sub continent people are still fresh and not have gone through the transformation the western ppl have.
The elite immoral behaviour has destroyed the majority in subcontinent. This has a trickle down effect on the ppl mind. Plus they lack education and proper up bringing, they can be like jangli bas trd. They even eat like animal and wrong food. They want be like wizard that can wave his hand and jinns will do the work.
Worst cringe factor are those that copy western accent and with broken english. I have seen people with big shops doing well, looking down at british oversea pak holiday makers. Sometimes suggesting that we are poorer than them because we dont have expensive car as them in uk. everything in pak is bloody criminally earned.
Sad part is this disease has spread to the village and they have no morals these days. All they think about is pounds, and women. They are strange bunch too, they pray and then go womanising.
Even the educated doctors who have earned degrees abroad and in pak are thieving bas trds.
We get told by our parents oh those in pak are more inteligent etc but it is not true they just better con men. we are not brought up to do this. if this was england we would punch them and step on thier heads for conning but it is our culture in pak to stay quiet becuase our izzat respect bul shit even though pak dont have respect themselves.
Anyway now i have tasted the bull shit they produce , i wont be making same mistake. Never going to buy anything except desi food from farm if i go again to pak.