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Maulana Toofan new acting TTP chief?

^^Still too early, its all speculation at this point but I'm sure we'll find out within a week or two.
PESHAWAR: As reports of Hakimullah Mahsud’s death continued to circulate despite denials by the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), reports from Orakzai Agency said a local Taliban commander Malik Noor Jamal alias Maulana Toofan was officiating as the acting head of the banned organization.

The reports said Malik Noor Jamal would head the organization until the TTP leadership decides its next course of action. The TTP again on Monday denied reports of Hakimullah’s death in the January 14 US drone attack in Shaktoi area in South Waziristan and insisted that this was part of propaganda started by the intelligence agencies and propagated by the “West-oriented” media.

There were unconfirmed reports that Hakimullah died last Friday after succumbing to his injuries at his father-in-law’s house in Stara Gadda village in Tajaka area of Mamozai tehsil of Orakzai Agency. The reports said he was buried in the Sama graveyard in Mamozai alongside the grave of a Palestinian militant, who was locally known as Kaka and was killed along with some Taliban in a US drone strike in Stara Gadda village last year.

The reports, still unsubstantiated, said Hakimullah’s father-in-law named Rahman was originally an Afridi tribesman settled in Mamozai area. His daughter was Hakimullah’s second wife and they got married last year. A son had been born to the couple.

The reports said despite the best efforts of Taliban they couldn’t get any doctor from Hangu to come to Mamozai and treat Hakimullah. One doctor who was suspected of having treated Hakimullah has now been cleared after investigations revealed he had been coming for duty to the government hospital during this period and had not travelled out of Hangu. The closure of almost all roads leading to Orakzai Agency by the security forces was also a big hurdle for the Taliban to bring a doctor for Hakimullah’s treatment or transport him somewhere else for medical care.

However, none of those providing this titbit of information were ready to say these things on record or reveal their names due to fear of retribution by the Taliban. Thus there is no way one can get confirmation of this information. In fact, the reports about Hakimullah’s death would be confirmed once Taliban admit that he is dead.

Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) spokesman Azam Tariq rejected fresh reports about the death of Hakimullah Mahsud, and termed it a part of the propaganda by the enemy. The TTP spokesman issued a statement from South Waziristan, in which he refuted media reports that Hakimullah died of wounds suffered in a drone attack.

The TTP spokesman said there was no truth in these reports. He termed such reports as propaganda by the intelligence agencies and the “West-influenced media outlets”. He added that similar news had proved untrue in the recent past.

The spokesman said the government was deliberately circulating reports about the killing of the TTP chief to divert attention of the people from what he said its failure in solving the people’s problems.

Azam Tariq said the present government was facing a host of crises and such false news items were being spread to deflect the pressure mounted by the people who wanted solution to their problems.

The TTP spokesman said the government wanted an escape from the prevailing sugar and flour crises and other problems such as loadshedding and sky-rocketing prices. He alleged that the country was being ruled by thieves, dacoits and the NRO beneficiaries, who had manipulated the laws and constitution of the country.

The TTP spokesman said that the only job of the ruling elite was to appease the US at the expense of its own people. Azam Tariq said the armed forces were being used against the tribal people to provide a safe exit to the American and Nato forces in Afghanistan. He said that the TTP would not budge from its chosen path and continue its struggle against the US and its allies.

AP adds: Another close aide to Hakimullah Mahsud called the report of his death “government propaganda” and said he was “doing well.” “We will try in a day or two to give you proof that he is alive,” the commander told The Associated Press by telephone from an undisclosed location. He spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of government retribution.

Maulana Toofan new acting TTP chief?
Chaloo one rabid dog wiped out recently and we have another rabid dog taking his place well slowly but surely one by one wipe out these rabies infected diseased talibans finnishing these dogs is the only answer to save pakistan from this disease good luck pakistani armed forces Allah and our prayers are with you and may Allah protect paksitan and its people .
sry can i ask a question, hes the second TTP leader that has been killed right? the one before him was also killed my US drone strike? . And this toofan guy is gona be 3rd. thnx in advance
Well instead of killing the Rabid dogs..KILL THE RABIES INFECTION!!!!!!!!!

my friend this rabid diseased talibans are so wide spread that the disease is out of control for now and to bring it back in control and kill the infecation once and for all is by killing these rabid dogs(talibans) and the infecation will automatically die it will finnish on its on as you know the only language these dogs understand is to kill or be killed so they should be killed and not the great armed force of pakistan or the innocent people of pakistan may Allah bless and protect pakistan and its people from all the international or internal evil eyes and people Ameen .
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