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Massive floods across Pakistan | Thousands Killed

OK guys just cut the crap. The thread is about flood victims and it's related news. So remain stick to it. There are other threads where you can discuss such issues.

I am already frustrated over 1000 of my countrymen killed in this flood so please don't BS on this thread.

Because Bharat is known for such inhuman acts. You block Pakistani water in Summer when we need it the most and India Push the extra water into Pakistan to flood and Kill Pakistanis. WHY THE HELL OPEN THE EXTRA WATER INTO PAKISTAN DURING MONSOON??????

NOW SHUT UP and keep stealing water and killing innocent people YOu chunkya followers :angry:

Flood seen a blessing in disguise for Sindh farmers

Sunday, August 01, 2010
By Shahid Shah

KARACHI: The expected high-flood in Sindh next week after a gap of 14 years would be a blessing for the parched farmlands and salinity-hit regions, farmers and officials said on Saturday.

Sindh is expecting high flood next week when more than 700,000 cusecs (cubic feet per second) of water would cross the Gudu Barrage.

“This flood is a blessing in disguise for the farmlands that have become barren due to persistent water shortages,” said Mehmood Nawaz Shah, secretary general, Sindh Abadgar Board on Saturday.

The Indus would flow in full flood after 14 years, he said adding, this will improve sub-soil water level and even saline wells will be filled with fresh water.

The provincial authorities are seeking army’s help in securing weak embankments, flood management, and if needed evacuation operations, officials said.

“The situation is difficult, we were not prepared for that big a flood,” Shuja Ahmed Junejo, provincial secretary irrigation told The News on Saturday. “We have requested the army to reach the vulnerable points in the province.”

Routine preparations for the seasonal floods were in place, but the authorities were not ready for the sudden swell owing to the flash floods descending from Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa, said Junejo.

The authorities have called for the army’s help at the embankments to manage the flow of the river at vulnerable embankments.

There has been no major flood in Indus River for the last 14 years when super flood crossed in 1995.

In Ghotki district the Qadirpur embankment has been declared dangerous. Emergency has been declared and vacations of employees of the education department have been cancelled. “Schools are being evacuated to house the expected displaced people,” said an official. Official sources said a maximum flow of between 700,000 cusecs to 800,000 cusecs was expected at Gudu Barrage on August 9.

On Saturday noon inflow of water at Gudu Barrage was recorded at 252,434 cusecs and outflow was 230,911 cusecs. At Sukkur Barrage inflow was recorded at 205,540 cusecs and outflow 157,940 cusecs. Ghulam Mohammad Barrage (Kotri) recorded inflow of 95,685 cusecs and outflow 65,060 cusecs.

Idrees Rajput, former secretary irrigation, said that the last super flood came in 1995, when 950,000 cusecs water had crossed the Gudu Barrage. Managing that situation was not an issue as there had been another flood in 1992.

“Since there was almost no water for 14 years, management of this flood is difficult now,” he said.

“Water inflow above 900,000 cusecs is called super flood, which is not arriving this year.”

Mehmood Nawaz Shah said Sindh was not expecting much water but the deforestation of riverine areas would make it difficult for the authorities to save the banks.

“Forests protect from flood, but they have been cut and occupied by the influential people, who would cause damage to the banks,” he said.

“Only, some isolated pieces might be affected, otherwise it would benefit the whole agriculture, fisheries and wildlife of the province,” he said.
Believe me, I just came back from the scene while spending two days there working as a volunteer with a local NGO but the situation there is horrible, this is not what the media showing it to you. There are probably 10,000 - 20,000 people still missing and 100,000s people are trapped and still waiting for any help even though the Forces are still busy in rescuing the affected people.

We distributed some food in these two days but there is an intense need for Clean Drinking Water and the suffered people themselves are asking for Water in the meantime instead food.

Pray for Pakistan in flood crisis and a request to my Countrymen to Please come forward for help to give those miserable people a sign of relief and courage that they are not alone in this disaster, the whole nation is behind them. Please do Come Forward, this is the time to show your true patriotism and unity.

Wohi Mehfooz Rakhay Ga Merey Ghar Ko Balaaon Say,

Jo Barish Main Shajar Say Ghonsla Girnay Nahi Daita...

Inshallah (if Allah wills) we will overcome this disaster too as we did during the earthquake but them people do need help right now, I wish I could get time to take some snaps for you people to show. But please do spread this message among your contacts - THEY NEED HELP, HELP and HELP
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The death toll from Pakistan's worst floods in living memory has exceeed 1,100 and rescue workers are struggling to save more than 27,000 people trapped.

Officials on Sunday said that more than 1.5 million people have been affected by the floods, as bloated rivers washed away villages and triggered devastating landslides throughout the northwest of the country.

