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India must reform the Gun control laws. The colonial law forbids us to bear arms for our own safety.

C'mon bro! Seriously...this cannot be the solution to this problem...If any this will just add fuel to the fire.
C'mon bro! Seriously...this cannot be the solution to this problem...If any this will just add fuel to the fire.
How so? :azn:

The criminals have guns anyway.

Why do you suppose law abiding civilians having guns can make things worse? Especially in a country with a corrupt police/political system...?
How so? :azn:

The criminals have guns anyway.

Why do you suppose law abiding civilians having guns can make things worse? Especially in a country with a corrupt police/political system...?

Well because for one, criminals who use their fists to bully will instead choose the gun to threaten people...and what would be a brawl could turn into murder..

Next, an uber religious population with access to guns will be prime for exploitation to settle scores with other minorities or majorities...case in point, Pakistan.

The current insurgencies in India are curbed to a manageable level only because our gun laws are strict...
By allowing the right to bear arms, every tom dick and harry with a gun and a grudge will decide to take up their beef with the govt. by rebelling..

Lastly, the Govt. has failed to provide a mere police constable responsible for law and order with a side weapon, and you want to give this power to the average population, thus making the police even weaker?

I can go on...but these points come just off the top of my head...
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Why this happen why police did't take any action to arrest the culprit why innocent girl forced to commit suicide.

Police in many (used to be most) cases is another mafia....except they have even less honour and common decency.

Its even the case in many developed countries. You seen the footage of american cops shooting the homeless man in cold blood in US because he was camping in some open area...and got up "unexpectedly"?

I got many cop stories just like this one worldwide....the basic issue lies with what @SarthakGanguly said.

A population needs one of two things: well educated + aware or rights.....or well armed (preferably both, but at least one). This puts pressure on security provision to be efficient and well meaning....as it takes away most margins for power-related corruption to develop....where one group of people are armed and given an exclusive mandate over what is essentially a wild wild west developmentally.

India and many developing countries do not have either, so we basically have another group of corrupt thugs extorting people, threatening them and providing so called law and order on THEIR terms...and it is therefore inevitable that such sad instances happen like with this girl....because why would police in UP really care till its too late...and there is media pressure put on them. They would rather just roll the dice and hope its like majority and nothing happens or nothing gets reported....and they can get back to doing their rounds extorting people for "protection" money and other such related things to supplement their meagre incomes.....because they got guns and uniforms! Its state-sanctioned!
Bloody police and corruption go hand in hand. Govt. should develop anti corruption cells all over India for regular checks and should come under state govt. And keep replacing them too so they don't develop corrupt links.
The current insurgencies in India are curbed to a manageable level only because our gun laws are strict...
By allowing the right to bear arms, every tom dick and harry with a gun and a grudge will decide to take up their beef with the govt. by rebelling..
The insurgents don't ask for the Govt. for a license. The civilians are at the mercy of those who DONT have the respect for law. I wish those who have the RESPECT for law to have guns. Legally.

Bloody police and corruption go hand in hand. Govt. should develop anti corruption cells all over India for regular checks and should come under state govt. And keep replacing them too so they don't develop corrupt links.
Yeah. Keep all your hopes on the Government. They will fix everything. Om Govt Namayah. :D
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India has higher number of retards than US, we will see more shootouts in India if we have a liberal gun law.

That is the point. I wish to see more shootouts. Instead of one sided kills. The criminals need to know they have a chance to be shot dead as well.
The insurgents don't ask for the Govt. for a license. The civilians are at the mercy of those who DONT have the respect for law. I wish those who have the RESPECT for law to have guns. Legally.

Yes..the insurgents get their guns in the grey market right now...with a "right to bear arms", they will simply go to their parents gun locker or walmart (as in the US) and get a gun...
We will basically be facilitating rebellion..

And as much as I agree with you about the latter, the solution to the problem is better law and order and less corruption in law enforcement.
By providing guns to an illiterate, emotional and uber religious population in a country where rule of law is at best for sale, we will be compounding our problems immensely.

Out of curiosity...What is your proposition as far as who should be offered a gun license and the vetting of the potential customer?? How would that happen in India?
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I wish those who have the RESPECT for law to have guns. Legally.

What is your proposition as far as who should be offered a gun license and the vetting of the potential customer??
Apparantly, those who DONT have respect for law will get the guns first. Why are we even talking about this, its nonsense and impractical.
Apparantly, those who DONT have respect for law will get the guns first. Why are we even talking about this, its nonsense and impractical.
They already do. Now make your mind.

Next time you get mugged, with a gun pointed to your head...you may change your mind. :D

What is your proposition as far as who should be offered a gun license and the vetting of the potential customer?? How would that happen in India?
None. All Indians will have the right to bear firearms. :D

They just need to submit a form at the local police station for some tax and other benefits. :devil:
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I cant tell if you're being sarcastic broheim...Is this all a ruse?!
Nope. Think about it. One needs to be at the receiving end to understand the need for self protection. The rise of kung fu, martial arts, kalariyapattu etc in today's India is a sign of the civilians coming out of their shells. We used to have weapons at one time. We did not kill each other then. I don't think we will do that today.

In case we do - that is exactly what we deserve. It would show that we are no longer a civilization, but just a lack of it. The law banning firearms would then be the only qualifier preventing us from exposing us as what we are - barbarians.
Nope. Think about it. One needs to be at the receiving end to understand the need for self protection. The rise of kung fu, martial arts, kalariyapattu etc in today's India is a sign of the civilians coming out of their shells. We used to have weapons at one time. We did not kill each other then. I don't think we will do that today.

In case we do - that is exactly what we deserve. It would show that we are no longer a civilization, but just a lack of it. The law banning firearms would then be the only qualifier preventing us from exposing us as what we are - barbarians.

I beg to differ...
The first sign of civilization is the rule of law and a structure that upholds the law...
So our efforts should be to strengthen institutions rather than have people take up law in their own hands..the fault in your argument is that you want weapons to be a means to an end..ie. stop eve teasing by making an example out of the perps...
Guns should be a deterrent at max, nothing else..
But with guns on both sides, ie. victim and perp, we are creating a very dangerous cycle of crime and revenge..
Even the most advanced societies with lax gun laws do not allow for citizens to take law into their own hand.

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