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Massive floods across Pakistan | Thousands Killed

what a lame excuse the flood affected china too but we still donate money to Pakistan.After all india keep boasting they are the third largest and prety soon the second largest economy in the world.

india the nation soon to over take china as second biggest economy in the world donation to pakistan flood relife= zero

shame on india

Before jumping please read reply of Vinod2070
US aid to flood-hit Pakistan totals $76m

The US assistance to the flood-affected areas of Pakistan has totalled $76 million, the state department said.

"As of this morning, the additional money that the US is providing is to Save the Children, and that's $4.1 million. That will be used for food vouchers enabling flood victims to purchase food in their local markets," department spokesmanMark Toner said on Thursday.

Toner also said the 19 helicopters ordered by defence secretary Robert Gates to help the affected population will be in place over the next few days.

The US has recently announced several aid packages to Pakistan as the country encounters one of the worst floods in its history.

Read more: US aid to flood-hit Pakistan totals $76m - US - World - The Times of India US aid to flood-hit Pakistan totals $76m - US - World - The Times of India
good..more aid needed..it was actually a big scale disaster that has probably gone mostly unnoticed...BTW which are the countries that have helped so far ??
Also, maybe it is because there is no white people in Pakistan. Even though most people don't like to admit, but unconsciously this will come across to those who make decisions. If the flood is in any European country and there are 13 million white European suffering, I can bet the reaction from UK will be much different.

Pakistan should stop helping the fight against "terror" and focus on the flood problem since western nations don't want to help Pakistan's flood victims.
Pakistan should stop helping the fight against "terror" and focus on the flood problem since western nations don't want to help Pakistan's flood victims.

if you stop fighting, they(the Taliban/Al Qaeda) will attack you.
Please post all US flood aid and relief related news in this thread instead of starting new ones in multiple sections.
India still debating whether to send aid to Pakistan

wow, what neighbors. Forget aid, did we even hear a word of sympathy from India?
What explains the tight-fisted Pakistan floods response

The steady drip of negative 'terror'-obsessed media coverage has done Pakistanis a great disservice

Catriona Luke

guardian.co.uk, Friday 13 August

Compare and contrast: within days of the 2004 tsunami, £100m had poured into Oxfam, the Red Cross and other charities, and by February 2005 when the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) closed its appeal, the total stood at £300m. The Haiti earthquake appeal closed with donations of £101m. The DEC total for the Pakistan floods appeal has just reached £10m. .

The reasons for this disparity aren't complex. There has been a slow steady drip of negative media coverage of Pakistan since the 1980s, and if it lessened a little in the 90s as civilian governments went in and out of administration, it became inevitably tougher with the return of a military government, 9/11, the "growth" of Islamic extremist organisations in Pakistan, and the ins and outs of apparent ISI-sponsored terrorism in both Mumbai and Afghanistan. At home, Pakistan's image has been affected by debates about burqas, the bombings in London in 2005 and the country's perennial linguistic association with "terror".

British readers and viewers know little of Pakistan and – with the exception of writers such as the Guardian's Declan Walsh and Saeed Shah, as well as Aleem Maqbool, who has given sensitive coverage for the BBC in Islamabad, and exemplary analysis and comment on the BBC World Service by Owen Bennett-Jones and Lyse Doucet – reporting of the country is poor and superficial.

BBC News online is not exempt from criticism. In its old format, the BBC online South Asia site had always run features and good news stories about India, but Pakistan coverage was pretty much limited to bombings, violence and hardship. This is despite the fact that "India Shining" has a huge population of citizens living in poverty – see Chris Morris's shocking report in May for the BBC – and that hunger and neglect by government is the daily lot of 35% of the population – or 450 million people.

India also has its own homegrown insurgency. The Naxalite/Maoist "terrorists" in the north-east are a dangerous challenge to Indian stability, but this extremism – and its causes, which lie in poverty – escapes international censure. In July the UN index showed that there are more people in poverty in eight states of India than in the 26 countries of sub-Saharan Africa. There are finally suggestions in the press that the responsibility for lack of resolution of conflict in Kashmir over 60 years at present lies more firmly with India.

