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Mehsud offers unconditional surrender

Imran Khan

Oct 18, 2007
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Mehsud offers unconditional surrender
Operation to continue till militants lay down arms: govt

The Post Report

ISLAMABAD: Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan has offered to surrender unconditionally and has given talks' offer to the government.

The TTP spokesperson Maulvi Omar while talking on telephone from an unknown location has revealed an important meeting of Taliban commanders from south and north Waziristan with Baitullah Mehsud in which the decision to lay down arms and hold talks with the government was taken. They, however, said this decision should not be regarded as their weakness. "TTP is not against Pakistan, it, rather, is waging its struggle against the US imperialism. Omer said the Talibans were successfully engaged on the other side of the border and their aim is to hit the US interests.

They further demanded that TTP should also be made part of the ongoing negotiations as the tribal elders holding talks with the government had no roots in the people. "They are in fact governments puppets" the TTP leader said. The interior ministry has said in accordance with the customs of the tribal area Taliban should surrender to the political agent and operation would continue until the Taliban surrender.

Maulvi Omer further said that decisions of mini-Jirga had not been implemented as yet. He alleged that despite talks' offers the government was not willing to negotiate. The conflict between Taliban and government runs counter to the interests of both the parties, he added. He also denied having any links to foreign agencies.

He also confirmed he and his companions survived many attacks and moved to safe places. As a part of strategy, they stayed away from the media for a while, he concluded.
Taliban ‘suspend’ activity in Bajaur: Spokesman
By Anwarullah Khan

Friday, 31 Oct, 2008 | 11:28 PM PST |

File photo: Maulvi Omar, left, a Taliban spokesman, speaks as his bodyguard looks on during a press conference in Khar, Pakistan. AP

KHAR: A Tehreek-i-Taliban spokesman claimed that the group has unilaterally suspended activities in the Mamond area of Bajaur, which has been a stronghold of the militia.

‘Yes, Taliban have unilaterally suspended their activities after holding negotiations with the local elders, but it doesn’t mean that we have surrendered our weapons,’ the TTP spokesman Maulvi Omar told Dawn by phone from an unspecified location on Friday.

He said that if the army entered Mamond, the Taliban would not resist, adding they would only retaliate if they were attacked.

He also said that the Taliban had assured local elders that they would not clash with security forces and were ready for talks with the government.

Area residents said that militants appeared to be retreating from Bajaur after losing Lowi Sam and other strategic locations.

Armed militants who had established courts and a parallel administration in Khar and other parts of Bajaur had vacated their positions and also abolished checkpoints.

‘Some of their leaders have moved to Upper and Lower Dir districts,’ local people said.

Maulvi Omar said that despite assurances by the elders, security forces were still targeting Taliban positions in Mamond and Charmang areas.
I thought Baitullah Mehsud died. Anyways, great news. We need to send reinforcements if he doesn't surrender.
They are a bunch of liars, we should never trust them. They are just trying to stop the offensive, which is now clearly going against them. The operation should continue till every inch of that area is under our control.

The tail has been waging the dog for too long. Enough is enough.
there is no peace untill these people are dead. Weapons or not, I would prefer to send them to the next world. They have killed many soldiers and civilians.
I think it is a strategic move of talaban to gain time to strengthen their positions.
It is gurrilla war tactic not surrender.

Talaban fighting in afghanistan dont want fight with pakistan army.Their victory against US and allied forces may revert to defeat.

I'm not going to waste a lot of time on you, so please listen carefully, I will only say this to you once. the Tehrik-i-taliban or TTP and Taliban in Afghanistan are two different groups. they have nothing to do with each other, so please stop associating them with fighters in Afghanistan. in fact, Mulla Umar has denounced Mehsud and has stated that he has nothing to do with him.

The TTP is mostly run by alqaeda, filled with foreigners like uzbeks, chechens, and egyptians. did you know that Mehsud has slaughtered probably 100% more muslims than non-muslims? have you forgotten the suicide bombing raids we've been facing for the past few years?

did you forget that the army already has peace deals with the other militant groups in waziristan? isn't it weird that US drones manage to kill any militant leader that doesn't attack Pakistan? yet, the drones just happen to leave Baitullah Mehsud alive? tell me why hasn't the US killed Mehsud? did you know that the army gave the US forces the coordinates to attack Mehsud, yet they did nothing?

tell me, what is going on here? where is Mehsud getting advanced sniper rifles, communication equipment that is more advanced than what the Pakistan army currently has, highly organized fighting tactics, rocket launchers? do you think Allah is dropping them right out of the sky?

