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Mathematical Analysis of Indian Poverty


Sep 13, 2009
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Across the forum there have been voices about Indian poverty and half of Indian population sleeping empty stomach. I did some analysis on the basis of cost of living index within India mathematically....

Currently if dollars are converted to Indian Ruppees they sum up to about 49 rupees and can be rounded to 50 for assumption.

So when we say $2 per day it means Rs 100 in Indian terms.

For a nuclear family of 3 the entire amount is Rs. 300 per day.

Now in India

Cost of food for a nuclear family for one time including is about Rs 30 if cooked at home.
So having two times food comes out to be 60
Now adding the breakfast and others which will add another 20 to it.

So the total cost towards food becomes Rs 80 per day.

An average room within India costs about Rs 600 per month on rent in low areas in metro cities and much cheaper in rural areas. So for now lets take the standard for 600 ruppees which can be further calculated to Rs. 20 per day.

So adding 20 to it it becomes Rs. 100

Now schools in India funded y government are free as well as paid with fees as low as Rs 300 so we can 10 per day from it for the single child in the nuclear family

So the total becomes 110.

Now water and electricity bill would be about 450

So another 15 can be added per day so it becomes 125

Now adding 25 for miscellaneous expenses it becomes 150.

So segregating per day

Expenses towards food = Rs 80 per day
Housing = Rs 20 per day
education = Rs 10 per day
electricity = Rs 15 per day
Misc = Rs 25 per day.

So as per the above calculations if even you have a $1 per day in India you can eat and sleep well within India.

Also the above calculations get further dispersed with more members family on the account of fuel usage, electricity usage....

I think this would clarify the doubts about half India sleeping with hungry belly.

No one is justifying poverty here but the point is you can survive in India with 2$ in your pocket....
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Across the forum there have been voices about Indian poverty and half of Indian population sleeping empty stomach. I did some analysis on the basis of cost of living index within India mathematically....

Currently if dollars are converted to Indian Ruppees they sum up to about 49 rupees and can be rounded to 50 for assumption.

So when we say $2 per day it means Rs 100 in Indian terms.

For a nuclear family of 3 the entire amount is Rs. 300 per day.

Now in India

Cost of food for a nuclear family for one time including is about Rs 30 if cooked at home.
So having two times food comes out to be 60
Now adding the breakfast and others which will add another 20 to it.

So the total cost towards food becomes Rs 80 per day.

An average room within India costs about Rs 600 per month on rent in low areas in metro cities and much cheaper in rural areas. So for now lets take the standard for 600 ruppees which can be further calculated to Rs. 20 per day.

So adding 20 to it it becomes Rs. 100

Now schools in India funded y government are free as well as paid with fees as low as Rs 300 so we can 10 per day from it for the single child in the nuclear family

So the total becomes 110.

Now water and electricity bill would be about 450

So another 15 can be added per day so it becomes 125

Now adding 25 for miscellaneous expenses it becomes 150.

So segregating per day

Expenses towards food = Rs 80 per day
Housing = Rs 20 per day
education = Rs 10 per day
electricity = Rs 15 per day
Misc = Rs 25 per day.

So as per the above calculations if even you have a $1 per day in India you can eat and sleep well within India.

Also the above calculations get further dispersed with more members family on the account of fuel usage, electricity usage....

I think this would clarify the doubts about half India sleeping with hungry belly.


Wow ur trying to become an analyst but u know sometimes analysis can be Damn STUPID, keeping in view logic '$1 a day', can u tell me how many ppl earn 1 dollar a day, u have ignored important points what if some one gets a 'fever' come tell me medical facilites are free every where in India there are no Diseases & upto what level Indian schools have reduced fee u want he/she to become one 'Matric pass' good enough to read & write (u must be thinking this will increase literacy rate wow) Life is not just Bread & butter & Life ain't that easy & simple mathematics, the one who sees ppl around him with so many luxuries & facilites & he/she has got '$1' a day gives a F*** to this mathematics & analysis , & look at this now

Almost Half of Indian Children Suffer from Malnutrition

Almost Half of Indian Children Suffer from Malnutrition

Indian children suffer more malnutrition than in Ethiopia

keeping this in view, ur anaylsis become flawed, don''t show ur Blind patriotism, things are not this simple, it if would have been so simple this world wud have been a Heaven, but unfortunately its not...