Back in the UK, the communities of Pakistan descent, a large proportion of Mirpuri origin, have behaved in an exemplary fashion over the last decade. When David Miliband commented in the Guardian, at the time of the incoming Obama administration, that the "war on terror" had been a mistake, I wrote to him to say that as he well knew, the "war on terror" had been a gross and disingenuous overstatement and that British citizens were tens of thousands of times more likely to die from car accidents, alcohol, obesity and heart disease than from terror attacks.

Young Britons of Pakistani origin tend to grow up in in settled and productive communities. Many achieve high marks in school and a proportion go on to university. Family life is generally taken very seriously and the success of efforts within communities to help young people through difficult pressures of the culture and politics of faith both external and internal to their communities are frankly miraculous.

For this they have to put up with an unending diet of "terror", "extremist" and anti-burqa rants from the press, while seeing their grandparents' and parents' home country torn often apart in foreign policy analysis. The most unnecessary headline the Evening Standard has run (quite a competitive field) was "What Londoners think of Muslims" (14 November 2007). It was beyond reason and beyond taste and had it been phrased differently – what Londoners think of Jews, or perhaps even what they think of Catholics, it would have been referred straight to the Press Complaints Commission.

In April I went to hear Ali Sethi, Kamila Shamsie and Moni Mohsin, writers well known in Pakistan, speak at the National Portrait Gallery. If they were dismayed at the coverage and levels of ignorance about their country, such dismay was expressed with humour and warmth. Moni Mohsin, particularly, told how on a recent visit to Lahore in February, while at the hairdressers and with some bombing recently in the city, her two stylists were chattering away above her head about the real worry, that it was Valentine's Day and you could not find little gold hearts anywhere but anywhere, as they had sold out in all the shops and bazaars.

Pakistanis are subcontinental people, and are in many ways similar to their neighbours in India. They share cultural ties, history and – a personal view here – a great warmth of character that is unique to this part of the world. We are spectators to the difficulties that the subcontinent and particularly Pakistan is going through, but we could perhaps wonder at the wretched and unfounded image of Pakistan when viewed through the lens of the British media. And perhaps not be so surprised that having swallowed this over many years, the public find it hard to overcome their misgivings and to give.
A thread to discuss the aftermath of the flood and relief efforts in general is perhaps a better idea.
India still debating whether to send aid to Pakistan

Read more: India still debating whether to send aid to Pakistan - India - The Times of India India still debating whether to send aid to Pakistan - India - The Times of India

I think India should still provide aid despite the hostility from the other side. Obviously our political class is more reticent after the rejection of aid the last time around.

what????? still debating? by the time india decided to send aid to pakistan most of the people affected already dead...cunning ploy by the nation who keep talking about values , human right and biggest democracry country
what????? still debating? by the time india decided to send aid to pakistan most of the people affected already dead...cunning ploy by the nation who keep talking about values , human right and biggest democracry country

So the people are at mercy of the Indian aid???
A thread to discuss the aftermath of the flood and relief efforts in general is perhaps a better idea.

Are you referring to a thread on reconstruction and rehabilitation efforts?

If so, yes, I had that in mind. I was unsure when to start it though, since currently the focus is still on relief, with continuing rains and more flood surges forecast.

But nothing wrong in starting it now - elicit ideas on how best to approach the issue.
the effectiveness of a rescue mission is to send aid fast and immediate to an affected area

Surely, India would have given or taken decision faster if it was any other country. After all India has given $10 million to Palestine and $5 million each to Chile and Haiti after earth quake disasters.

Even if the flood was in Bangladesh or Srilanka, India's response would have been quite different, would have pledged in more and would have lend its hand in rescue efforts.

India obviously would think twice before helping out its enemy country who were less than grateful last time around as shown in vinod's posted article.
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