They warned the death toll could go even higher as rescuers have been unable to access certain areas.

"Aerial monitoring is being conducted, and it has shown that whole villages have washed away, animals have drowned and grain storages have washed away," Latifur Rehman, a spokesman for the Provincial Disaster Management Authority, said.

"The destruction is massive."

Khyber-Pakhtoonkhwa, formerly named North West Frontier province, has been worst hit but the flooding has also affected the central Pakistani province of Punjab.

Collapsed bridges

Al Jazeera's Sohail Rahman, reporting from the banks of River Swat in northwestern Pakistan, said damaged bridges were making it difficult to reach people stranded by flood waters.


Blog: Water, water all around but not a drop to drink
Video: Pakistan's worst floods
In pictures: Pakistan reels from floods
"Nearly three dozens helicopters are being used by the Pakistani military and the international community trying to help those who have been stranded," he said.

"There are thousands of people on each side of the banks trying to get across to safety. The navy has also arrived."

Officials said about 30,000 troops were involved in rescue efforts.

But some residents in the northwest were becoming increasingly angry with what they said was a lack of government response.

"My son drowned," Sehar Ali Shah, a local resident, told Al Jazeera. "The government is not taking care of us. It has not managed to find any alternative place for us to move to."

Hakimullah Khan, a resident of Charsadda town, told the Associated Press news agency that he has not received any help in tracking down his missing wife and three children.

Makeshift camps

Several camps, offering food and medicine, have been set up in schools and community centres by provincial and relief organisations in Khyber-Pakhtoonkhwa province.

The threat of disease raised concerns as some evacuees arrived in camps with fever, diarrhoea and skin problems.

"Our doctors have treated over 600 people just in the last two days and they are seeing a lot of cases of diarrhoea, fever and skin infections," Sonia Cush, the director of emergency response at Save the Children in Washington, DC, told Al Jazeera.

Al Jazeera's Sohail Rahman reports on Pakistan's worst floods in living memory

"We currently have emergency health teams moving around within the affected area treating people who urgently need healthcare, and our priorities are food, clean drinking water, healthcare and hygiene materials to ward off diseases.

"We will be distributing plastic sheeting to build makeshift shelters, but the hard work will only begin once the flood waters start to recede."

Officials from Unicef, the United Nations' children fund, said contaminated flood waters and lack of clean water could increase the risk of the spread of diarrhoeal diseases.

Children under five are especially vulnerable to dehydration from diarrhoea. With more than 40 per cent of the population under 18 years of age, the number of
children affected could be in the hundreds of thousands, they said.

A variety of nations and aid organisations have begun to mobilise a response to the disaster.

The United States announced on Sunday that it would provide Pakistan with $10m in humanitarian assistance.

The floods came after what meteorologists described as an "unprecedented" 30 centimetres of rain fell in just 36 hours. Experts believe the worst of the rainfall is now over, but the extent of the damage is still being assessed.

Poor weather may also have been a factor in Wednesday's Airblue plane crashthat killed 152 people near the capital, Islamabad.

I met a Women there (aged 35 - 40) who was in a sort of comma, whose Husband, Father in Law and Four children are sill missing.
what Pakistan government is doing on it??

You are Wrong.

ISLAMABAD: The Chinese government on Monday decided to provide an emergency humanitarian aid worth 10 million yuan to the Pakistan government to help in its relief efforts in the flood-hit areas.

According to a Spokesman of China’s embassy in Pakistan, the decision to extend assistance for flood relief and rescue in Pakistan is a reflection of the friendship that the Chinese Government and people have with the Pakistani Government and people.

Meanwhile, Diplomats and staff members of Chinese Embassy in Islamabad voluntarily donated Rs 600,000 to help the flood-affected people in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province.

The donation was made as a good-will gesture and to express solidarity and sympathy with the affected people.

Chinese Ambassador Liu Jian traveled to Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa and met the local officials Saturday afternoon.

The Ambassador expressed his condolences to the victims of the flood and his gratitude to the Pakistan government and people for their help in evacuating the flood-stranded Chinese workers and searching for the missing.

Liu handed over the donation and requested that it be immediately passed on to the flood-afflicted people.

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | China to provide 10 mn yuan humanitarian aid

EDIT: Zardari really knows how to take a picture.
Mods I am just pasting this under many topics so that I could get the maximum awareness, If you can spread this faster some how than please take the lead. if any nuisance, then feel free to delete.


Dear Pakistani Brothers and Sisters!

Pakistan is facing one of the worst floods in its recorded history. Hundreds have lost their life, thousands have lost their loved ones and Millions have lost their belongings. People have been forced to live under the sky and hope that some of their fellow country men/women would extend a hand of help and rescue.