have you forgotten that the tribals do not want the TTP in their areas? did you miss the news reports, that have been repeatedly shown for the past few months, where the tribal lashkars burn down the houses of the militants? are you blind or just ignorant? get over this fighting for islam thing, most of these militant commanders were drug lords just a few months ago. all of sudden they received divine guidance and now slaughter tribal elders, who by the way are 60-80 years old and cover their bodies with bullets.
we can't give them safe pessage this war will finish when every evil talib will finish from our homeland
New recruit in Pak Army Reporting,,,,,,,
As per my understanding, its all gimmicks, this has nothign to do with Taliban or any other Force, but just a lame excuse to be present in afghanistan to limit the MIGHTY China to spread its legs to the Warm Waters of indian Ocean via Gawadar.US is fighting this war for its own benifit and STUPID people are being slaughtered and giving sacrifices in the name of Religion. who knows who is OSAMA, and these media Heroes, who has met them and heard from them. any solid proof ????? how come the Television Channels get the Videos from unknown sources of osama and then people from unknown location upload footage of TTP and Al Qaeda. sorry sir!!!! its all Bull **** people with little or no knowledge may believe its true, but as far as i know one can with good knowledge of IT can exactly tell you the exact location from where the video was uploaded and can easily squeeze their necks. isnt it funny, the president of IRAQ (saddam) was caught in few months period while those who have no places to run and hide are still a myth to the whole world.
Every Country has an army but un fortunately pakistan Army has a Country. we celebrate our freedom on 14th of August but my friend i say we are still slaves to black Goraz who are ruling us ever since pure gora Left. dont take me wrong, there have been good people recruited in our forces, but honestly i have serious concern about my future now. since i am new recruit so i surely have to say YES SIR to the west and US if i want to reach beyond Brig Rank.. in the END YES Sir who should i kill next .. !!!!!!!!!!!!!
well no doubt you are General. you are highly qualified for this post since you only obey and do not think. i was expecting an open discussion but looks like you have been shunned and speechless....... well you should accept the truth or give legitimate or plausbile reasons.
Militants pouring in from Afghanistan: Pakistan

RAWALPINDI, Pakistan - Militants battling Pakistani forces are getting weapons and reinforcements from Afghanistan, security officials said on Monday, vowing no let-up in their offensive in the northwest.

Government forces launched an offensive in the Bajaur region on the Afghan border in August after years of complaints from US and Afghan officials that Taliban insurgents in Afghanistan were getting help from Pakistani border areas such as Bajaur.

Now the tables have turned and the militants locked in heavy fighting with Pakistani forces are getting help from the Afghan side of the border, officials said.

‘The Pakistan-Afghan border is porous and is now causing trouble for us in Bajaur,’ a senior security source in the military told a news briefing.

‘Now movement is taking place to Pakistan from Afghanistan,’ said the official, who along with a colleague at the briefing, declined to be identified.

The officials did not blame the Afghan government for sending militants across the border but called on Kabul and US-led forces in Afghanistan forces to stop the flow.

Bajaur is the smallest of Pakistan's seven so-called tribal agencies, semi-autonomous ethnic Pashtun tribal regions.

US officials say Taliban and al Qaeda-linked fighters, financed by drug money, use the tribal regions as an operating base to launch attacks into Afghanistan.

Pakistan has been under pressure from the United States to block cross-border militant incursions into Afghanistan.

But in a sign of growing frustration with Pakistan's efforts to stem the flow, US forces have carried out six cross-border missile strikes by pilotless drones and a commando raid on a border village this month.

The Pakistani offensive had made Bajaur a ‘centre of gravity’ and ‘magnet’, and even though up to 1,000 had been killed, the region was drawing militants from as far as Central Asia via Afghanistan, the officials said.

‘Stop the reverse flow in Bajaur. It's coming. Heavy weapons are coming. The militants are coming ... they are crossing into our territory,’ a second Pakistani official said.

In the latest fighting in Bajaur, at least eight militants were killed in overnight clashes, a military official said.

Security, economic woes

Security forces launched the offensive in Bajaur after a year of deteriorating security with militants carrying out 88 suicide attacks across the country since July last year in which nearly 1,200 people were killed. A suicide truck bomber attacked a hotel in capital Islamabad on Sept. 20 killing 55 people.

Worsening security has coincided with a sagging economy and the government is struggling to tackle a widening current account deficit, an unsustainable fiscal deficit and inflation running at more than 25 percent.

