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Masjids and use of Loud Speakers

Delivering Adhan does not offend me but offering Salat/Namaz on loudspeaker especially Fajars that is surely offending.

“In mosques Loud speakers should be confined to AZAN or for death announcement only”
Abu Sa’eed al-Khudri – may Allaah be pleased with him – said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) observed i’tikaaf in the mosque and he heard them raising their voices in reciting Qur’aan. He drew back the curtain and said: “Each of you is conversing with his Lord, so do not disturb one another, and do not raise your voices above one another in reciting Qur’aan – or in prayer.”
we should follow the teachings of ISLAAAM.....but unfortunately we have forgotten the teachings of ISLAAM....
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