While the Nation mourns and suffers this azab/chaos and looks to the Political leaders/admin for some sort of order and rescue, our PPP leaders are planning to have a party in UK and celebrate the begining of, next of kin, Bilawal bhuttos (aka Dictator Family) political career. Thousands of Pounds worth of Tax payers money has already been spent for booking of hotels and halls in UK. Even the recent Bashing of Pakistan by Brit PM has not turned any heads. Our Army officials have canceled the trip on their own initiative. Have our Poitical leaders no shame? Have they no Character? Is there agenda to lead Pakistan to Prosperity or to secure rein of their next Generation? I believe the answer is not hard to judge!

When will we rise up and say enough is enough? This is our Pakistan. Remember, no matter how long you live in foreign land you will never be a gora. period! Doesnt matter if you have a Passport or not. One more false flag operation and you will see automatically which group you blong to. Remember Pakistan is not Bad .. its only us who have handed our land to corrupt thiefs. Pakistan does not need your money, Pakistan needs you! Pakistan needs its sons and its daughters. One generation must sacrifice in order for the next to prosper on a strong foundation. We must protest what is right and what is wrong. We must take what is rightfully ours.

I would call all my Pakistani brothers and sisters living in or around UK to arrange a protest against Zardari partying in UK. Please call or arrange all your family, friends, colleagues to come forward and protest, throw eggs, shoes on these shameless looters. REMEMBER! Pakistan is yours. You own it! You are responsible for it! Stop looking at others to do your work. Now is the time to let all the Pakistanis know that "WE WILL NOT LET THIS CONTINUE, WE WILL PROTEST AND STOP THESE LOOTERS FROM MAKING FUN OF US"

I have never been to UK so I dont know where to gather or what Pakistani societies are active in UK. I would welcome your comments on how to arrange this protest. Some one just suggest a place to assemble for this protest. Please pass this to different forums and forward this to all your friends.

About 300 people in all of India.. I know.
I also know that the head of IRSA contacted his counterpart in India to ask him to co-ordinate water release to avoid flash floods in Lower Punjab and Sindh..
he was rebuffed with a simple "not our problem" line.

May I ask how exactly you know this? Can you quote some independent source for verification?

India might be able to help if it has ways to divert all this excess flood water. Perhaps india should start building the necessary infrastructure to divert the water to help pakistan out of tough spots like this.
Pakistan’s Flash Floods May Have Killed 3,000 People

Aug. 1 (Bloomberg) -- As many as 3,000 people may have died in flash floods that devastated northwestern Pakistan after heavy rains and affected almost a million people.

“The death toll could go as high as 3,000 because the level of destruction has been so great,” Mujahid Khan, chief spokesman for Edhi rescue service, said by telephone from Peshawar yesterday.

The death toll currently stands at 1,025, Khan said today. The flood disaster follows the deaths of 152 people when a plane crashed in heavy rain near the capital, Islamabad, on July 28. Homes and bridges have collapsed in the rain, live electric wires have fallen into the waters and families have been swept away in the floods while food supplies for survivors dwindle.

“We can see people drowning but we can’t go into the water because of its high pressure,” Khan said two days ago. “The relief efforts of everyone combined is only 5 percent of what’s required.”

Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani, who toured the stricken province by air, ordered the government provide food to people at safe locations. The United Nations said two days ago that almost a million people had been affected by the floods.

Southern Province

Floods may reach the southern province of Sindh within the next few days, Information Minister Sumsam Bokhari told a news conference in Islamabad yesterday. The Sindh government has ordered residents along the banks of the River Indus to be evacuated.

Army troops equipped with life jackets, motorboats and heavy rafts were called in yesterday to help move families to safety, according to a statement on the military’s website.

Pakistani television channels showed images of people on flooded roads grabbing wreckage to keep from being swept away, drowning goats and buffalo, and makeshift boats.

“All the houses in my village have been destroyed and now it’s simply a fight for survival,” Mehmood Khan, a tribal elder, said by telephone from Wana, South Waziristan, on July 30. “Food supplies have started to run out. We haven’t eaten in 48 hours and the scant food supplies we saved for women and children may not last long.”

U.K. charity Oxfam said the flood may be Pakistan’s worst for 35 years. “People in the flood’s wake were already desperately poor and what little possessions they had have been washed away,” said Jane Cocking, Oxfam’s humanitarian director. The charity said it was considering a “sizable aid package.”

The districts of Nowshera, Charsadda, Peshawar, Swat, and Lower Dir are the worst affected, according to the government.

The first spell of the monsoon started on July 22 and affected the western province of Baluchistan, according to the National Disaster Management Agency in Islamabad.
In this Tragic Movement Our very Own People Need us. Please Come forward and Support your Countrymen Those who have lost their families, Lands, Houses in flood.

Contact Edhi Foundation
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