An economist serving on the prime minister's economic advisory council said on Monday Pakistan needed a capital infusion of $3 billion to $4 billion ‘up front’ to stabilise its economy and bolster rapidly dwindling foreign reserves.

Pakistan's support is seen as crucial for the US war against terrorism and for the NATO mission in Afghanistan.

The security officials said they were not sure if any top al Qaeda figures were in Bajaur. Pakistani intelligence officers have said al Qaeda second-in-command Ayman al Zawahri was believed to have visited Bajaur in recent years.

In January 2006, a CIA-operated drone fired missiles at a house in Bajaur in the belief Zawahri was there. At least 18 villagers were killed.

The officials said the Mamund district in Bajaur had a special significance for Arab militants linked to al Qaeda who had settled and had families in Pakistan.

‘Most of the Arab daughters were married with people in the Mamund valley and therefore there is a huge sensitivity for the Arab fighters,’ the first security official said.

But he said tribesmen in Mamund were raising their own militia to expel foreign militants and fighting was expected.

‘The Mamund valley is likely to erupt, in our view, in about 48 to 72 hours,’ the official said.

The officials said could not say how long the offensive would last but said it should be followed by economic development.

‘Military operations should be followed by a very intense development prong and also the reconciliation process. That will decide whether the people are with you or not.’

Khaleej Times Online - Militants pouring in from Afghanistan: Pakistan

ISPR says Kabul not preventing infiltration

LAHORE: Afghanistan is not making any effort to control the influx of armed fighters and heavy weapons into the Bajaur Agency from across the border, Inter-Services Public Relations Director General Maj Gen Athar Abbas said on Saturday. According to Dawn News, Abbas told reporters at Khar in Bajaur that most of the money and weapons for the Taliban came from the Afghan drug trade. He said Pakistan had fenced 35 km of the Pak-Afghan border before Afghanistan requested to stop it. daily times monitor

Top Taliban commander splits from Mehsud

Daily Times Monitor

LAHORE: Taliban commander Baitullah Mehsud’s opponent faction in North Waziristan announced on Friday the creation of a new parallel organisation, the Muqami Tehreek-e-Taliban or local Taliban, effectively splitting from Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), a report published on the AKI news agency website said.

The announcement was made by top commander and former Mehsud lieutenant Hafiz Gul Bahadar, the report said.

According to the report, “Bahadar also said a decision by a ‘shura’ or consultation council said that attacks against Pakistani security forces only weaken the cause of the Afghan resistance against foreign forces.” The council urged focus on “fighting against NATO troops in Afghanistan” instead.

The TTP “fell apart due to Mehsud’s violent policies against the Pakistani security forces,” it said.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
for those of you morons who think Pakistan is fighting for the US, I suggest you read these articles carefully.
tell me, what happens when you see a nation being accused on western media? US intervention!

ISI Is A Target For Uncovering American Betrayal

The question that arises here is this: Why has this anti-ISI campaign been launched all of sudden when the ISI is considered to be a major tool in crushing terrorism and extremism? The ISI is suddenly the target of Washington, New Delhi and Karzai because the Pakistani spy agency has solved the mystery behind the funding and arming of anti-Pakistan insurgency in Balochistan and NWFP. The trail of evidence leads all the way to gates of CIA at Langley and RAW in New Delhi. ISI has handed over more than 500 terrorists to the Americans, but CIA has been backstabbing Pakistan by supporting terrorism against Islamabad. If one goes by the sequence of the anti-ISI statements by the Indians, by the Americans, by the Afghanis and the stance of pro-CIA media of the United States, it can be very easily figured out that there is a motivated campaign against the ISI, well coordinated by the American, the Indian and the Afghani leaderships.

By Makhdoom Babar
Editor-in-Chief, The Daily Mail

Friday, 1 August 2008.

Ahmed Quraishi-Pakistan/Middle East politics, Iraq war, lebanon war, India Pakistan relations

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—A leading U.S. newspaper, The New York Times, has reported that Pakistan’s premier intelligence agency ISI (Inter Services Intelligence) has links with the local militants and the Taliban. Earlier, the U.S. President, Mr. George W. Bush, according to Pakistan’s defense Minister Mr. Ahmad Mukhtar, had expressed reservations over the functioning of ISI. Before that, the Indian national Security Advisor stated that ISI must be eliminated.

If one goes by the sequence of the anti-ISI statements by the Indians, by the Americans, by the Afghanis and the stance of pro-CIA media of the United States, it can be very easily figured out that there is a motivated campaign against the ISI, well coordinated by the American, the Indian and the Afghani leaderships.

