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Masjid Band Nahi Hongi | Mufti Muneeb ur Rehman and Mufti Taqi Usmani Aggressive Press Conference

Ideally we should take advantage of the pandemic to clean out the religious trash from all sects. The government should issue an official order against religious congregations (all faiths and all sects), get the opposition on board, and start arresting religious leaders that violate government orders and put thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of Pakistanis at risk.

The problem is that the religious nut jobs are not going to just take this lying down and they'll instigate protests and possibly riots that will require the government to divert resources AND said protests/riots will turn into another source of spreading the virus.

So the GoP is genuinely stuck between a rock and a hard place. The fault here is with successive governments, both elected political governments and military led governments, that have allowed the Mullah's to get to this point. Just like the TLP, these bluffs needed to be called and the State's writ established a lot earlier when the State could allocate resources to contain the fall out.
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The UK is not a Muslim country so we follow the law of the land.
People like you have no problem with following a non-Muslim government "imposing restrictions on Muslims" (as you claimed Pakistan is doing) but are butthurt if Muslims in Pakistan cooperate with their government and would be happy if there is more chaos in Pakistan
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A foreign-funded political party, Government cannot impose restrictions on Islam and Muslims in Pakistan.

What makes it okay for all the journalists in this press conference huddle together?
The government proposal to close mosques and other religious congregations is completely justified and necessary.

Instead of coming up with lame excuses to justify religious stupidity (maulvis demanding mosques stay open) by pointing to journalists, criticize the journalists and others for not practicing social distancing.

The esteemed elders should have also laid out a plan for social distancing while attending prayers.

They say Hayalal Salah and Falah not Malik Riaz and Mansha from the loudspeakers.
The UK is not a Muslim country so we follow the law of the land.

Pakistan is run by a foreign-funded Shaikh Chilli Government which is clueless, incompetent, thoughtless, confused and just stupid.

They knew thousands of infected had entered Pakistan from Iran, they had them in their mobile labs and then simply just released all of them untreated into the rest of the 221 million population.

What a brainless, heartless and stupid Government.

Wannabe Pakistanis should no bullshit about anything related to Pakistan.
He insisted that in order to get rid of the virus, it was imperative to seek forgiveness from Allah and increase the populace in mosques.

Every week, Aziz releases footages of huge congregations gathered for Friday prayers, denouncing the restrictions imposed by the government. As a result, the number of mosques organising large Friday congregations is increasing in Islamabad.

All hail the mullahs.

But they were stopped as female students came out from the mosque and sat on the road and in front of the heavy machinery.

These female students need a heavy dose of Love Jihad.

Edit : I think this joke was in bad taste.
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These female students need a heavy dose of Love Jihad.
These female students, in fact everything associated with the Lal Masjid Mullah's, are toxic.

It is the same Lal Masjid leadership that caused so many lives to be lost because the government was forced to take forceful action utilizing the military to get them to back off of vigilantism and violence. The Lal Masjid events also had an impact on the rise of TTP terrorism in FATA and Swat back then because the violence was used to project terrorist propaganda & lies that the State 'massacred innocent Muslims in the Lal Masjid'.

These 'female students' were just as guilty and involved in terrorism & hate-mongering back then as they are now.
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Meanwhile in countries where majority people are Muslims and most follow their government

Indonesia :
Indonesian Mosque Council tells ailing Muslims to pray at home

Jordan :
Twenty-two Muslim worshippers who went to pray in a mosque in the working-class district of Russaifa near Amman, the capital, were arrested for violating a strict ban on public prayers in mosques.

Brunei :
Mosques, suraus closure extended to April 20

Saudi :
Saudi Arabia bans prayers at mosques over coronavirus fears

Egypt :
Egypt closes mosques, churches

Turkey :
Turkey shutters mosques for Friday prayers and holy night

Malaysia :
Malaysian state closes mosques to stem virus spread

None of these countries follow an imported non-indigenous British system of government that is imposed in Pakistan by the British leftover elites of Pakistan, that is the difference.
The UK is not a Muslim country so we follow the law of the land.

Pakistan is run by a foreign-funded Shaikh Chilli Government which is clueless, incompetent, thoughtless, confused and just stupid.

They knew thousands of infected had entered Pakistan from Iran, they had them in their mobile labs and then simply just released all of them untreated into the rest of the 221 million population.

What a brainless, heartless and stupid Government.
What makes you want to advocate for people to defy the law of the land in Pakistan while living abroad obeying the law in UK. I am guessing because it doesn't affect you whatsoever. What do I know. :p:

this is a Muslim issue. not an agnostic issue.
That's cruel. What other opportunity will liberals and non-Muslims have to bash Islam and Maulvis?

Please allow them to vent out their inner frustration. Pakistan will always be Islamic for its cockroach little people and nobody can change that :pakistan:
I am yet to see any logical, scientific argument from you two on why closing down Mosques or limiting the numbers of those allowed inside to pray is not necessary as part of the measures to control the spread of COVID-19.

Attacking those arguing in favor of mosque restrictions/closures instead of posing your own rational counter-arguments suggests an emotional, irrational knee jerk approach to the issue.
These female students, in fact everything associated with the Lal Masjid Mullah's, are toxic.

It is the same Lal Masjid leadership that caused so many lives to be lost because the government was forced to take forceful action utilizing the military to get them to back off of vigilantism and violence. The Lal Masjid events also had an impact on the rise of TTP terrorism in FATA and Swat back then because the violence was used to project terrorist propaganda & lies that the State 'massacred innocent Muslims in the Lal Masjid'.

These 'female students' were just as guilty and involved in terrorism & hate-mongering back then as they are now.

Is there currently no one as courageous as Musharraf ??

What these youth require is freedom from misguidance. They require arrest and re-education.
None of these countries follow an imported non-indigenous British system of government that is imposed in Pakistan by the British leftover elites of Pakistan, that is the difference.
Which has nothing to do with the necessity of closing mosques or restricting attendance to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Either provide rational, logical and scientific arguments in support of your position that mosques should not be closed or attendance restricted, or prepare to have nonsensical posts like these deleted.
Masjids need to be turned into shelters for homeless people and needy people and/or as temporary place to spend few night/days as there is a large number of poor immigrants from villages to cities who cannot afford even cheap motels, part of it and not the whole mosque.

Masjids utility need to be enhanced many times as now out of 24 hrs only 1 hour or so is spent in Masjids and most of the times it lies vacant...and they are all govt. properties run by Aufaaq dept.

They(Masjids) should arrange for meals for the poor at night, as done at dargahs and many mazars...they are few and far between.

Can be used as schools imparting deeni and modern education alike. Some mosques do run madrassahs...

Now these mosques are not utilized in a fair manner, and they sits on prime lands.
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