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Featured Mass brawl in Crete between Greeks and Pakistanis

Apko Ghabrana Nahi Hai
Puttar, where r u? Pani aa chuka; ALLAH SWT nay teri khawahish puri kar di hay. Ab uth tay kum tay lag.
Wo tera 'London ki sarkon' k haram-khor sher phir bimaar ho gaya hai. Go and donate some blood platelet to him. Definitely you will be the best and suitable donor.
Ghabrana nai hai, apny role model ko bachana hai ... !
'Get out of our country': A Pakistani migrant's Greek story

A Pakistani migrant worker tells of the attack that left him badly beaten and reconsidering his future in the country


Gulbaz Mohammed, 36, was attacked while walking home from work late one night in May [Nick Paleologos/SOOC/Al Jazeera]


Shahzad Ahmed, 34, was attacked before sunrise on Eid, while heading to morning prayers [Nick Paleologos/SOOC/Al Jazeera]


"When someone attacks us, they are not hurting one person; they are hurting five, six, seven people for each [attack]," Ishaq added, referring to their families back in Pakistan.

That is why Ahmed didn't tell his family about what happened to him. "I didn't want to make my wife cry," he said, looking down as his hands fidgeted nervously.

He knows that she would demand he come home and with their hypothetical arguments playing out in his mind and worries about the lower salary he would earn in Pakistan, he reluctantly decided to hide it from her.

But the effects of the attack have stayed with him.

"I don't go outside any more," he said.

"They beat me on the face, so that other people could see the damage they do to us."


But now, he reflected, "If someone in Pakistan asked me about coming here… I'd tell them not to. There are some really good people, but there are also animals."


But now, he reflected, "If someone in Pakistan asked me about coming here… I'd tell them not to. There are some really good people, but there are also animals."
poor Shahzad Ahmed, a guess he is already an a flight back to Pakistan... or not?
poor Shahzad Ahmed, a guess he is already an a flight back to Pakistan... or not?

Reconquerer, self-modeled crusader I assume.

He is staying right there in Greece. Cheap intimidation of this sort doesn't always work.

These guys are brought in to cultivate the last that locals do not have skill or desire to do.

Did you not study movements for Jewish rights in Europe, and Irish/Italian/Native American/Black rights in the US?

Evil never pays.
They probably watched 300 and thought they were Spartans :lol:

Pakistanis are tough, ask the BNP skinheads in the UK how many of their casualties are caused by Pakistanis.

I myself witnessed first-class KOs of racists by Pakistanis in public when I was there.

Greece can lose alot if it does not stop crimes against Pakistani farm hands. It will be difficult to replace that kind of labor from the Pakistani agriculture industry.

This is a government to government deal by both countries which has helped Greece for many years.
Why do you muslim guys always demand tolerance here in Europe, being completely intolerant yourself? what would happen if a woman in a bikini would go to a pakistani beach? why do we have to accepted Burka women and however you call the dress guys wear?

Why do you claim to support freedom of religion?
thats not fair 200 Pakistanaki against 20 yunani

It is because they attacked Pakistanis in a Pakistani area. They have burned homes of these workers in the past and pick on lone workers in the streets.

It is very volatile in Greece. These farmhands do not leave their areas, but even here they are not safe.

These jobless Golden Dawn members could work instead of preventing those growing their food and industry from working.

They did the same to Turks in the past and ethnically cleansed Greece of Turks and Muslims. Only Western Thrace is a region with high Muslim population left.

They even do not allow any masjid in the rest of Greece. Many of the old masajid are bars and nightclubs. Now they are closing Islamic schools in Western Thrace.
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Why do you muslim guys always demand tolerance here in Europe, being completely intolerant yourself? what would happen if a woman in a bikini would go to a pakistani beach? why do we have to accepted Burka women and however you call the dress guys wear?
Except for terrorists, no one goes around beating up European visitors to Pakistan or European residents in Pakistan.

So the only thing your false equivalence shows me is that you're justifying terrorists and terrorism, or at the very least justifying racists and racism.
Except for terrorists, no one goes around beating up European visitors to Pakistan or European residents in Pakistan.

No one is getting beaten up, if he/she stays below the radar, but you clearly wouldn't accepted if, let's say, Germans would come to Pakistan to party Oktoberfest, everyone in strange dresses, everyone partying, everyone drunk, right?

So why do we have to accept that you come here, because obviously even in poor Greece life is much better than in Pakistan, but then you live exactly the same lifestyle you lived at home, what is part of the reason, that your country is rather poor.

Explain to me please!
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