As a comprehensive campaign, certain hands are constantly engaged in mudslinging and image tarnishing of Pakistan’s premier intelligence agency that is considered to be the main custodian of Pakistan’s security and is playing a very vital role in ensuring regional and global peace by eliminating terrorism.

The question that arises here is this: Why has this anti-ISI campaign been launched all of sudden when the ISI is considered to be a major tool in crushing terrorism and extremism?

The Daily Mail believes very strongly that this is because the ISI has solved the mystery behind the funding of the local militants and Taliban and it has discovered that the trail ends at the gates of Langley [the CIA headquarters] and New Delhi, since there a clear evidences that the American CIA and Indian RAW are in fact indirectly funding Baitullah Mehsood and other militants in Pakistan.

There are certain elements that are playing the role of a bridge between RAW-CIA and the local militants and are providing them with finances to continue their holy Jihad against the Pakistani State. The objective is to maintain a state of chaos and instability in Pakistan so that Pakistan’s nuke assets can finally be targeted. When the ISI figured it out, it perturbed all the dirty players of the game and a motivated and well-coordinated campaign was launched.

The author is the Editor-in-Chief of Daily Mail, an Islamabad-based newspaper that also publishes an international edition from Beijing. He can be reached at macbabur@hotmail.com

Ahmed Quraishi.com

Pakistan spies 'aided Kabul bomb'

Elements in Pakistan's ISI intelligence agency helped plan last month's deadly suicide attack on the Indian embassy in Kabul, US officials have alleged.

The accusation was made in briefings to the New York Times and the Washington Post by US government officials.

The allegation that Pakistani spies helped plan the attack is apparently based on intercepted communications.

Pakistan's government called the report "total rubbish", saying there was no proof for the allegations.

We reject it. No one has given any evidence to us. It's just an allegation," foreign ministry spokesman Mohammad Sadiq told Reuters news agency.

"There's no proof for this."

More than 50 people were killed in the blast, including two senior Indian diplomats. It was the bloodiest in the Afghan capital since the Taleban were driven from power in 2001.

The Indian and Afghan governments have also accused the ISI of involvement in the suicide attack.


BBC security correspondent Rob Watson says few details have been given about the intercepts.

But he says US officials allege that they clearly point to Pakistani help with the logistics and planning of the bombing.

One unnamed state department official quoted by the New York Times described the intercepted communications as "direct proof" of ISI involvement.

"It confirmed some suspicions that I think were widely held," the official, who was described as having knowledge of Afghanistan issues, was quoted as saying.

"It was sort of this 'aha' moment. There was a sense that there was finally direct proof," the official said.

Our correspondent says US intelligence believes the bombing itself was carried out by fighters loyal to Jalaludin Haqqani - an Afghan militant accused of having close links to both al-Qaeda and the Taleban and elements within the ISI.

According to a report in the New York Times earlier this week, a senior CIA official travelled to Pakistan last month to confront Islamabad over links between the ISI and Islamic extremists both in Pakistan's tribal areas and over the border in Afghanistan.

The Pakistani government consistently denies such links, although it has acknowledged that the US raised serious concerns about the issue during this week's visit to Washington by Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani.

Although most Western intelligence sources agree there are links between elements of the ISI and extremists connected to the Taleban and al-Qaeda, there are marked disagreements as to the extent and nature of those links, our correspondent says.

Some see them as an exception to the generally helpful approach of the Pakistanis, while others believe the ISI is badly compromised and its links to the militants more than a question of a few rogue agents.

BBC NEWS | World | South Asia | Pakistan spies 'aided Kabul bomb'
well no doubt you are General. you are highly qualified for this post since you only obey and do not think. i was expecting an open discussion but looks like you have been shunned and speechless....... well you should accept the truth or give legitimate or plausbile reasons.

Well maybe you should learn how to write first. Ever heard of a paragraph? Or know how to construct a proper sentence? Do you know what shunned means?

Frankly please learn to put your madcap nonsense in readable form then then claim its brilliance.
I hope one day we will introduce mental tests that can be used to see whether posters are qualified to write...

Let me simple. Everyone has the right to believe whatever he wants. Everyone that is busy with killing and murdering should be trailed and if needed eradicated. Everyone that is fighting against the state with terror in his mind should be eradicated. If you want something then learn to use democratic institutions. If you want to fight other nations then leave Pakistan and do not come back ever.
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