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May 21: Drone Dharna Karachi. Pakistanis have a message for USA!

PTI workers start leaving for Karachi sit-in

Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf (PTI) workers and activists have started leaving for Karachi from various parts of Pakistan to halt upcountry movement of Nato containers on May 21-22 in a bid to stop the ongoing bloody drone attacks inside the tribal belt.

Hundreds of PTI supporters from Lahore, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, and Peshawar and other cities and towns on Thursday left for the port city mostly by trains and buses.

It is learnt that PTI would be holding a more impressive show on two days and stop the containers of Nato from going upcountry. However no major political party is likely to be a part of the sit-in in Karachi’s Keamari area at KPT Bridge. NATO containers get loaded from this area and leave for other parts of Pakistan on their way to Afghanistan.

Twelve days after the May 02 Abbottabad tragedy, Pakistan parliament had adopted a unanimous resolution, charting out a line of action in the given national scene, however, PTI feels the parliamentary initiative has been sabotaged by the PPP-led government.

Chairman PTI Imran Khan’s spokesman Zahid Hussain Kazmi, while talking to The News here said that they had received a response beyond their expectations during the two-day sit-in in Peshawar last month.

“We believe, our activity of unique nature will gather more and more support in the coming days and one day, NATO will have to look for other options instead of using Pakistani route for the supplies to its troops stationed in Afghanistan,” he maintained.

He reiterated his party’s demand of expelling all the American private contractors, a step which he said should have been taken immediately after the Raymond Davis episode and its fallout on Pak-US relations.
mmuahahaha.... @ thread opener....

btw I didnt know khuwaja Asif was such a chawal !!!
Khwaja Asif is a bonafide testicle licker of nawaz sharif. His nick name is actually aja arse sniff. I would support Imran Khan any day over this choor.
Khawaja Asif represents a party which is ruling half of our country (i-e Punjab) ... what is the change that we see there ...nil , did they resign ...no so Khawaja represents a party who lied to people ... they have the highest stock of fake degree holders and choors among them ... no wonder such a character wants to fight with Imran ... who is a symbol of 'hope' ...
Its a good thing IK didn't stoop to Khwaja Asif's level. PML-N is worried that previously people looked to PML-N to stir up some defiance against the Zardari led government and what we got was Noora kushti

IK categorically criticizes the army and the ISI both obviously he can't be their man.
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How many times did the Sharif Bros. meet with the military estabilishment to gain favours ?? And now they question I.Khan... Ironic isn't it ?
Stupid Khwaja. And what does the movie presenter wants to prove by forwarding all comments by Imran Khan. . COMPLETELY CHEAP ACT!!
do you guys know Khuwaja' brother in law is farooq H. Naik? :rofl:
PTI is rightly called Pakistan Tehreek-e-Idiots. They know it very well that they have no bases or political roots in Pakistan. All they do is either use their idiotic tongue or now, throw stuff at other people. I wish they had done the same when they used to ride on Musharraf’s lap and campaigned for his referendum.I still remember Imran Khan acting as Musharraf’s Bir Bal in a referendum jalsa that took place in Race Course Rawalpindi. It is strange that PTI party worker through glass on advisor Chief Minister Sindh because When the founder, dictator and CEO of the PTI, Sir Imran Khan, does not hesitate to use racist remarks against his political opponents on the basis of colour of skin, what civility can be expected from his followers and party workers.
PTI is rightly called Pakistan Tehreek-e-Idiots. They know it very well that they have no bases or political roots in Pakistan. All they do is either use their idiotic tongue or now, throw stuff at other people. I wish they had done the same when they used to ride on Musharraf’s lap and campaigned for his referendum.I still remember Imran Khan acting as Musharraf’s Bir Bal in a referendum jalsa that took place in Race Course Rawalpindi. It is strange that PTI party worker through glass on advisor Chief Minister Sindh because When the founder, dictator and CEO of the PTI, Sir Imran Khan, does not hesitate to use racist remarks against his political opponents on the basis of colour of skin, what civility can be expected from his followers and party workers.
THIS WILL answer ur idiotic qustion
if these dosent make you understand then i can only say God help u.
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PTI is rightly called Pakistan Tehreek-e-Idiots. They know it very well that they have no bases or political roots in Pakistan. All they do is either use their idiotic tongue or now, throw stuff at other people. I wish they had done the same when they used to ride on Musharraf’s lap and campaigned for his referendum.I still remember Imran Khan acting as Musharraf’s Bir Bal in a referendum jalsa that took place in Race Course Rawalpindi. It is strange that PTI party worker through glass on advisor Chief Minister Sindh because When the founder, dictator and CEO of the PTI, Sir Imran Khan, does not hesitate to use racist remarks against his political opponents on the basis of colour of skin, what civility can be expected from his followers and party workers.
jawaid hasmi who was the leader of PML N when nawaz was out of country for 8 years and he resigned and join imran khan cause for pakistan these are the true patriots of pakistan and muslims
PTI is rightly called Pakistan Tehreek-e-Idiots. They know it very well that they have no bases or political roots in Pakistan. All they do is either use their idiotic tongue or now, throw stuff at other people. I wish they had done the same when they used to ride on Musharraf’s lap and campaigned for his referendum.I still remember Imran Khan acting as Musharraf’s Bir Bal in a referendum jalsa that took place in Race Course Rawalpindi. It is strange that PTI party worker through glass on advisor Chief Minister Sindh because When the founder, dictator and CEO of the PTI, Sir Imran Khan, does not hesitate to use racist remarks against his political opponents on the basis of colour of skin, what civility can be expected from his followers and party workers.

Ms Sadia why does ur memory stop at 2000, who was Zia ul Haq finance minister, Which party took money and support from the ISI, is this wat u call political roots!!
Which party only cares abt Punjab and not pakistan, Imran Khan might be dictator of PTI but atleast hes doesnt have a monarchy over it like Nawaz bhai and Shahbaz bhai have over N league.
Plz before u support a chor like NAwaz bhai plz tell him to donate some of his raiwind land or money and make a hospital or two or even a school or better yet pay more then rs5000 in taxes before tryin to be PM
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