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Massive floods across Pakistan | Thousands Killed

Xeric, thanks for sharing & God bless

it really made my day today....

as for the fed. govt. --well, i'm not so sure.

“By far the most dangerous foe we have to fight is apathy - indifference from whatever cause, not from a lack of knowledge, but from carelessness, from absorption in other pursuits, from a contempt bred of self satisfaction''

-- William Osler
France sends 300,000 euros for flood relief

PARIS: France will give 300,000 euros (395,000 dollars) to three organisations working to provide relief for the victims of Pakistan's devastating monsoon floods, the foreign ministry said Friday.

In a statement, it said the donation, made after Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner met Pakistan's President Asif Ali Zardari earlier this week, would be shared by the French Red Cross, Handicap International and Secours Islamique.

This year's monsoon floods in northern Pakistan have endangered around 4.5 million people, UN officials said Friday, as relief workers warned the amount of aid needed is “absolutely daunting”. – AFP

Although it is appreciated whatever they have donated, but 300 000 coming from a country like france does not seem very generous. British redcross reported that the public in the UK have donated 2.5m pounds for the last 24 hours only.
On a related note, looking at Russia's decision to stop grain exports because of drought, the GoP needs to put an immediate embargo on wheat, sugar and rice exports, until the damage to crops and food production for 2010 is established.

The last thing we need on top of everything else is food shortages and skyrocketing food inflation because we exported non-existent food surpluses.
Coca Cola has donated more than France, let alone smaller economies. What scrooges.
Zardari has billions in assets. What has he donated? Same goes for the big wig Pakistani businessmen. I have seen their villas in Europe and Pakistan. Sab Khamosh, waiting on outsiders to feed us. If the ones with ability and money who are in leadership positions were doing the work of us poor and middle class people, we wouldn't need a single cent from donations.
According to british media mothafuka zardari has assets worth 60 billion$$
Before counting who has given how much we should look at our own government. There is no plan in place to meet any natural disasters. The 2005 earthquake lessons were not learned and there are no helicopters for relief and rescue. Due to climate change there would be more natural disasters and we have to have plans in place. We cannot wait for charity to help our own people.
Before counting who has given how much we should look at our own government. There is no plan in place to meet any natural disasters. The 2005 earthquake lessons were not learned and there are no helicopters for relief and rescue. Due to climate change there would be more natural disasters and we have to have plans in place. We cannot wait for charity to help our own people.

The NDMA cannot have several dozen helicopters just sitting around waiting for a disaster to happen - that would be impractical. It would have to arrange for pilots, maintenance, storage etc.

The most feasible way to have this capability, in a country like Pakistan, is to requisition them from institutions that already have the technical expertise and infrastructure to operate and maintain helicopters, and that is primarily the Army. There is a good case to be made for paramilitary forces such as the FC to be trained for disaster relief as well as COIN, border security, anti-smuggling etc - all of which would utilize airborne assets, and therefore be utilized continuously.

Beyond that, the scale of the flooding is massive, and once the floods became imminent, the response was always going to lag behind the needs of those affected. The lessons to be learned from the earthquake and floods are how to minimize the impact of both before the events occur again. In the case of the earthquake, lessons learned revolved around the construction of structures so that building collapses could be minimized next time. In the case of floods, we need to study whether more dams, flood canals etc. can be constructed to minimize/divert flood waters from more populated centers.

All this from a layman's perspective of course. Perhaps others can offer better insight and correct me where necessary.
The NDMA cannot have several dozen helicopters just sitting around waiting for a disaster to happen - that would be impractical. It would have to arrange for pilots, maintenance, storage etc.

Pakistan Army should have dual use helicopters that can also be used for relief operations. CH-47 Chinook and UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters have been deployed in Pakistan by US to help in relief work. We can buy these for Pakistan Army and have them available for rescue work during emergencies.
Pakistan Army should have dual use helicopters that can also be used for relief operations. CH-47 Chinook and UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters have been deployed in Pakistan by US to help in relief work. We can buy these for Pakistan Army and have them available for rescue work during emergencies.

We already have workhorses available with the Pakistan Army Aviation. MI-17, SA-330 PUMA, AB-205, Bell-412 are all capable of performing rescue and relief operations with ease. The problem isn't with our helicopters, problem's with the number of helicopters in our fleet.
We already have workhorses available with the Pakistan Army Aviation. MI-17, SA-330 PUMA, AB-205, Bell-412 are all capable of performing rescue and relief operations with ease. The problem isn't with our helicopters, problem's with the number of helicopters in our fleet.

Then we have to double our fleet of dual use helicopters.

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