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Mecca Royal Clock Hotel Tower is an insult to Islam and to taste

Looks like an excellent target for an ISIS-crewed Airbus 380 .....
21st century solutions for 21st century problems. They can't demolish everything and replace them with outdated structures just because they look good. There will be almost 2 billion Muslims in the world by 2030 which means a large increase in the number of pilgrims which demands structural upgrades to take them in. Would you rather be roaming in a 21st century looking structure which keeps you safe or get killed while doing the Sai'i ?
Exactly, I prefer safety over taste. And certainly the comfort of people should be prioritized over the so called "historic buildings". For God sake there are hundreds of thousands of elderly men and women travelling thousands of miles away, Some of them are accompanied by medical problems. Don't we have sympathy of those poor people who want to enjoy their journey of a life time?
Not a fan of the building at all but also understand that given the number of pilgrims coming each year such buildings need to be constructed. The thing that annoys me with this tower however is the fact that it had to be built right next to Kaaba. Surely it could have been built a mile or two away.
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