will u start living on one dollar, of course u wont, poverty is a curse EVERY WHERE(well it be Pak, India or what ever), only ppl who go thru it know it, most of the ppl here on this forum have almost all the 'luxuries' of life we cannot feel the pain ppl suffer & things they do to make themselves rich, but we can very easily justify that u can live on "$1" wow man, hats for u

It reminds me of one more Thing...
Before French Revolution, a Princess saw ppl wailing & protesting about their poverty, she asked Guards whats wrong them...
Guard:" they say they don't get enough Bread to eat"
Princess:" So what, say them to eat Pastries"

Same is the example here, we cannot FEEL it, Will anyone of us Like to live on a Dollar coz u can live happily, Please dont make such stupid mathematical analysis, I repeat we cant feel the pain of those ppl, any one who tries to justify a poverty coz u can get enough bread to be alive is a A** hole & look at the 'face' u made at the end of post, that was sick man...
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Wow ur trying to become an analyst but u know sometimes analysis can be Damn STUPID, keeping in view logic '$1 a day', can u tell me how many ppl earn 1 dollar a day, u have ignored important view what if some one gets a 'fever' come tell me medical facilites are free every where in India there are no Diseases & upto what level Indian schools have reduced fee u want he/she to become one 'Matric pass' good enough to read & write (u must be thinking this will increase literacy rate wow) Life is not just Bread & butter & Life ain't that easy & simple mathematics, the one who sees ppl around him with so many luxuries & facilites, compared to him gives a F*** to this mathematics & analysis , & look at this now

Almost Half of Indian Children Suffer from Malnutrition

Almost Half of Indian Children Suffer from Malnutrition

Indian children suffer more malnutrition than in Ethiopia

keeping this in view, ur anaylsis become flawed, don''t show ur Blind patriotism, things are not this simple, it if would have been so simple this world wud have been a Heaven, but unfortunately its not...

will u start living on one dollar, of course u wont, poverty is a curse EVERY WHERE(well it be Pak, India or what ever), only ppl who go thru it know it, most of the ppl here on this forum have almost all the 'luxuries' of life we cannot feel the pain ppl suffer & things they do to make themselves rich, but we can very easily justify that u can live on "$1" wow man, hats for u

It reminds me of one more Thing...
Before French Revolution, a Princess saw ppl wailing & protesting about their poverty, she asked Guards whats wrong them...
Guard:" they say they don't get enough Bread to eat"
Princess:" So what, say them to eat Pastries"

Same is the example here, we cannot FEEL it, Will anyone of us Like to live on a Dollar coz u can live happily, Please dont make such stupid mathematical analysis, I repeat we cant feel the pain of those ppl, any one who tries to justify a poverty coz u can get enough bread to be alive is a A** hole & look at the 'face' u made at the end of post, that was sick man...

RAW has a point. 2$/day takes u a long way in india at least
RAW has a point. 2$/day takes u a long way in india at least

here comes another one
U & RAW do one thing, start living on two dollars....

FOR GOD SAKE HAVE SOME SENSE, I beg u ppl to keep aside ur nationality & think about the ppl we see every day....
Two dollars a day take you a long way in India ?

(1) Tell me whats you can have for food ?

(2) What kind of living condition ?

(3) Anythings else to paid other than R.A.W. mentioned ?

Across the forum there have been voices about Indian poverty and half of Indian population sleeping empty stomach. I did some analysis on the basis of cost of living index within India mathematically....

Currently if dollars are converted to Indian Ruppees they sum up to about 49 rupees and can be rounded to 50 for assumption.

So when we say $2 per day it means Rs 100 in Indian terms.

For a nuclear family of 3 the entire amount is Rs. 300 per day.

Now in India

Cost of food for a nuclear family for one time including is about Rs 30 if cooked at home.
So having two times food comes out to be 60
Now adding the breakfast and others which will add another 20 to it.

So the total cost towards food becomes Rs 80 per day.

An average room within India costs about Rs 600 per month on rent in low areas in metro cities and much cheaper in rural areas. So for now lets take the standard for 600 ruppees which can be further calculated to Rs. 20 per day.

So adding 20 to it it becomes Rs. 100

Now schools in India funded y government are free as well as paid with fees as low as Rs 300 so we can 10 per day from it for the single child in the nuclear family

So the total becomes 110.

Now water and electricity bill would be about 450

So another 15 can be added per day so it becomes 125

Now adding 25 for miscellaneous expenses it becomes 150.

So segregating per day

Expenses towards food = Rs 80 per day
Housing = Rs 20 per day
education = Rs 10 per day
electricity = Rs 15 per day
Misc = Rs 25 per day.

