a great leader as Kohl was... he united Germany at the peak of the cold war without a single shoot fired or a single human killed and that in a nation were the biggest Army in human history have faced each other for decades. That was achived with talking and respect... no blaming and show off force...
but the two most powerful nations in Europe have to sort out their problems and work together not against each o.
you gave brits a panic attack with this post.

russia is not as powerful anyway and EU is becoming more like United States of Germany.
was it not Karl Marx who said Germany is the heart of europe? and any change in Germany is change in Europe. Germany is only doing what is necessary and taking the step which other nations in EU want and that is normalisation of relations with Russia.
Merkel should first concentrate on forming a coalition. Right now a new round of elections seem like a real possibility.

The EU bloc and the US would never tolerate stronger relations between any European nation and Russia.
you gave brits a panic attack with this post.

russia is not as powerful anyway and EU is becoming more like United States of Germany.

political and military Russia is more powerfull/ important for Europe than the UK ... after Brexit the UK will drop out of any major rule in world politic.... the only rule they will have in the future is the unimportant servant of the USA

Merkel should first concentrate on forming a coalition. Right now a new round of elections seem like a real possibility.

The EU bloc and the US would never tolerate stronger relations between any European nation and Russia.

new elections are unlikely... at the moment all signals looks like continue of the big coalition with the SPD, the current president of Germany Steinmaier (SPD) forced his own party to move ...

We are not talking about strong relations between Russia and Germany... Merkel wants the relation just back to a normal friendly status
It is interesting, why in our days politicians promise rapprochement with Russia, when they have elections or difficulties, but after they completely forget their promises?
It is interesting, why in our days politicians promise rapprochement with Russia, when they have elections or difficulties, but after they completely forget their promises?

This has nothing to do with election (which are over) or difficulties (Russian plays zerro rules in german government build up)...and no one promise anything ...Merkel just wants to restart a dialog platform that exist since 2001 to bring back the realtion between Germany and Russia from currently bad to normal...
I think normalizing ties is going to be very tough with the current conflicts; the Russians and Germans almost always support opposing sides (Ukraine being a very inportant issue).
I think relations have soured too much and I don't think either party is going to do all that much about it. The only way I see relations thawing is with major political change in Russia (more specifically Putin).

It wouldn't be the first time people have called for better relations with Russia without any effect, which is a bit sad, but expected.
I think relations have soured too much and I don't think either party is going to do all that much about it. The only way I see relations thawing is with major political change in Russia (more specifically Putin).
People in the West often forget that Putin is more like centrist and quite liberal guy. The next one can be real conservative and anti-Western.
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People in the West often forget that Putin is more like centrist and quite liberal guy. The next one can be real conservative and anti-Western.

there could be indeed worse guys... Putin has tow faces...

On one side a saw a interview from him to the death of Helmut Kohl, he talked about him in a way that Kohl impressed him a lot and at some parts you could feel that he become emotial in a way that the death of Kohl realy touched him.... on the other side he has no problems to walk over death to reach his goals.

I dont know much about him but I guess if you play fair with him and nations meet Russia on equal level he stay honest... if you piss him off, he will try everything to hurt you in the long run.

As I said... talking with each other is better than blaming each other via Titter or press.

The German General a.D. Kujat long time NATO military concil chairman and chairman of the NATO Russian concil said that the western politics ignored to long Russian point of views.... they missed a big chance at the end of the cold war as Russia was seriously thinking to join the NATO, he said the world missed there the best solution ever....Russia join NATO.. US give up NATO lead and the NATO would be directed under the command of the UN...this was a scenario that was possible ... but to many nationalist egos and short profit minded noobs did not let it happen... just think about the possibility... the UN would have recived real power ... Europe Russia USA Canada in one ship pulling at one rope ... the world would be today a lot more peacefull...
After anexion of Crimea the German Russian relations are at a low point.
This year the german russian Petersburger dialogs in Berlin were restarted.
The Petersburger dialog was invented in 2001 to round up the yearly german russian government consultations. In 2014 all dialogs were stoped after Russia anxion of the Crimea.
The 2017 Petersburg dialog takes two days, 250 persons of consquence from both nations meet in Berlin remarkable that two officel government representatives take part ... in the past Merkel and Putin were always at this meeting... hopes are that this dialog leeds to a restart of officel government consultations next year.
Merkels goal is to stop distrust, prejudice and sterotyps...she wants a honesty discussion even about critical points...Putin agreed with Merkel on this point ..


I am not a big fan of Putin and Russia in general... but the two most powerful nations in Europe have to sort out their problems and work together not against each other.
As a young guy I always like polticans with strong agressive rethoric... I hated the softy german politican always played friendly and nice and talked with others... today I know that this way is the much harder way and the "softy politicans" are the much tougher ones... they have the balls to meet the other and talk about problems..and learn the viewpoint of the other side to understand how tentions between nations can be deleted... Guys like Trump will never be a great leader as Kohl was... he united Germany at the peak of the cold war without a single shoot fired or a single human killed and that in a nation were the biggest Army in human history have faced each other for decades. That was achived with talking and respect... no blaming and show off force...
Germany is a castrated nation...a powerful eunuch after the Fall of Berlin in 1945. If he can regain his balls by liberating himself from NATO I will change my mind.
By the way Crimea was re-incorporated into Russia as per the wishes of the Crimeans.
Germany is a eunuch? LOL
UK France USA Spain Italy are all Eunuch too because they are also NATO Eunuch members...

what a crappy stupid comment...

Germany did several times piss off NATO (specialy Blair and Bush Gangster) not following them into war because Germany knowed they lied and German foreign minister told that right into the face of Rumsfeld ...
I dont know much about him but I guess if you play fair with him and nations meet Russia on equal level he stay honest... if you piss him off, he will try everything to hurt you in the long run.
Seems absolutely logical for me.
Germany is a eunuch? LOL
UK France USA Spain Italy are all Eunuch too because they are also NATO Eunuch members...

what a crappy stupid comment...

Germany did several times piss off NATO (specialy Blair and Bush Gangster) not following them into war because Germany knowed they lied and German foreign minister told that right into the face of Rumsfeld ...
Germany pissed of NATO the way a eunuch only can. (Yeah I agree that France, Spain, Italy and even the UK are eunuchs but not USA, but Germany is the most...she is occupied by US and UK forces still since 1945). Have you forgotten when Germans actually ran Germany?
political and military Russia is more powerfull/ important for Europe than the UK ... after Brexit the UK will drop out of any major rule in world politic.... the only rule they will have in the future is the unimportant servant of the USA

new elections are unlikely... at the moment all signals looks like continue of the big coalition with the SPD, the current president of Germany Steinmaier (SPD) forced his own party to move ...

We are not talking about strong relations between Russia and Germany... Merkel wants the relation just back to a normal friendly status

Well, you know that even normal relations are against the wishes of the status quo.

Let’s not kid ourselves here. America will never allow Europe to have normal relations with Russia. As long as Europen nations remain indebted and under the US sphere nothing can change.
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