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Mecca, Madina should be attacked if US is attacked

He is idot no doubt. Just trying to improve poll position.
He is idot no doubt. Just trying to improve poll position.
But that's what worries me, Is this what American society has come to? launching nuclear attacks on site which is held religious and sacred to 1 billion+ people? Is this what the American people want? Why do Presidential candidates have to resort to these kind of tactics to garner support for themselves? :argh:
But that's what worries me, Is this what American society has come to? launching nuclear attacks on site which is held religious and sacred to 1 billion+ people? Is this what the American people want? Why do Presidential candidates have to resort to these kind of tactics to garner support for themselves? :argh:

If you watch the video that Cheetah posted he is not anything to be concerned about.....just some guy using the presidential race to score some sort of points
True he isn't a major candidate but he is still quite a senior politican for running in a presedential election. That means his ideas and thoughts do have weight and may trickle down into American Society or into his party.
True he isn't a major candidate but he is still quite a senior politican for running in a presedential election. That means his ideas and thoughts do have weight and may trickle down into American Society or into his party.

That is highly unlikely...
True he isn't a major candidate but he is still quite a senior politican for running in a presedential election. That means his ideas and thoughts do have weight and may trickle down into American Society or into his party.

Dude if you look at the video you will see that he has exactly 1% of the republican support :lol:
Come on guys he just needs this publicity. Nobody knew such a guy is eve running for the president and now the whoe world knows. Alas there is nothing like good or bad publicity, there's just publicity.
Mods please close this thread. We don't need to give publicity to the opinion of every nutjob out there.
It was never a war on terror from the days one. It was a war on Islam even before the moment Bush used the word "Crusade" before attacking Afghanistan.
West never forget the defeats in 3 centuries of Crusade attempts. Even a British mewspaper wrote after capture of Jerusalem in 1967 that "the Crusades have come to an end today".
Although Christianinty has no place as a way of life in the West but they are always keeping the enmity with muslims in their heart. The enmity coming out of edvent of Prophet (PBUH) of Islam and his declaration of Prophethood which literally wiped out the false impression of the faith of Christianity from large face of the land throughout the world. Their conspiracies started right from their without a halt till yet and it will not halt till Islam is going to be their and Islam will be their till the end (The Dooms day).
Ohh who's talking about revenge here ? I'm just wondering why Pakistan disrespects Hindu's so much and then go on complaining against the US now ?
Hindus in Pakistan are living in perfect harmony with the mainstream Muslims and they never had any such claim and neither are they ever subjected to genocide or deprived of basic rights or subjected to other victimisation, where as Hindustani Muslims and Christians are subjected to all sort of discrimination.
Don't forget Mohammad bin Qasim, came to India to help a Hindu girl and later it was the Hindus of very same India who declared him God.
I guess same goes with all the Muslim rulers who ruled India. They had ruled the India with justice and equality. Actually, before and after the Islamic rule India remains a society where non-hindus and low cast were were always victimised.
All Muslim rulers were actually savior of Hindus and provided them with better life.
Why pretend when your naked hatred is just so visible?
Most of Muslims see it other way around.
These days every society have minority extremist but in India extrimists are in majority and are ruling.
Have you ever heard Pakistani President or other political leaders passing bad remarks about hinduism? or India? Where as your ruling President has insulted Islamic religon and R.Gandhi has admitted his hate among an appreciative audiance of billion+ Indians.
I completely agree that destruction of Hindu holy sites over the last few centuries should be seen in the same light as an attack upon Mecca.

However, we shouldn't rake up historical issues and take "revenge" for them. Its a stupid thing to do. Its the Jihadis who live in history, and talk about the glories of the medeival islamic world.
Not to mention the RSS and other such organisations.

P.S. For all those who don't know...the Somnath temple, one of the most holy sites for Hindus, was destroyed by Muslim raiders no less than 6 times. The present structure was built in 1947.:disagree:

If India go to war it may be destroyed again. And Thanks for informing us but that's all the history you learn and keep reminding each other to keep the the spirits up.
Why use reference to justify your hate???
Yeah...they're living as second class citizens by law. Is a non-muslim allowed to be the President of Pakistan? Your name says it all....Islamic Republic of Pakistan. You're leaders have been quite open in indicating the supposed inferiority of the idol-worshippers across the border.

Don't act all saintly now. Different muslim rulers adopted different policies according to their whims, and all of them (barring a couple of exceptions) were famous "Idol-Breakers" and infidel killers.

We all know how racist most Pakistanis are against Indians. "One Muslim = 10 Hindus" my a**.

The Hindu caste system is eroding because of reform movements within Hinduism, not due to the imagined magnanimity of some muslim ruler.

Bullshit. In India, the constitution is ruling, which, unlike the Pakistani one, has remained intact since Independence.
If extremists were ruling in India...it would have been plain for all to see. Like the Pakistani dictatorship and the Iranian fundamentalist government is plain for all to see.

Are you kidding me? Its virtually mandatory for every Pakistani politician to consider all other religions inferior to Islam and to degrade India.
You Pakistanis play the victim card wherever you go. Whether its britain or US or Europe.

Seriously though...you guys have no right to talk about respecting other faiths. Not with your track record.:disagree:

Chill out...no need to foam at the mouth...

Idol-breakers Muslims are but infidel killers we are not. When wars have taken place, Muslims and non-Muslims alike have died. So lets not point us out as the only infidel killers as Christians, Hindus, Jews have all taken Muslim blood on multiple counts so you can shove your singling out of Muslims and Islam. As I have said many times before, everyone has been a victim so lets not go nuts (in your usual way) lashing out at Muslims and Pakistan only. I have had quite enough of it to be very frank.

You better start watching your mouth as well since your vocab is getting a bit out of line here. BS and my arse are not exactly the kind of words being used to put your silly behind in place either.

Like you I am tempted to punch holes through most of your points but I know in the end its not going anywhere so please keep your silly little tirade limited to BRF etc. At least allow us the courtesy by minding your language due to a little fact that you are allowed to participate on these forums unlike the many run by Indians.
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