So as per the above calculations if even you have a $1 per day in India you can eat and sleep well within India.

Also the above calculations get further dispersed with more members family on the account of fuel usage, electricity usage....

I think this would clarify the doubts about half India sleeping with hungry belly.

Hi, Although a very simplistic and novice view of the problem it fails to make any impact because of a very simple miscalculation - PPP.

All the estimations are taking dollar on face value where as in PPP terms the value would be much lower than the 100 rupees per capita.

As most of the report seek poverty line based on the ability to purchase 2400 calories in rural and 2100 calories in urban areas. the sum comes down to Rs. 20 per day and this is not earning per day but the expense on Daily food. So yes the numbers are for Indians who are going to bed on empty belly is huge.

So anyone spending less than Rs. 20 per day on food will be considered poor. Different surveys have revealed drastically different results.

For several years the percentage of Indians living below the poverty line (BPL) was pegged at 28.5 per cent. This estimate was made by the Planning Commission on the basis of the findings of the Sample Survey Organisation in 2004-05, which in turn were based on a 1972 benchmark which defined the poverty line by the money required to buy 2,100 calories worth of food in urban areas, and 2,400 calories in rural areas. Food was the only criterion to determine poverty. No mention was made of other essentials, such as shelter, clothing or even the most basic of health care, leave alone ‘luxuries’ like primary education.

In 2007, another commission, this one headed by Arjun Sengupta to look into the unorganised sector, came up with the startling figure that 77 per cent of Indians were poor. With economic reforms underway, the economy growing at a respectable pace and India readying itself to assume the mantle of a regional, if not international, economic superpower, this was like waving a red rag at a bull. If 77 per cent of all Indians were poor, what price the much vaunted, emerging Indian middle class – vanguard of our democracy – which was said to range anywhere between 150 million and 350 million?

Our poverty experts got into a huddle and in June 2009 yet another committee, headed by N C Saxena, agreed to round off poor Indians at exactly 50 per cent of the population. What could be fairer than that? Fifty-fifty. Half the country’s poor, half not poor; half haves, half have-nots.

But this equal distribution of the spoils, so to speak, has once more been challenged by – guess what? – yet another committee, headed by S D Tendulkar, former chairman of the PM’s Economic Advisory Committee, which on the basis of interlocking indicators including health care, education, sanitation and nutrition has calculated India’s poor as comprising 38 per cent of the population.

So is this figure final, and will the powers that be finally stop juggling statistics and get on with the job of actually doing something to at least alleviate poverty, forget eradicating it? No way. Already the new figure of 38 per cent has been questioned by Mihir Shah, member-in-charge of rural development in the Planning Commission. Refusing to accept the 38 per cent figure, the member-in-charge has however admitted that the old figure of 28.5 per cent probably needed upward adjustment.

Basic problem is with the poverty alleviation schemes which are helping fund several offshore bank accounts rather than feeding the poors. While living in Urban India, we tend to forget the problem faced by several in Rural areas. All they get from these govt schemes is statistics.

In last 4 years Rs.1,51,460 crore has been spent on these measures, think of it - the difference that could have been made if the govt machinery was more effective.
here comes another one
U & RAW do one thing, start living on two dollars....

FOR GOD SAKE HAVE SOME SENSE, I beg u ppl to keep aside ur nationality & think about the ppl we see every day....

what do u mean by 'keep aside ur nationality'?

my point still stays. with 2$/day u can have ur basic needs met in india.
can u tell me how many ppl earn 1 dollar a day

Yesterday it was 2$ per day now your discussion has become how many earn 1$ per day.

what if some one gets a 'fever' come tell me medical facilites are free every where in India

according to the Constitution of India, all citizens are entitled to free medical care. With incomplete statistics, India established 22,000 primary health centres, 11,000 hospitals, 27,000 clinics and more than 2,000 community medical center. These forming a broad coverage of the health care network.

These government hospitals opened their doors to all patients. All services are all free, including the register, surgical and drugs, even health care, for example, massage.

Regarding free schools
Almost each Indian city has a government school which has minimal fees apart from institutes which are run by NGOs. Apart from these there are institutions like AMU where the education is minimal. In AMU the cost of getting a MBBS costs about just 15000/- and you can get educational loan against it.

Almost Half of Indian Children Suffer from Malnutrition
Almost Half of Indian Children Suffer from Malnutrition

Indian children suffer more malnutrition than in Ethiopia

keeping this in view, ur anaylsis become flawed, don''t show ur Blind patriotism, things are not this simple, it if would have been so simple this world wud have been a Heaven, but unfortunately its not...

As you said giving analysis is very easy but living the life is a different perspective. We Indians live with these people and have to interact with these people everyday one way or the other.

Blind patriotism,

It has nothing to do with patriotism it is the simple analysis that if you have 1$ you will not die hungry in India. No one denies that you cannot have luxuries of life but having luxuries is totally a different story.

I repeat we cant feel the pain of those ppl, any one who tries to justify a poverty coz u can get enough bread to be alive is a A** hole & look at the 'face' u made at the end of post, that was sick man...U & RAW do one thing, start living on two dollars....

I come from the same background where i was grown with no warm clothes for winter and my body was warmed with hands to keep me alive in winters. That was my scene 20 years back. So I think I have seen all this far closely then you can expect.
what do u mean by 'keep aside ur nationality'?

my point still stays. with 2$/day u can have ur basic needs met in india.

U listen to me, 2 dollar a day...
1) Food (3 times a day or may be u want to reduce it to 1)
2) clothing
4) utility Bills
5)House rent
Keeping in view the rates don't remain same, U go live with it, how easily u ppl are justifying it, UFFF ...
Two dollars a day take you a long way in India ?

(1) Tell me whats you can have for food ?

(2) What kind of living condition ?

(3) Anythings else to paid other than R.A.W. mentioned ?


(1) A simple meal with seasonable vegetable and chapati

(2)Living in a simple room with bathroom and electricity.

(3) I have tried to consider as much as i can. If anything is left out can be considered.
U listen to me, 2 dollar a day...
1) Food (3 times a day or may be u want to reduce it to 1)
2) clothing
4) utility Bills
5)House rent
Keeping in view the rates don't remain same, U go live with it...

I already gave you the data about the meal for a nuclear family of 3 costs around 30 for a single time.
I have already included rest of the things if you can go through the post, if you think that the price which I have included is redundant please let me know I ll provide you with more thorough analysis about how I have calculated it. For example how the meal for 3 costs around 30

No one is justifying poverty............ What the point is that you are not going to die of hunger with 2$ in your pocket
what about ration cards in India... does anyone has info on that?
what about ration cards in India... does anyone has info on that?

Ration cards have been an important part of the Public Distribution System (PDS) in India. On the basis of their economic condition, people can buy goods like food grains, sugar, kerosene, etc. at varying prices, with the help of their ration cards.

They are of three types:

* Antyodaya ration cards, issued to the poorest of the poor.
* Below Poverty Line (BPL) cards
* Above Poverty Line (APL) cards

For more info about the state wise distribution ration refer the following link
$2/day is ~Rs.90/day and that is equivalent to ~Rs.3000/month. Remember that this is the figure for every adult, not for every household. So, for every household, the average comes out to be ~Rs.6000/month.

For a family of 2 adults and 2 children, Rs.5000 to 6000/month is good enough to secure food, clothing and shelter. Now, the problem is that most poor families in India do not have 2 kids but 4 to 6 kids. And for a family of this size, that money is definitely less.

So.. the foremost priority for poor Indians should be better family planning. It is as simple as that.
$2/day is ~Rs.90/day and that is equivalent to ~Rs.3000/month. Remember that this is the figure for every adult, not for every household. So, for every household, the average comes out to be ~Rs.6000/month.

For a family of 2 adults and 2 children, Rs.5000 to 6000/month is good enough to secure food, clothing and shelter. Now, the problem is that most poor families in India do not have 2 kids but 4 to 6 kids. And for a family of this size, that money is definitely less.

So.. the foremost priority for poor Indians should be better family planning. It is as simple as that.
First of all get your facts right. Overall India's Average Per Capita Income is 38000 which includes you Ambanis, Tatas and Birlas. And this adds upto approximately 3000 per month. The discussion was supposed to be about the poor who are earning less than $2 Purchasing Power Parity.
Refer to: Purchasing power parity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For the poor class (between 28.5 to 50 %) the average income would be closer to Rs. 30-40 per day. And yes they are poor and yes we need to do more about them. There is no point in plain chest thumping while sharing the pedestal with 60 crore people who earn less than 35 rupees per day.

Rs. 100 / 90 per day is a fictitious number with no logical reasoning. Yes there are a huge number of poor people in India and I think this is an attempt to underplay their plight.
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